《Fei Cai's Ascension— Reverend Insanity》26


Baizen ventured into the woods to make his way near the Cold Pond of the forest. It was a dangerous region with many gu masters unwilling to take responsibility for. The Cold Pond caused a cluster of Icy Shards to form near its bank. This was a rather recent change to the location, less than a year, in fact. Baizen knew the meaning of this. As a D-rank aptitude Gu Master still stuck in Advance Rank 1 Gu Cultivation stage, he could be considered fairly fortune. It's been ten years but Baizen still remembered the I y tribulation that covered the tribes completely. He was merely a 4-year-old boy, with two brothers older than him. Both dead within three months of the tribulation due to cold.

Only he survived with his mother passing soon after and now he was alone and completely lost. Gu Cultivation, instead of bringing glory, became his burden. Marked as a talentless youth, he only served to be an errand boy, unlike other talented rank 1 gu masters with potential of breaking into Rank 2 stage. Fortunately, Fei Baizen wasn't alone. The harshness of low aptitude inflicted many within the tribe. To this day, hundreds of gu masters failed to break out of the confinement of rank 1!

But years of accumulation had provided him with a moderately complete set of low-tier rank 1 gu worms. Although his gu worms lacked in power and effectiveness, he made it work through sheer experience gathered over the years. Investigation gu, Attack Gu, Defense Gu, Escape Gu, and even a Battle Support Gu! Except for a healing type gu worm, Baizen could even be called cream of the crop amongst the rotten grains. Cautious and quick to his feet, Fei Baizen moved silently through the thicket, his mind solely towards reaching the Cold Lake to collect the materials and return. Many have lost their lives over this task and he didn't wish to be one of the dead.

He kind of hated his elder siblings, a childish remnant of his emotions before their death, but something that still motivated him not to get killed—

As his gaze fell on the shimmering lake with frost waving in the air and the surroundings remarkably barren, unknown to Fei Baizen, an arrow whistled through the air and pierced straight into his neck. It was closer to the shoulder, probably, the target had been his heart but the attacker missed. Still, Baizen couldn't speak any longer, his momentum caused him to fall with a roll and his blood gurgled as the twist of his body caused the arrowhead to stab into his chest, locking his body in a twisted and uncomfortable position but comfort was the least of his worries.

Pained and his mouth now filled with his blood, Baizen looked forward with hatred in his eyes yet only another tip of the arrow greeted him before stabbing him in the head.

"Huff," Lo sighed with his body still on the dead gu master's corpse. His forehead was drenched with sweat, making Fei Cai realize that this was probably his first time killing a human. Well, it wasn't Fei Cai's first time, he admitted. Not his greatest achievement but he had accidentally run over a young girl, no more than 20, who ran through the road despite the green light. The accident caused Fei Cai remorse back in the day but everything seemed blurry to him now.

"Step aside, we have more than a minute," Fei Cai stated while walking forward and putting the arrow back into his quiver. He then placed a hand on the corpse and injected his primeval essence into Fei Baizen's aperture. Fei Cai had been following the youth with no relative to his name for two days and decided to strike only now. He was a boisterous youth who would spill the beans about his secrets after a few drinks and that's how he learned about the youth from Fei Lu, who seemed annoyed by Fei Baizen's continuous pestering. Not continuing the thought to why an almost 20-year-old guy would try to woo a ten-year-old kid, Fei Cai observed the aperture.


Baizen's aperture had already turned stony and grey with cracks marring the surface. Unfortunately, Baizen still had the wits to destroy all the gu worms within his aperture. It only takes one thought, after all, and that is why the theft path is one of the most sought-after and feared styles of gu worms. With the initial check completed, Fei Cai hurriedly placed a small tendril mushroom over the bloodied head, two fire crackle chili on the twisted torso, and two ground shrink root over its feet. This was merely the first step and he injected his primeval essence into the materials, his training of diverging his essence into streams now coming into play but this was simply the division of primeval essence and did not bother Fei Cai too much. The tendril of the mushroom pierced into the corpse's head, the chili sparked into tiny blazes that slowly covered the body, and the roots entered his feet while consuming the flesh from within.

Lo, meanwhile, continued to keep an eye out for the surroundings. The temperature of the lake made many beasts avoid it but a few still visited it so choosing this barren spot was quite a risk for Fei Cai, too. Manipulating his primeval essence, Fei Cai furthered the process and soon, the blazes whittled to reveal a charred piece of flesh with a mushroom sticking out of it. Unlike its previous earthen color, the mushroom head had white and red spots and looked extremely vibrant.

'The first step is done. Time to leave!' Fei Cai instantly grabbed the extreme hot piece of flesh and stored it within Lo's basket, his hand burning in the process but he only winced. After running a few steps into the forest, the duo hurriedly changed their shoes and placed it into the basket before wearing their regular ones. The shoes back then were a size bigger easily purchased from the market and while they were running, Fei Cai released his Lizard Mouth Gu to store the shoes within it.

The recipe needed to use the fresh corpse of a gu master, making Fei Cai apply the methods right there and then but now he needed to return to the tribe. The use of Terror Horse greatly shortened the time required to return and with Fei Qing and Fei Yang busy with their commitments, Fei Cai found the time to refine the Rank 1 Invasion Gu finally.


Fei Cai did not know if Fei Baizen's disappearance was marked by anybody or not. But he was sure that none spoke of him even when Fei Cai went out to bathe. His aperture now contained a small fist-shaped gu worm. It was blue in color and remained submerged within the primeval sea.

The invasion gu worm had mystical and coveted effects but the limitations were great for this gu worm. Usable only once every week, this gu worm submerges into a chosen palm which can travel through a gu master's body and enter their aperture, the further use of the gu worm is to find the opponent's gu worms and enclose them into a fist. This will cut the connection of the gu master and the gu worm until the fist is opened once again.

One day had already passed after the refinement of the gu worm and Fei Cai now dressed while remaining completed unaware of the furious discussion echoing through the tribal tent of the elders.

"I vote against hunting the Ice Pupil Wolves," Fei Dai stated somberly and gazed at Fei Kao. The tribe now held another rank 3 gu elder, a rather old one who didn't have the heart to accept the trials of the elder, making him feel quite awkward without having a say in the conversation but with Fei Nai in front of him, also silent, the new elder felt a little relieved.


"My pupil found traces of demonic cultivation," Fei Kao snarled, "A member of our tribe with the routine of collecting the water shards from the lake was killed and used as a refinement material. Next, the investigation was disrupted by a convenient ambush of a pack of Icy Pupil Wolves! How can it not be under the control of a gu master? Even if it isn't under the control of gu master, the eradication of the pack would benefit the tribe!"

The others flinched but Fei Dan stayed true to his words. He may be the youngest of the elders and the least experienced but he had his methods and remained confident in his responses. "Elder Fei Kao, we all grieve the loss of your apprentice Fei Bailin... she... had tremendous potential and as a father, I understand what you're going through. Her death was untimely and unsavory but at this moment, allow me to present a logical point that benefits the tribe," Fei Dan stated sincerely, even bowing to show he actually meant what he said. Turning silent was all Fei Kao did as the young gu elder began.

"Lord Chieftain, I consider the eradication of wolves short-sighted for three reasons. First, the forest is the entrance of the valley and it is the wolf pack that threatens the first wave of attack in the next War of Heroes. And the only reason why the elders before us, who, unfortunately, couldn't survive the tribulation, left the pack to survive was due to the fact that in less than a year, the cold pond will become mating grounds for the wolf pack and cause a large number of gu worms to be found within the area naturally. Not only that, there have been reports of multiple Ten-thousand beast kings in the deeper section of the forest. Were they truly tame to a human gu master, we would have been attacked already. Elder Fei Nai, what was the name of the Gu Master who didn't return?" Fei Dan inquired.

"Fei Baizen, Elder Fei Dan. He had no relatives." The youth's reply made Fei Qing sigh as Fei Dan continued, "This Fei Baizen may be targetted by a demonic gu master but I propose that instead of investigating our members, we place attention to the mortals of the tribe and scout the surroundings for external demonic gu masters. Unlike us, mortals are easily seduced by power, after all."

Fei Dan's reasoning did allow Fei Kao to see reason, signifying that during the worse hours of the tribe, the elders did have it in their heart to work with the opposing faction. With a course of action set already, the elders discussed a few minor changes and then dispersed with Fei Kao remaining with Fei Qing. The old elder had faced a terrible loss. Fei Bailin was simply a young girl when Fei Kao took her in and trained her in his ways but she lost her life to the beast pack yesterday. It was a surprise to everyone in the tribe which served as a caution for the survivors.

The situation was getting worse and the need for preparation has never been greater.

"Lord Chieftain!" A young scout burst into the tent, wheezing with a group behind him, "It's the—... There's a rogue gu master near the entrance of the tribe! He's attacked and killed four of my team members and is demanding to see the leader!"

Fei Kao and Fei Qing stood up, stunned. Giving a look to each other, Fei Kao made his way to collect all the elders while Fei Qing instantly decided to mobilize the horse groups running rounds out of the tribe while preparing the groups resting deep into the valley. The sudden arrival of a rogue gu master made the whole tribe interested as many made their way towards the entrance with a group of youngsters interested, too.


Many observed a lone gu master resting on a large rock and with the dragging marks on the ground, everyone assumed that the man had brought the rock from within the forest itself. The man wore a loose linen shirt despite the steadily dropping temperature, his silky grey hair turned out to be hereditary for there was naught a wrinkle on his face. Deep green eyes that shone brilliantly and an easygoing grin on his face while a small, palm-sized wolf sat on his shoulder with its cruel red gaze complementing its equally grey, furry body.

From distance, Fei Cai could see Fei Qing arriving on the abnormally large Terror Claw Horse, attracting reverent gaze from others. The arrival of the Lord Chieftain brought the quick horse groups reaching cutting off the path from the opposite sides while Fei Qing's gaze fell on the four young gu masters torn from waist down, their guts and internal organs leaking from the slices.

"Name yourself," Fei Qing stated somberly, his voice soft and the Terror Horse silently staring at the palm-sized wolf.

"Recently, I go by the name of Cruel Wolf Monk. That's a nice steed, Master," Cruel Wolf Monk snickered, "I've got a mutated partner with rank 5 strength. They did not lie. You'll be a great opponent."

That was all the man needed to say to reveal the fact that he was hired help, to reveal that he knew Fei Qing's methods and had the confidence of handling him, and to reveal that there was no other way than to battle.

"Great," Fei Qing breathed deeply and jumped down from his steed. The Giant Terror Horse slowly made its way to the horse group and waited for the orders with Cruel Wolf Monk waiting for the first move. Suddenly, a slight tremor shook Cruel Wolf Monk's heart as the rock underneath him exploded with a large maw appearing from below, clamping against Monk's lower body, revealing a giant beast with earthen scaled skin and digging teeth now dripping with blood.

"This—" Cruel Monk's pupils dilated as he looked at the Earth Lizard House Gu biting off his lower body, and from afar, Fei Cai's expression turned wondrous. Not only him, but many also looked surprised by the giant lizard.

"You don't fight with honor!" Cruel Monk's appearance had been as surprising as his demise with the knowledge of the Gu House's refinement still not spread. Hearing his shout and action to defame his name, Fei Qing sneered, "Honor? I've no honor for rogues who kill young kids. And that Mutated Grey Peach Wolf is quite appealing. I thank you for your gift."

With that, Fei Qing sent another enslavement gu onto the mutated wolf as a rank 4 expert of the northern plains fell to his death due to the slightest tinge of arrogance and relaxation. Dying at the maws of a gu worm one rank lower to his cultivation. Turning around, Fei Qing's face was twisted in pain and his forehead was soaked with sweat but soon, the shivering wolf turned calm once again and instead of sitting near the dead gu masters, jumped up on Fei Qing's shoulder. "Elder Fei Kao, hang the body of this Monk on the gates. I want funeral arrangements for the fallen gu scouts, this matter shall be handled by Elder Fei Long," he gazed at the newest addition to the elders before snarling, "And I don't want to deal with these amateurs again. Either the rank 4 elders will handle this themselves, or lose their lives trying. Everyone!"

He shouted and attracted the attention of every gu master near the gates, the horse group behind him neighing loudly and stomping their hooves simultaneously. "We are Fei Tribe. Descendants of the Huang Jin clan, the successors of the old ancestors from the Longevity Heavens! Remember that these demonic and rogue gu masters cannot compare to us. We are targetted by many tribes due to the talents brewing within the tribe and they want to cut our bloodline off! There remain less than 3 years to the tribulation. The time to work hard is now! As the Chieftain of the tribe, I am officially activating the merit board of the tribe!"

Everyone's gaze shone at his words except for Fei Sheng. The Monk wasn't his doing but now, Fei Sheng understood that there was someone out there who wished to assist the Fei Tribe or... oppose Fei Sheng's secret supporters. Either way, Fei Sheng's position had finally become a liability for him and he needed to tread carefully from now on.

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