《And the world breaks》Chapter 10


Disclaimer: Rights to the persona series lay with ATLUS, not me!


Descriptive Writing;


Graphic Gore, but not the worst;

Graphic Sexual Content;

Game-Like Elements;

§Suguru Asmodeus Kamoshida ~ Part 2§


Ren Amamiya

Level 1



Knowledge-Learned 14/20 -- Rank 2

Guts-Staunch 4/25 -- Rank 3

Proficiency-Decent 7/20 -- Rank 2

Kindness-Considerate 6/20 -- Rank 2

Charm- Stunning 19/25 -- Rank 4


20XX/XX/XX~XX:XX ???


Shibuya Police Headquarters ~ Underground.

Ren cleared his head.

Sae:”...There was a terrible subway accident that day. You remember it don’t you?”

Ren:”Yeah...Everyone wanted to ram that accident on my head...The Tv, the police, the chatter and murmurs of the civilians...the reporter who interviewed me on national live Tv”

Sae:”I assume you know of the uproar that the public calls the ‘psychotic breakdown incidents’ and the ‘mental shutdowns’?”

Ren:”I might.”

Sae:”*sigh*, well it was all over the news at the time, one, the people went on murderous sprees, the other was the instantaneous death of the person. However, that was not what happened in your school, was it? A teacher suffered through something… very different, and much worse... On that day 11th of April, were you still a ‘normal’ student?”

Ren:”No...That day was the start of it all….The first time I discovered the power of persona”

Sae:”...Persona?...” Sae digested the world.

Ren chuckled.

Ren:”Want to know?”

20XX/04/11~08:18 AM

Monday-Early Morning-Rainy.

Aoyama Subway Platform.

Ren and the boy named Ryuji -- who had short spiky blond hair and dark brown eyes and unusual eyebrows, his outfit consisted of the standard black blazer, unbuttoned to reveal a yellow t-shirt with a comic style star symbol and the word 'ZOMG!' He had plaid pants rolled up to reveal his ankles. His pants had black suspenders that hang down instead of being worn on his shoulders. He had a white belt and wore white sneakers that had a rising sun flag motif-- they made their way to school, crossing alleyways to get there faster, soon Ren put his phone on his pocket disregarding the strange visual effects, soon they arrived at the gates of the school, however…

Ryuji:’Wha--?” Ren approached the surprised boy, and in front of him, was a giant sprawling European castle...it was very large, as large as a small skyscraper, with towers and everything, it had a steel gate and drawbridge and everything...it was also ominous, after all the sky around it was a deep purple.

Ren:’Is this a dream? I don’t believe Japan has a European castle of all things.’

However something struck Ren as odd, first, there was a giant granite wall, with the sign for the school...the same as when he visited Sunday...it had rolls of paper dangling from the fortress walls, saying something about volleyball recruiting and tournament, or something, and on the stone wall

Further beyond the gate, possibly on the third or fourth floor, was the symbol for the school two ‘^’ one on top of the other carved in.

Ren noted that there was some vegetation growing on top of some walls as well.

Ren&Ryuji:”...” both couldn’t speak as they were a bit stunned by the contrast of the city and an old castle.

Ryuji:”We didn’t come the wrong way, did we?”

Ren:”No, this should be it, see?” Ren pointed at the sign for the school, it said ‘Shujin Academy’.

Ryuji:”Hmm, what's going on then?”


Ren:’Does this have something to do with Igor?’

Ren:”Well, nothing will come of it by just sitting here, let’s go inside...but…”


Ren:”Hmm, be careful”

With that warning, both walked over to the drawbridge, passed the metal gates, then entered the castle.

The inside was very luxurious, the placed shined, as it was just cleaned, the floor was checked white and black granite, the walls were high, there were golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a huge stairwell towards the second floor, thick red carpets with intricate designs and huge paintings of the man he just met, this one had him riding a horse with a red cape, and a golden crown, he had a sword ready to strike his enemy, it would be heroic, but the facial expression of the man was anything but, it was a cruel laughter, the only difference between the man he met in the car and this one in the painting was the yellow eyes, soon the room faded and the school’s entrance overlapped, but it faded back to the castle.

Ren:’What is this?’

Ren’s feet stepped on the fluffy rug as they analyzed the place.

Ryuji:”Th-that’s strange...Where did the school go?”

Ren:”I think this is our school”

Ryuji:”Wait! What?”

Ren:”See?” Ren pointed at a corner, it turned into a normal wall with a green board full of papers stuck in it, but soon it returned to being marble walls.

Ryuji:”B-but?” Ryuji picked up his phone.

Ryuji:”Out of service? Where’d we end up...?” the boy's tone grew anxious.

Ryuji:”The sign was for the school, right?”

Ren:”Yeah, I pointed it out”

Soon Ren spotted a very tall knight with silver armor rushing towards them, he held a giant broadsword and a tower shield, the coloring of the armor was grey, and he held a blank blue mask with holes for eyes and mouth, but it was so dark he couldn’t see the man’s features.

Warning bells were ringing inside his head, the man was too tall to be a human, his body was deformed, the legs were too thin and the arms and torso too broad, the sword also felt real.

Ryuji:”Hey don’t scare me like that. Are you a student cosplaying or something?”

Ren:”Sakamoto-san, let’s get out of here fast!”


Ren:”Now! Use your legs and run!”

Ren, pushed the boy towards the exit as they started to sprint as fast as they could, however out of nowhere they were blocked by even more knights, they were surrounded.

Ryuji:”What now? Ugh, what with these guys”


Soon they were bashed with the tower shields, knocking them down, soon it was easy to capture both of them.

-10 Hp


Guard’s voice:”Take them away!”

20XX/04/11~XX:XX AM


Shujin Academy?.

Ryuji:”...Hey. Hey! Wake up!” Soon ren opened his eyes to see a crouching Ryuji next to him, his head hurt from sleeping in what it seemed to be a wooden bed and a rough mattress, soon he sat on the bed as he saw where they were, a prison, unlike the one in the velvet room, looking around he could see torture tools scattered around, looking to the outside it seemed to be on a sewer.

Ryuji:”You all right?”

Ren:”Yeah, my side is a bit sore, but I’m fine, what about you Sakamoto-san?”

Ryuji:”Yeah, I’m more or less,” He said rotating his arm and stretching it.


Ryuji:”Looks like this is not a dream…Ugh, damn what’s goin’ on!?”

Ryuji sprinted to the door.

Ryuji:”Hey! Let us outta here! I know there’s someone out there!”

Ryuji walked back frantically.

Ryuji:”Damn, where are we?! Is this some kinda TV set…?”

Ren:”No...We have no reception and no app works, apparently, except the navigator...we seem to be deep underground, and the castle earlier felt very real”

Ryuji:”What are you trying to say?”

Ren:”That this is not a prank, something very wrong is happening here.”

Soon a pained scream resounded from the walls.

Both rushed to the door as the pained screams grew louder

Ryuji:”W-What was that just now?”

The voice screamed and cried, as the sound grew painful to hear, soon they heard a cough as if gasping for air or unclogging the throat of something...then nothing.

Ryuji:”Oi, oi, oi, oi…” Ryuji’s voice grew more fearful every repetition.

Ryuji:”Are you shitting me?”

Ren:’Is the guy dead?’

Ryuji:”Hey, how much time passed since we were brought here?”

Ren:”There is no way to know, the phone is busted right now, its stuck in the navigation app”

Ryuji:”Damn, this isn’t making any sense…”

Ryuji:”This is very bad, isn’t there a way outta here? C’mon we gotta do something.”

Ren:”Hrm, find something that can be made as a lockpick or something to break the door”

Soon both scrambled to find something but no luck, nothing there could be used to lockpick the door, finally, without any choice left, Ren and Ryuji both picked the barrels lying about, and tried to smash the door, however, it just bounces off as the hit resounded all over the dungeon, sewer-like place.

Ryuji:”Tch, those iron bars are tougher than they look”

Ren:”Shit, this made too much noise, Hrm?” Ren heard a sound.

Ryuji:“Huh? Do you hear that”

Ren:”Yeah...Footsteps...there is nowhere to hide…” A cold sweat ran down his neck.

Ryuji:”Shit, what do we do?” His tone was apprehensive, as he prepared himself.

Ren:”Worst comes to worst, we fight” Both got into a fleet stance.

Three Knights entered their vision, they walked up until the iron bars and door and faced the two prisoners.

Guard:”Rejoice! The punishment for you bastards has been decided upon. Hn...Your charge is ‘unlawful entry’ thus you will be executed”


Ren:’Shit, execution, are you serious?’

Kamoshida:”No one is allowed to do as they please in my castle.”

A man wearing a red fur coat with heart symbols, a gold crown approached, he was tall reaching over 6’4”, a square chin and a flat face, and yellow eyes, he wasn’t wearing anything below the legs, no he was wearing a pink thong, which did nothing to hide his considerable pubic hair.

Ren:’Disgusting, what a fucking creep’

Ryuji:”Huh? Wait….Kamoshida, is that you?”

Ren recognized the face, from the painting, and from earlier on

Ren:”The guy in the car”

Kamoshida?:”I thought it was some petty thief, but to think it would be you, Sakamoto, trying to trespass my castle, are you trying to defy me again? it seems you haven't learned a bit, eh? And you brought a friend this time...because poor little Sakamoto-kun, can’t do anything by himself now can he?”

Ryuji:”Oi, enough of your bullshit!”

Kamoshida?:”Is that your attitude towards a king like me? It seems you haven’t caught on….poor little Sakamoto, it seems like you don't understand your position at all…” His attitude was of mocking, he had a very arrogant smirk as he condescendingly put Ryuji down.

But soon

Kamoshida?:”Not only did you sneak into my castle, you committed the crime of insulting me--The king.”

Kamoshida?:”I guess I’ll have you repent with your death.”



Kamoshida?:”Didn’t you understand, Sakamoto, your punishment will be death, you’ll be executed, right here”

Ryuji:”...! Stop it!” Ryuji backed off from the iron bars as his voice grew lower and fearful.

Kamoshida frowned as he commanded his forces, soon they swarmed the inside of the cell.

Being cornered Ryuji cursed, and then pushed the closest soldier to the ground.

Ryuji:”I ain’t down for this bullshit! C’mon we gotta go!”

Ryuji yelled at Ren to follow, however, he didn’t notice a guard approaching him until it was too late, it struck the butt of his sword onto Ryuji’s ribs, making him scream in pain and drop to the ground, soon the guard that was down raised himself back up and brandished his sword.

Ryuji:”Oi, just run, these guys are serious.”

Ren:”As If I let you die Ryuji”

Kamoshida?:”Hmph piece of garbage isn’t worth my time, what a good for nothing friend you chose Sakamoto”

Ryuiji:”He ain’t a friend”

Kamoshida?:”Hmph, so let’s focus on this one’s execution” THe king glared wickedly at Ryuji, the guards picked him up as Kamoshida started hitting the teen with all he got, Ren tried to intervene, but the guard was strong, more and more blood was spilt as bruises started to form in Ryuji’s face, then the king gave the final strike and knocked Ryuji to the ground, spitting on his face.

Kamoshida?:”No energy left? C’mon try to escape!” The boy struggled on the ground.

Kamoshida?:”You are worthless, almost no fun beating you down.”

Kamoshida?:”I’ll have you killed right now”

Ren:”Stop it you fuck! Are you out of your mind!”

Kamoshida?:”What the fuck did you just say to me”

Kamoshida approached Ren with a mocking glare.

He got really close, face to face.

Kamoshida?:”You Irritate me, a punk like you being so blessed with looks and all, yet the thing that irritates me the most is that look in your eye!“

Kamoshida kicked the boy down, with some difficulty, yet Ren still glared at the man.

Kamoshida?:”Hold him...after Sakamoto, it will be his turn to die, I’ll carve that pretty little face of yours and display your head in a pike.”

Soon a guard with a blade closed the distance and was almost reaching Ryuji, with adrenaline pumping in his body, Ren pushed forward but was held down by two guards, they pushed him to the wall, yet they struggled to keep him there.

Soon Ryuji cried for mercy, for help, Ren felt truly useless

Melodic Voice:“...You are a prisoner...A future that has been sealed...A prisoner of Fate, This is an unjust game, your chances of winning are almost nil...But if you can hear my voice...My Beloved Trickster, there is still a chance waiting for you...I beg of you...Please win this game of death...and save me…”

Ryuji, whimpered, closing his eyes, as the guard pointed the sword at his neck.

Evil Voice:What's wrong, are you going to stand there and watch?... Are you forsaking him to save yourself?... If nothing is done he will really die...Are you disregarding your previous decision?”

Ren remembered the time he saved the woman from being harassed, he also remembers being raped on the train, no, he was right he was right to have saved that woman, nobody deserved that fate.

Ren:’What are you saying, of course not’

Evil Voice:”Very well...I have heeded your resolve...”

Soon Ren’s heart felt like it exploded from his chest, he screamed in agony, the guards struggled, even more, to hold him, as sweat ran from every pore in his body, he experienced the worst pain imaginable, he struggled and struggled as he only felt rage and hatred, it flowed from his heart, condensing all of Ren’s feelings, he felt the raw emotion underneath his skin, waiting to be unleashed.

Evil Voice:”Vow to me...I am thou, thou art I...thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice! Thou who will represent the Universe’s sin. Call upon my name and release thy hatred! Show the power of thy unbreakable will to ascertain humanity all on thine own...though thou be chained to the deepest hell”

The guard raised the blade to behead Ryuji, Kamoshida laughed.

Ren:’I don’t care...Arsene, I just need power, and I will crumble everything!”

Soon power surged forth like a storm, it pushed back all of the guards, even the one who was going to execute Ryuji, into the ground, sweat póured from Kamoshida’s face, as Ren faced him, Kamoshida despaired once he saw the mask covering the youth’s face as yellow eyes stared at him back, Ren put his fingers, feeling the mask on his face, he grabbed one and, and with force dragged across his face ,shredding all of his skin off, blood fell on the ground as it polled over his face, yet he unflinchingly glared in the direction of Kamoshida showing yellow eyes, even more cruel looking than Kamoshida’s.

He smiled cruelly as his eyes narrowed in amusement, an ethereal laughter full of hatred was heard all across the dungeon, soon all of the blood receded back and his skin returned to normal, as a blue flame figure surged from Ren’s body, it enveloped him as a red flame formed a face, the flame burned brighter as both Ryuji and the King watched with fear, the laughter sounded more and more like Ren’s voice, as chains spurned forward from the flame, they were so fast it pierced one of the guards, they pierced him in two different locations, soon the chains moved ripping the body apart, spreading his crimson blood everywhere in the cell.

Soon the flame shot upwards revealing Ren, with a black ankle-length tailcoat, a high-necked waistcoat with gold accents, black jogger-style pants, brown-black winkle-pickers, and a pair of red gloves.

The fire who was above Ren, revealed a figure more than 20 foot in height, the figure was crouched in an unsettling position, the creature had long arms and legs, his hands were large, and his fingers were more like vicious claws, red tailcoat and pants, black boots, black waistcoat with gold adornings, and golden strings, black top hat black mask and horns, red glowing flames valley forming a face, his horns were also glowing red with flames...as for the rest of his body, it was adorned in blue hot flames.

Soon Ren cracked his neck as the figure behind him spread its dark wings, Ren smirked.

Ryuji:”What? What the?”

Arsene:”I am the pillager of twilight -- ‘Arsene’!”

Arsene flapped his wing once again.

Arsene:” I am the power that adorns your soul. If you so desire, I shall consider granting you the power to break through this crisis”

Ren:”Hrm, I don’t need to ask, you are my power, a power that belongs to me all along”

Arsene:”That is the correct answer”

Persona Acquired:

Arsene -- Level 1


Weak to -- Ice, Bless

Strong to -- Curse

SKILLS (1/20)

Eiha -- 4 SP

Light curse damage to one foe, it burns their life away, leaving a bloodied corpse.


Strength -- 12

Magic -- 12

Endurance 12

Agility -- 13

Luck -- 11

+100 HP

+100 SP

+10 Knowledge

+10 Guts

+10 Proficiency

+10 Kindness

+10 Charm

96/206 HP

41/141 SP

Rank up -- Knowledge Rank 3 -- Keen 4/25


The sharp mind of Ren can pick up things faster than most, his memory is improved by leaps and bounds, and is able to pick up clues where no one bothered to look.

Staunch 14/25

Decent 17/20

Considerate 16/20

Rank up -- Charm Rank 5 -- Alluring 4/50


Ren is now able to captivate any woman, his words carry conviction only the best politicians may have, his every step is now watched, and Ren’s words are a form of very light mind control.

Kamoshida?:”Who the hell are you?” The king said with a bit of hesitancy.


The two guards that were not dead, raised themselves up, Arsene’s blue flames all over his body burned brighter.

Kamoshida?:”Start by killing him!”

Soon they turned into a black liquid and sank into the ground, soon it surged again and the guards were transformed from the knights they were to two Jack ‘O Lantern creatures, they had the pumpkin head, witch hat and a black rob adorning their flying bodies, finally they carried a lantern on their hands as they faced Ren.


2x Jack O’ Lantern -- weakness -- ??? strengths -- ???

Ren:”Hm, this is boring.”

Arsene:’This power is yours! Kill them however you wish, Run wild to your heart’s content, this world no longer bounds you’

Ren smiled.

He rushed forward as a knife materialised from blue flames right in his hand, Arsene behind rushed with him, they reached the Jack O’ Lanterns as Ren evaded one of their attacks, He reached one of his enemies, and soon enough Ren pierced the pumpkin head with his newly acquired black knife, the force pushed the Jack O’ Lantern to the wall of the dungeon, as Arsene pressed the other Jack O’ Lantern to the other wall, Arsene’s claws digged deep into the head, piercing the forehead with five fingers, the power made the wall break a bit as pieces of bricks and cement fell, Arsene pressed the Jack O’ Lantern against the crater in the wall, as blood started to pour from the wound made by the claws, who were still inside the pumpkin’s head, Arsene got close to it and laughed at the blood.

The Jack O’ Lantern Ren was holding unleashed a flame towards him, Ren blocked it with his arm, burning it a bit, his clothes the sleeve of his coat was a bit signed, but Ren’s clothing regenerated like nothing, yet his wound still persisted, the flame attack hurt like hell, it filled him with rage.

Ren carved the knife across the face of the Jack O’ Lantern spilling red blood all over the wall and hitting Ren’s body, meanwhile Arsene, by the command of Ren activated Eiha, soon dark flames surrounded the defenseless Jack O’ Lantern he couldn’t do anything but scream with a distorted voice, soon Arsene released it and it fell dead as its life was cursed, it leaked out blood from all over its pumping head.

-6 HP


-4 SP


Ren:’What is this, this disgusting smell on me, it has such a coppery taste to it’ Ren looked down and saw his clothes all bloody as he dropped the Jack O’ Lantern he was holding, it had its head was cut in two by his blade.

Ren:’Blood? What the fuck, they were pumpkins for Igor’s sake, why did it have to be blood, not pumpkin juice or something?’

However soon both Jack O’ Lantern disappeared with a black mist, the blood remaining on his clothes, the wall, and the floor, also disappeared, the one Arsene killed also disappeared.


+4596 ¥

+38 Exp

5843 ¥

Ren -- Level up -- Level 2

Total Exp -- 38 -- Next level -- 9

Arsene -- Fool -- Level 1

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