《And the world breaks》Chapter 9


Vulgar Boy:”Fuck… that damn perverted teacher...” The boy said it in an annoying tone

Ren:”Perverted teacher...?”

Ren:’Was it?’

A weird system noise blew from his phone, it recognized his voice, but Ren didn’t pay it any attention.

Vulgar Boy:”Hn?” The boy approached Ren.

Vulgar Boy:”...What do you want” He said it in a low threatening voice.

Vulgar Boy:”You plannin’ on snitching to Kamoshida?” His voice lost the threatening tone and his expression returned from annoyed to normal.

Ren:”Kamoshida? Who is he?”

Vulgar Boy:”Huh? In the car just now, that was Kamoshida wasn’t it?”

Ren remembered the Jersey man with the square chin.

Vulgar Boy:”He does whatever he wants, who does he think he is -- The King of a castle or something? Hn, Don’t you agree?”

Ren:”The King of a castle?”

The phone had a distorted system sound again.

Vulgar Boy:”No, I mean…….Hmm...Wait, you don’t know Kamoshida? Are you really telling the truth? You from Shujin right? We have the same uniform… a second year just like me...”

Ren:”Amamiya Ren, Occupation: Transfer Student, nice to meet you” He extended his hand forward for a handshake.

Vulgar Boy:”A-A Transfer student...I see...Sakamoto Ryuji, nice to meet ya” Instead of a handshake Ryuji went for a cool tap of the hand.

Vulgar Boy:”Transfer, so it's no wonder you don’t know him…The rain isn’t so bad, you’ll be late, come on I know a shortcut” His voice took a lighter joking approach.

Soon the world became purple for a split second as a headache banged their heads.

Vulgar Boy:”...Ngh..”


But the headache passed quickly like it wasn’t even there.

Vulgar Boy:”Uhhgh eeh?...My head hurts…I wanna go home.”

Ren:”What was that?”

Soon Ren followed Ryuji to the shortcut.

20XX/04/11~4:17 PM

Monday-Late Afternoon-Heavy Rain.

Serbia ???.

A blonde muscular man ran for his life as he held his disjointed arm, it was badly torn and it oozed blood, he could see his shoulder bone sticking out, he ran on the dirt roads.

Haggard Man:”Please….G-Gods”

???:“Come at my call, we shall make the most of this world and then burn it to ash, Wu Zetian!”

Soon His leg was completely chopped off, His body rolled in the sky until it touched the ground, as he looked back he saw a red and golden halberd held by a gorgeous empress, she wore a white Yukata with red engravings it ended right at her waist showing off her pure white skin, the Yukata was loose enough to show her bountiful cleavage, her hair was raven black in an empress bun, full of rose gold earrings, a golden and flower ornaments adorned her hair as her pale face showed unreal royal features, soft eyebrows, long eyelashes, obsidian eyes, and crimson lips, the woman-empress was huge, 20 foot tall to be exact, it was not a human scale, it was surreal not only for the difference in scale, and ethereal appearance but also to the fact that the empress was floating in the air as a goddess, she even had a red transparent halo on her back.


On her hand was the giant golden crimson halberd, and in the other, she held a normal sized woman, she had very long raven hair and blue eyes.

Further back was his SUV, completely trashed and burning.

Haggard Man:”p-please, d-don’t…”

Long Haired Woman:”...Squeal like a pig!… Wu Zetian, Do It!”

The empress proceeded to dismember all of the man’s limbs the halberd was large and when the empress stabbed the 25 foot long spear on the man’s left leg it separated from the torso, it was a clean thrust, yet it spurted a lot of blood all the same, the man screamed as he saw both of his legs separated from the body, he tried to crawl but the halberd pierced the cut shoulder, the gritting sound of his bone being cut in half while losing his arm, made his jaw clench, as he screamed in his mouth.

The empress rotated her halberd, causing a wind storm, blowing the dirt upwards, in the final movement, she sharply cleaved the last remaining limb off his body, crimson liquid spurt out of his body as he was left, only as a torso.

Finally the empress floated in front of the limbless torso of the still alive man, he was stuck in a silent scream as his mouth opened to an unnatural degree, the empress swung the halberd again, making a thin slice across his eyes, blinding him, then a vertical slice starting from the mouth down, cutting the jaw, lips, and tongue in two.

The act of dismemberment, until the cutting of the jaw, was very quick, in fact, not even 15 seconds had passed since the man lost his first leg.

It was a tiny feat of speed for Wu Zetian, and yet the speed was still slow to what she could truly do.

Streams of blood mingled with the dirt on the road, vegetation all around them during all of this the empress took great care with the woman perched on her left hand.

The man suffered a slow death while he bled out, his tongue cut and his limbs torn off, he looked like a pig squealing, yet the sound produced was nightmarish.

Finally, after a minute or two, he died, terror-ridden over his face.

The woman thought back a couple of hours ago, she went on another killing spree...after it she was hiding and decided to pick a transport to the next city, turns out the gentleman who offered wanted to rape her, it was in the middle of the road as he started to reach for her thighs, well… a stab from Wu Zetian, multiple times faster than the sound in his right shoulder did the trick, as reparations, she thrashed his car.


Long Haired Woman:’People are so uncouth...These criminals need proper punishment’ She thought as she saw the unmoving torso.

Long Haired Woman:’Nothing says regret more than dying like trash...’

She laughed.

Long Haired Woman:’I guess I should use my persona as a means of transportation from now on...I guess it's time to stop being inconspicuous’

Long Haired Woman:“Next stop is Spain...I need to kill that old hag, let’s go Wu Zetian”

“Yes” Was the ethereal-voiced response from the persona.

The empress embraced the smaller woman, raised up in the air and shot towards the horizon at ludicrous speeds.

Long Haired Woman:’A year...Ren-chan, It will be a year until we meet again…’ The woman thought as the wind blew in her face, and the clothes of her persona were billowing in the wind, the woman embraced the empress tightly as both flew, the empress shielded the woman from the extreme wind as they traveled.

Long Haired Woman:’Until then, Ren-chan let’s both enjoy our lives…do what you will, take pleasure in the friends and hobbies you’ll have...make your mommy happy.’

Soon both persona and persona user reached the mediterranean sea.

Long Haired Woman:’Ren-chan, did you feel it? The world shifted...I can use my persona in the real world now...I guess you don’t know what a persona is yet...But I know you better than anyone, you have a terrific potential, lurking beneath the surface...I know that you have the potential to rule over the world…’

Long Haired Woman:”Ren-chan” The name was lost in the extreme wind, yet it carried a very strong motherly love.

Long Haired Woman:’The shift began, up until now humans were limited by their simple biology and physics, however, now a select few can become stronger, better in every aspect...rules made up by the universe don’t work on us anymore...now we can become as gods...there are no limits now, I can feel myself growing stronger, stronger, than any human, stronger than any animal, stronger than any weapon, soon in a few years perhaps I’ll be stronger than any force of nature...I am limitless! and with Wu Zetian...’ The woman laughed.

20XX/XX/XX~XX:XX ???


Shibuya Police Headquarters ~ Underground.

Ren cleared his head.

Sae:”...There was a terrible subway accident that day. You remember it don’t you?”

Ren:”Yeah...Everyone wanted to ram that accident on my head...The Tv, the police, the chatter and murmurs of the civilians...the reporter who interviewed me on national live Tv”

Sae:”I assume you know of the uproar that the public calls the ‘psychotic breakdown incidents’ and the ‘mental shutdowns’?”

Ren:”I might.”

Sae:”*sigh*, well it was all over the news at the time, one, the people went on murderous sprees, the other was the instantaneous death of the person. However, that was not what happened in your school, was it? A teacher suffered through something… very different, and much worse... On that day 11th of April, were you still a ‘normal’ student?”

Ren:”No...That day was the start of it all….The first time I discovered the power of persona”

Sae:”...Persona?...” Sae digested the world.

Ren chuckled.

Ren:”Want to know?”


Ren Amamiya

Level 1



Knowledge-Learned 14/20 -- Rank 2

Guts-Staunch 4/25 -- Rank 3

Proficiency-Decent 7/20 -- Rank 2

Kindness-Considerate 6/20 -- Rank 2

Charm- Stunning 19/25 -- Rank 4



Wu Zetian

Level 120

A concubine of Emperor Taizong and, following his death, the wife of his son, Emperor Gaozong, and following Gaozong’s death, the Empress of China. This is only the beginning of her violent clasp of power.

Her reign brought military success to China but at the cost of human rights and democracy.

Wu Zetian protected her position with false accusations of treason against her opponents, sentencing them to exile, execution and even, forcing them to commit suicide. If she wasn’t successful in these attempts, she would poison, torture, or starve her rivals.

She even strangled her infant daughter in order to further her political ambitions.

Her signature method of torture was dubbed ‘the human pig’; an act as disgusting as it sounds. The prisoner would be blinded, have their tongues cut out and their limbs would be amputated. They would be kept alive to struggle in agony, much like a pig.

This is terrifying, not only for the political enemies of Wu Zetian but also for pigs everywhere.

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