《Just a Simple Guy》26 - Hanging in there


Having nothing to do Salim stared at the other person on the other side of the bars and used observe.

Thomas the Belligerent Lv. 32

140/140 Hp

A man whose exploits reached the ears of Balurm causing extreme action to be taken.

He had a ridiculously small amount of vitality. Salim was pretty intimidated simply from the fact he had no idea where the rest of those stat points went.

The man however seemed to not be in any state to talk looking more like a depressed human pile of flesh than a person. His eyes stared out seeing things that Salim could probably not even fathom.

Or he was insane.

Hanging inside of the prison cell Salim began testing things.

Gathering the energy inside using Energy Creation Salim began imagining many different thing causing him to grapple to a wall or began to have color slowly fade from his body.

The energy was incredibly versatile and a ridiculous amount of stuff could be done with it. Essentially any general concept he could conceive his energy would help him achieve.

It did bother him though that it felt as if his energy was working with him and not that he controlled the energy. There was a sort of remote autonomous feeling to using the energy.

Hopefully as Salim continued to experiment he would become more used to controlling the energy.

Thinking about what he had learned about his energy Salim wondered. Could he increase his stats with this energy? Not a temporary boost but like a permanent addition.

Trying to conceptualize what exactly he wanted to do Salim felt a slow burning feeling overtake him. His muscles and very foundation began to feel as if it was aflame.

Wincing and losing concentration Salim felt the sensation creep back away from him.


Looking at his stats Salim noticed nothing had changed and now he just felt the constant subtle pain of what he had tried before.

It was either really hard to gain stat levels through a cheap method or something was stopping him. Salim didn’t know much about the system so it could be either or at that point.

Sighing in frustration Salim went back to just trying many different things with Energy Creation trying to get used to using the skill. Salim wasn’t sure how far he had progressed but he had already gained seven levels putting it up with the highest leveled skills he had.

It was kinda crazy how fast it leveled up but Salim didn’t have the best grasp on time at the moment and he was using it beyond a simple power boost.

Sticking to the wall with energy creation Salim inched as far as he could go before the chains stopped him.

He looked like a strange human cocoon wrapped in chains. Salim’s skin seemed to harden becoming rougher and less focused to a degree his skin becoming a hardened cocoon.

Slowly sliding down the wall Salim’s arm seemed to slip out of his chains as Salim landed on the ground with chains off his arms.

That really hadn't been what Salim was trying to do but oh well. Stretching at full height Salim began to practice movements.

Punching the wall hard or what he thought was hard Salim only saw a small dent in the wall.

There was no way with his strength stat this was all he could do. Or that the walls where especially durable which would make sense for containing prisoners.

Hmm. Salim began to get into a punching stance and began to meditate.

Thinking back on things Salim was frustrated on how much he had gotten thrown around in the tournament, he wanted to change but the feeling of helplessness filled him as he had no idea how to change.


With this rage Salim thrust forward with his fist slamming it into the wall.

A rumbling was heard and cracks formed on the wall an incredibly stark transition from a small dent.

Thinking about this now Salim realized that he shouldn’t have done that in a prison cell and should probably hide.

Shouting of guards as well as clanking of armor was heard as guards began to run down the hallways.

Getting back over near the chains and laying them over him Salim watched as guards streamed past trying to find the noise.

The clefts in the wall blended in with the rest of the scenery so none of the guards noticed something slightly off about his room.

Guards ran down the hallway some ways before coming back and examining all the prisoners.

Here they found something off in Salim’s room. The prisoner wasn’t in his restraints!

This caused something of a commotion as the guards cautiously moved into Salim’s cell before beating him down onto the ground.

It was honestly a mistake not that their punches hurt and as the guards yelled at him asking how he got out of his restraints one of the females Salim saw next to Balurm.

Still a bit nervous after what happened last time Salim didn’t use Observe on her no matter how tempted he was.

She had tan skin and dressing in very alluring clothing she was a sight to behold.

“This prisoner comes with me Balurm’s orders.” She spoke her voice sounding like liquid honey something over the worries of everyone around. Even the guards who had been screaming at Salim just before seemed to calm down and relax.

That was incredibly unnatural and Salim didn’t like that. It felt like a dirty pleasure indulging in her voice knowing that it was manipulating you and Salim really didn’t like it.

Still it was a way out of this clusterfuck so Salim stood up and walked over to the woman.

She looked down at him, sneering eyes showed that she would rather not be doing this right now. So backing away slightly Salim followed her out of the cell.

Hallway after hallway they walked down twisting and turning utterly confusing Salim.

How could anyone find their way around here?

When Salim and the woman had gone through at least five separate hallways they stopped at a door.

Opening the door the woman showed him the room.

Inside where his armor and weapon along with a bedroll. The space was at least five times bigger this time which was definitely a step up.

The woman turned to Salim, “this is your room from now till your fight in the tournament. You will get good meals so practice till your fight.”

Pushing Salim in the room she slammed the door behind him.

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