《Rise of the death seeking emperor》26- First Calamity (IV)



".. Now for your mission on the spatiotemporal hell, or I'd say the calamity you have to face, it is fighting low level demons at the Chi sensing realm.

Though the Chi sensing realm might seem easy for the both of you — as you have already sensed the 4 energies, thus able to sense the fusion of them after the Chi formation realm.

But that obviously isn't the same for the others — as it is the first realm in their Chi cultivation path, though it won't be the case for clans as they might have special realms that have potent Chi to sense, it isn't for those demons that are mindless and only used for the calamity.."

".. Though the demons are only at the Chi sensing realm, don't underestimate them as they have been exposed to the outside Chi on their whole lives — Thus having a stronger body than others , especially those demons that have violent Chi in the air.."

".. But that wouldn't be a problem for you, as in the Chi sensing realm they might be slightly more powerful than others in the same realm due to the violent Chi in the spatiotemporal hell, but that's it.."

".. The calamity is extremely dangerous and deadly for someone were they to be in your shoes, but that naturally wouldn't be the case — as you can fight the low level demons, but it's gonna be a fight where the winning side is unknown, due to the huge number of demons that might surround the two of you, and their battle strength that would be at the very least at the Nao transformation realm (though just in terms of power, not in the actual realm.).."

".. So it would be a tough fight, and the winning side would be left undecided, because only in the case of fighting that many powerful demons can your calamity be called as such.."

".. Now enough talking, I've told you about the calamity already, also if you ever see those Earth beasts.."It then positioned towards the Earth beasts, and then specifically at the Earth master beasts, and continued:" They have to kill some of their underlings in order to summon me, thus making you aware of the first calamity, but you killed even more of their kin..." The figure sighed as it thought of something, before looking at the Earth master beasts, then nodded..


"Alright, let bygones be bygones, we would have a feud that would leave the two of you have severe injuries, now for the compensation, one of the Earth master beasts that has an offspring, can let him be either Vermin or Adel's companion, not pet.."It then paused as it looked at the many beast masters present who looked unwilling, before continuing".. You don't know how high those two would achieve in the future, thus you're still unaware of how high one if your offsprings can reach.."Finished the figure, but the beast masters still seemed to be hesitating for something..

".. Oh, if you're worried about the beast not visiting his or her parent in the future, then don't worry about it as you can use this.."It then showed a thin thread in its fingers that looked extremely ancient, and continued:".. This thread here can connect the two of you if you wanted to talk to each other.."

The beast masters finally nodded, but then a problem developed, which was who was the beast master that would give their offspring to either Adel or Vermin, as fighting intent flashed in their eyes as they looked into each other, but as they were about to fight, the figure then waved its hand before continuing:

"You don't have to fight, all I have to do is check which one of your offsprings has the best talent to continue along with Adel and Vermin — as that talent requires to be high, so.." It then used a few hand signs, before scanning the whole place, looking for some offspring that was the beast masters'.

That took around 15 minutes, before the figure looked dejected, but then it suddenly saw something that made a look of shock appear on its face, before sighing and then bringing the offspring at its hand..

The beast masters were confused as to why it brought to them an offspring that they didn't recognize — as even they didn't know it..


That was natural, as the beast masters were breeding a lot on many other beasts to continue their lineage, or have a powerful offspring that might help it in the future, but even they didn't know all the number of offsprings, as they only paid attention to the talented ones in their sight..


But the offspring that the figure showed wasn't one any of them recognized — which only meant one thing: the offspring hadn't been noticed by them, due to the beast for being too weak or not having talent for cultivation in their eyes..


The offspring that resided in the figure's hands was a small beast that was 2 feet tall, it looked frail and weak, as even its bones were a bit shown on the outside..

It was 1 meter wide, as it had a mouth with jaws that had sharp teeth shown on them, along with two eyes that were shining with a brown light..

It had a small tail that was a few centimeters long ,and a shell on its back that looked 'frail'..


The beast masters though were a bit speechless as they looked at the offspring on the figure's hand, but didn't say much as they knew the figure wouldn't bring such a weak beast to be their companion..

And just like they thought, the figure then looked at Adel before saying:" Control your strength to that of Mana core formation, and that would only hurt those in the Mana core formation realm cultivators, not higher, and attack its shell.." It then made its hand lower in the same height as Adel in order to attack it.

Adel didn't say much, nodded and motioned towards the shell with the same output as the figure said..

The shell didn't explode, but instead it bounced back the attack at Adel, who in turn just casually waved his hand before nullifying the attack.

The other beast masters were shocked as they saw how it bounced back — because the offspring was barely at the blood refining realm and could bounce back the power of Mana core formation realm!

The figure then sighed for a few moments, before motioning towards a beast master, and continuing:".. You, it's your offspring that you have neglected to the degree of it being bullied by other Blood refining realm offsprings, while it indeed can bounce back the attack, what other earth beast would attack another in their shell, knowing that they wouldn't succeed in hitting it?

About this offspring, you have neglected her due to her mother passing away after her birth , and the line of ' because you loved her mother you neglected her ' was the same to you too, right?" The beast master that the figure looked at nodded , before the figure continued:".. You just don't know the wonders of fate, it has died in order to do an impossible occurrence, the process is unknown even to me, but the result was its mother sacrificing her life in order to give the beast a celest.." The world suddenly shook around the figure's words, as it looked like some powerful barrier was interfering in order to stop it from continuing its words, but it just waved its hand, getting rid of the barrier in its presence, and continued:"..Celestial talent that allows your offspring to reach the celestial realm, which is something that should be impossible, but *sigh*, the price was its mother, a being that had the four primordial energies, to die while giving birth to the offspring.."

The beast masters, Adel and Vermin, were shocked when they saw the world shaking in order to prevent it from continuing, but they released a sigh of relief as they saw that nothing happened..

But they were still shocked by the figure's words : Celestial realm? What's that realm that even the world seemed to be afraid of saying?

Though surprisingly, they just shook their heads as they didn't think too much about it...


Meanwhile, on Adel's soul, the figure then opened its eyes as it murmured something only it could hear:" So it has begun... The celestial talent offspring process was successful, thus it would be a massive help to the two of them, but unbeknownst to them, it's made the calamity's level even higher.."



No chapter on Friday, I'm busy sorry.

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