《Reign of the Wallenstein》Chapter 7


The life of an elementary-grade brat is quite monotonous. There's nothing important I have to do, but that’s good. I like peace. There’s no life-threatening moment every time you try to poop, no one shooting at you in the middle of a good night's sleep. Yup, I like the peace we have here. But, sometimes I felt that It was too peaceful. It was so peaceful that it made me uneasy.

Oh, and my hunch was proven right as the screen that currently playing mom’s ads suddenly switched to some random newslady. But something is different somehow. The atmosphere is heavy and that proper smile you can always find on the newslady was nowhere to be found. Himiko who was sitting beside me also reacted poorly. She cried out as she whacked the front couch with her fist, causing the driver to cough a mouthful of shock.

Looking at the way she reacts, this must be something serious.

“This witch! she dares to sabotage madam’s ads!? Unforgivable! she deserves a thousand death!”

I feel stupid for expecting something from her.

“Himiko, lower your voice. I can’t hear the news.”

“Young master? why did you take her side over your mother? I can’t believe this…”

This crazy maid!

No, no good. I can’t lose my temper in front of her. I must maintain my image as a perfect scion of the Wallenstein family. I put my all into controlling my twitching fingers. They really want to chuck themself into her stinky mouth.

"Today, we bring you a recent news from the frontier."

As the news lady opened her mouth, I immediately caught an urgency in her voice. And before I could even hear the content, my breath already halted. The bad feeling I recently had resurfaced with unrelenting force. Trying to bury me with anxiousness.

"... We have received alarming news from the frontier. As you already know, since 24th March, monsters started to spawn more than usual. It doesn't stop and continues to increase every day. But today, the monsters spawn suddenly increased more drastically than the day before!”

“Today, the Association already collected more than 80.000 magic stones with ninth-grade quality in just a single day!”

"This number of magic stones is 30℅ bigger than usual! Does this mean that the spawn had increased by 30%? What about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?..."

The longer I hear the news the more tired become. Even after switching a world, I still can't seem to escape from this accursed fate of mine.


"... It was 4% on the first day, 6℅ on the second day. Yesterday was a 15% signaling a 2% daily rise in spawn. Or so we thought. But today it rose from 15% to 30% in a single leap! Such a massive number caught the onsite heroes off guard, resulting in heavy casualties..."

The scene changed to the ambulances moving in and out of the Babel Tower, carrying injured heroes. The blaring siren rang loudly in my ears, furthering my anxiety. But I was used to anxiety. We are old comrades by this point. So I embrace this feeling and analyzed the news I hear. It has been a few days since I was reborn in this world. But how come I never heard of this bit of important news?

I glanced to the side and saw Himiko put on a serious face. Her goofy side was gone.

"Young Master, it looks like I won't be able to accompany you to school anymore."

"Is this about the monster's spawn?"

"That's right. The heroes suffer many casualties due to a sudden rise in monster spawn. So it won't be long before the Association increases the heroes' dungeon-delving frequency."

"I see, that's inevitable I guess."

I remember the teacher at school saying something about obligation nonsense. Heroes are expected to go dungeon delving once a month depending on how deep they went. No heroes were allowed to stay idle for more than a month. Of course, there's no restriction on how often the hero delves into the depth. Heroes could hunt for monsters every day without restriction, the Association encourages it with open arms. I didn't doubt it, considering they're the one who benefits the most in this hero's business. But with the recent bump in the road, I guess the Association won't be able to stay still. They might have to recall the heroes who have been away on wilderness expeditions.

What about mom?

I don't think they could afford to let first-class hero left with nothing to do. So far, mom only went to work a few hours every day so she couldn't have gone deeper, maybe around the surface- no, considering her ability it would be a cinch to speed run until the middle floor. She can do that solo. If she brings the Hellblades Guild members with her, she could go deeper for sure. I don't know who named the guild, but it can't be mom and dad. Hellblades? No way in hell they would choose this name! It's also unlikely for outsiders to name the guild. So that leaves grandpa and grandma as the culprit.


Now that I think about it, every 3 months or so, mom would go on a week-long business trip. The previous Joey was none the wiser but I was different. Without dad manning the guild, mom is the one who runs the guild in his place. All discovered safe zone has been turned into a fortress with plenty of heroes manning the fort. This caused them unable to leave casually and would require supplies from the surface considering the dungeon lacked nutrients and resources to keep them fed. So on that week-long business trip with the guild members, she went and visit her hubby I guess.

Mom and the guild might be the ones responsible for sending supplies to Bell's safe zone. I mean dad. Well, I do think it's impossible outside of the Big 6 to visit the deep floor without being annihilated. So my guess might be spot on.

I then recalled my dad, Bell. The last time I saw him was in the original memory. As handsome as always. With the same hairstyle, he still supported the same boyish look. Even fatherhood didn't make him change that much. If there's one, it would be his height. Now that this disaster happened, I doubt Bell would come back home anytime soon.

This without a doubt affects all heroes living in this world, mom included. Will I lose the family I gained recently? Dad's I never met aside, I was kinda having fun spending time with mom, something I have never experienced before. And thinking that it will be gone in a flash made my mood drop to rock bottom.


When was the monster spawn started to rise? Yeah, the newslady said it was 24th March.

Is this a coincidence?

That is also the day I woke up as Wallenstein. And on the same day, monsters started to spawn way faster than before. It was as though... I had something to do with it. Could it be my descent into this world is not natural? I thought it was a blessing from heaven. But I am not so sure now. There's no way it could be a coincidence. Something must have caused this to happen.

Cause and effect.

Between my reborn and monsters spawn disaster, one of them could be the cause of the other existence. Did the disaster make me reborn or did I being reborn cause a disaster?

I don't know which one I belong to, but I am sure as hell gonna find out about it. I have never been feeling so motivated before. But I can't shake the feeling that something was wrong somewhere.

"Young master, what about we have one last spar before I go to the dungeon?"

Himiko clenched her fist, I could see a line of sharp teeth beneath her sadistic grin.

"That's not a good idea. I don't want to let you go to the dungeon in a half-dead condition."

The grin on Himiko's face slipped.

"... Look like our young master has grown a pair. Why don't you let me see it?"

"Wait, what?"

Before I could react, I feel the smooth texture of her gloved hand slip inside my trousers.


It feels like I have suffered some electric shock as my little Joey turned stiff as a stone.

"Hey! Where are you touching?!"

"Shh, do you want him to find out?" Himiko whispered in my ears while looking in the driver's direction.

The man in question could feel his sweat rolling down his forehead, but he had no courage to wipe it off.

Himiko suddenly bit my ear, sucked, and licked it wet before stretching out her tongue inside. I groaned as I felt my cheeks heat up. Her hand grasped my dick, toying with it. I did my best to hold a groan from escaping my lips. I won't give her satisfaction. Not this witch.

She didn't even undo my trousers. But let her hand slip into my trousers and play with my dick. Her hand grasped my base before she began pumping slowly, teasing me.


"What is it, did our young master has something to say to his maid?" Himiko whispered as she watch me grit my teeth. Doing my best to deny her from seeing me moaning in pleasure. She didn't waste a second as she started to make her move. Her gloved thumb swiped over the tip, sending a shiver down my spine.

It didn't take long before she feels something odd coating her skin-tight glove. Himiko can't help but raised the corner of her lips.

"Ara Ara, why is my hand so wet and sticky I wonder..."

Her voice was so erotic I can't help but groaned as I came, coating her gloved hand in a sticky white tint.

"Young master, you're so cute."

That melodic whisper of Himiko was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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