《Just a Simple Guy》17 - A bandit Bamboozled


The approaching man waved to them smiling charmingly. Salim saw Vivyern tense up ready to deal with this sketchy man but told her not to do anything. He wanted to try some new things. She relaxed reluctantly and shared her distaste through the bond.

Walking closer the man gazed up at the two travelers. Both had dark skin tones showing that they were foreign to the land.

They seemed like brother and sister who had come to this land on a family trip. The sister, in particular, looked incredibly beautiful. She had luscious hair and a delicious face that one could stare at for hours and not get tired. Her body was nothing to scoff at either and the bandit seemed to find himself staring at her more than some would find appropriate.

An ungrateful grunt and glare from the brother confirmed that he may have glared a bit too long so he put on a charming smile and began with the set up.

Salim watched as the man walked closer all the while making eyes at Vivyern. Reproachfully grunting Salim played along with the act of the big brother. A lit bit of it may have also been from the lust he saw in the man's eyes. Not that he didn’t have desires too… He did too many to count in fact but he didn’t show others so plainly.

Deciding it wasn’t his job to judge people he prepared himself for the oncoming fight. Even if the bandit had some plan to quickly take them over Salim would not let that happen. There would be a fight where he would be able to test out his skills legally on unwilling participants.

The bandit spoke first in a well mannered good natured voice. “Hello, travelers! You seem to be foreign to this area. Let me help you! This place is very dangerous without a guide and I was born and raised in these fields.

Mind you they were still in the grasslands and there was a simple path leading to their destination. It was painfully obvious what he was doing that Salim wondered if he just wanted to rob them quickly and not go through the whole bate and betrayal stuff.


Not really feeling it in his energy to go along with the whole charade Salim jumped off the cart and landed in front of the bandit. “Back off we can handle ourselves,” Salim said in a deep intimidating voice. Standing around the bandit’s highet Salim made for an intimidating figure but he wasn’t trying to scare them off. No, he was attempting to provoke him; and provoke him he did.

The bandit stepped a little closer and leaned a little bit as if to show the sword hidden in his armor. “I must insist sir for these roads are quite dangerous.”

Salim huffed and with a contemplating look spun around slowly. With his high perception, he was able to spot multiple men surrounding the cart numbering to about ten. Ending his spinning Salim faced the bandit and began motioning with his hands as he spoke. “But sir you see we have no money to pay you with for your services.”

Salim’s mock begging seemed to please the bandit as he postured flauntingly. “Don’t worry you can repay me with other means…” With that said the bandit eyed Vivyern lustily as if to speak his true intentions. Vivyern was watching the whole situation go down and as if to say “you wish” she huffed and turned away although secretly keeping an eye on Salim.

With a big sweeping motion of his hands, Salim finished the conversation. “Sir it seems you do not get the point.”

Salim’s arm rocked back in tune with the sweeping motion and took hold of the knife on his belt. Activating all of his boosts simultaneously Salim’s arm shot forward with the knife and punched a hole in the bandit’s neck before he had a chance to react to what Salim had said.

Everything began to happen very quickly or rather at a moderate pace when compared to Salim’s perception. Activating Demon Rule and Impose Will everyone in the surrounding area was hit with a wave of pressure unable to move.


Even Vivyern seemed to be effective as a look of shock appeared on her face before a look of comfort overtook her face… Weird.

The bandit’s all panicked and tried to move but found themselves stuck. All the while Salim moved around like the reaper only seen as a blur as he moved at insane speeds killing in one blow either through a strike to the neck or chest with the knife or hand.

Organs liquified and bones disintegrate as Salim practiced things he had been thinking of out on the group of ten or so bandits.

Soon all of them laid down on the ground dead from both external and internal wounds. Salim looked around at what he had done and grimaced. Killing someone though not as hard as some would make you believe felt tiring. You simply couldn’t dwell on it or you would be dragged down by depressing thoughts and upsetting memories.

On the plus side, he had leveled up a ridiculous amount and even managed to gain an actual level for his class. His class seemed to level at a ridiculously slow rate even at level ten although Salim suspected it was from fighting things that really didn’t pose a threat to him and it being a rarer class.

Damn he probably should have observed them before decimating them to know their level and how much experience he would gain from killing them.

Level 11! +10 Vitality +5 Strength +5 Endurance +10 Stat Points

It seemed he got the same stat boosts from leveling up… Maybe that would change later but for now… Hm… It seemed like it was trying to push him to go a strength tank based build.

But a ridiculously speedy bruiser would be hilarious and that's what he planned to do shoving three stat points into speed to make it two hundred along with putting seven into perception to even it out to hundred and eighty.

Closing the stat window Salim was met with an achievement.

You have earned the “Beginner Speedster” due to having the first stat to reach 200 be agility.

+Skill: Sprint

It was odd… the skill sprint. It sounded so simple and basic yet looking at the description it was anything but.

Sprint Lv. 1

A passive skill that increases speed and momentum while decreasing the stamina cost of sprinting. Current boosts go up to 20% increase and 5% decrease.

Salim was sure this skill was definitely going to be useful especially because he could directly see the stat increases in percentage. Leveling it up he would be able to see the amount the percentages would increase based on level.

But that would have to wait for another time. Salim was busy moving the corpse of the first bandit out of the way. He could feel Vivyern looking at him the excitement and appreciation coming from her basically oozing from her.

Hmm, she was probably taking him disposing of all of the bandits the wrong way, wasn’t she? Well, it didn’t matter as Salim finished throwing the bodies out of the road and into the grassland. Jumping back up on the cart Salim sat down and pointed forward telling Vivyern to continue forward.

Riding for a few meaningless hours and watching the sun and clouds pass and descend. It was in the evening as the sun cast a warm orange glow over everything. Salim had observed how he hadn’t felt hungry since he ate last probably due to increased endurance. Very useful indeed.

Spotting objects in the distance settling above the line of grass it looked like a tall wall made out of dark stone. Huh, he could actually see that. Anyway, there was no reason to stop as neither Vivyern or the horse seemed tired.

Time to see what towns are like.

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