《Mother Dryad & Father Dragon》Chapter 15


“Are you all right, son? Were you taken aback by the news?” My mother inquired, concerned. I was aware that I was breathing rapidly, but I quickly calmed down before standing up. “What's wrong?” She asked.

“If it's alright with you, I'd like to go out and lay in that field over there; the grass looks great. For the past five years, I've been sleeping on a wood floor. It would be nice to lay down on some grass.” My mother expresses concern to my father, but they both agree to let me go.

I knelt on the grass, allowing it to caress my skin. As I feel the grass, my mood darkens as I realize what I've discovered. All along, it had been humans. They were the ones who tainted the world and turned it into what it is now. They have enslaved and exterminated intelligent species. They were the catalysts for my mother and father's seclusion, as well as my own.

Guilt runs through my veins when I consider the things that humans have done in this world. It hurts that they did it, but it hurts even more that I'm not surprised. Humans in my world have always been like this, if you think about it. With the exception of 22 countries, Great Britain has invaded every country on the planet. Churches used fear tactics to rule over kingdoms and extort money from the poor. Humans have enslaved other humans solely for the color of their skin. Why would they not enslave someone of a different species? Humans have always been this way, and I'm sure I am as well!

As I cried, I noticed a pond in the distance. Without even asking my parents, I walk over to the pond and bury my head in the water. The feeling of cool water on my face helped me unwind. As I pull my head out of the water, water drips down my hair. I notice my nails as I shake the water off my hands. To pass the time, these sharp nails were used to scratch the walls and draw ugly drawings on them. When I look at myself in the water, I notice more unique features about my body. My father gave me scales that covered my joints and other body parts. Horns protruded out my head the length of a middle finger in a charger form type fashion.


My Vine Control ability grew as a result of being imprisoned for five years. The skill has progressed to a massive level 20 over the years. I can now lift small objects all over my room and I don't even need mana. But that's all it's capable of; it's just hair that can pick up objects. It is incapable of attacking or defending anything, but I am proud of them because they are a part of me. All of these characteristics are a part of who I am.

That's right, I'm the son of my parents. I am a freaking hybrid, not a human. I'm half-dragon, half-dryad! The Creator sent me to make this world a better place. Humans have sickened the world with their deception, and I will be the one to set my people free. My previous life is no longer a part of me; this is the start of a new chapter in a different world.

I leap to my feet and charge towards my parents, tackling them to the ground. “Mom, dad, I'm all set.” I declare.

“Set for what?” They ask.

“You said they'd come looking for me. I don't want to hide in a shed again; instead, I want to fight. Teach me to fight so that I can die trying rather than being enslaved and doing nothing.” I say this with pride. My father beams with admiration, and my mother sobs as she clutches me in a tight hug.

“Yes son we will make you the strongest this world has ever seen!” My father says.

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