《Munivit Anima》Prologue 2 Struggle and Defeat


Four years during the war, General Nathan is winning but what he didn’t know that in those four years

Emperor Zion has gathered almost all of the Dragons to fight for him and by the year 3789, the Age of Changes has begun.

The Dragons launched an attack to all bases of Resvos and by the heat of their flames no single being

has survived. King Nathan and the other races were surprised, he never thought the Emperor would find a way and outsmart them. King Nathan fought back with all his might but lost, they never wound even a single Dragon. In just seven days, his kingdom has fallen.

After king Nathan was captured, the Emperor was the one who gave him punishment and beheaded him in front of his people and declared that the continent of Reha will never be again divided. All the years

of war and effort for freedom of slaves and equality had been put to waste.

The elves together with the Beastkins secluded themselves into the deep forest, the Dwarves hid their

selves in the volcanoes, The Orcs ran away into the wastelands of the east and the Demons retreated

back to the Demon Continent

Now that the dragons fulfilled their promise, it’s time for Emperor Zion to fulfill his own. He gave them

all the Riches of Resvos, but he had to march his army into the Demon Continent to get black diamonds.

Part 4

300,000 of the Human army together with the Dragons marched towards the Demon Continent. After

they reached the shore, blood bath has immediately begun, the Dragons devouring the Demon army

and the Human army collecting the black diamonds. This will continue for a 120 years.

The Demon King Agara was angry and sad. He lost ¾ of the Demon continent and the Humans doesn’t


take prisoners which led the Demons to face extinction, the Demon king has no choice but to use his last

resort, The power that might save them.

Demon King Agara called all his wisest mages to help summon a soul, give it a body and fight for them to

avoid the extinction of the Demon race. During the process Demon King Agara used 70% of his power

and now picking a soul that is currently flowing in the dimension of life and death, it is the place where

all souls of different world gather before they go to afterlife.

Agara noticed something in the soul that currently flowing slowly that looks like it doesn’t want to go, a

certain soul full of great pain, regret and anger but at the same time full of conviction, and fortitude. It

seems like fortitude is the essence of that soul.

“I… never saw something like this before….”

Compare to the other souls which only contains anger, regret, love, lust or kindness this soul is very


“A soul of resilience huh, seems like this person died for what he believe is right. I see, I will take you. ”

The Demon King took the soul in his palm.

“Now, time to make a body.”

The Demon king was about to create a body, but suddenly his stumbled and fell down.


“Your Highness!”

The mages tried to help him then Agara said in a low voice.

“I used all my power… this is..”

The soul that was on his palm is now slowly fading as ever second passes by, the dimension of life and

death is pulling the soul back.

“It’s impossible for me to give it a body in my current state”

“That’s…” the mages mumbled with the sound of defeat.


“But don’t worry, I’ll use my remaining power to give instruction to the soul so it will automatically find a

host instead of going back to that damn dimension.”

He poured power into his hand then transfer it to the soul.

“Now go… Find a host… Find a mother that will give birth to you.”

The soul as if listening to his words soar towards the sky then immediately travel at very high speed

“I guess we have to hold on for several years for our little soul to grow and come to save us… Quickly follow it!”

“Yes, your Highness!” Then several mages started tracking the soul while the others follow the path it


What the demon king didn’t know, the Humans together with the Dragons has started to retreat

because the Dragons are now finally satisfied with the black diamonds they have and the Humans

doesn’t want to lose more lives in their ranks so they decided to retreat.

Several months later, going back to the Empire of Entros who still ruled by Emperor Zion, who is now

semi-immortal thanks to the years of research of magic and the implantation of cells of the different

races that maintains his power and physical strength, He can still live for more than 70 years or so. Right now one of his new wives whom they believe infertile is currently pregnant and now giving birth to the 38th Prince of the Empire of Entros.

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