《Just a Simple Guy》10 - Hawt damon


The sound from the nock seemed to resound throughout the entire structure of the “tent.” Salim would call it a castle but it seemed a bit too small although he hadn’t seen either of the other rooms yet.

A voice clear as day reverberated down from above Salim “I’ll be there in a bit don’t worry.” The voice seemed to be a few pitches higher and also ten times smoother than the voice of the Beth he knew but then again who knows he certainly didn’t.

Salim was sure if he found out what it was without her showing him there would be hell to pay. Or maybe it wasn’t Beth at all, maybe some strange imposter or they were not actually alone. Although that last guess seemed a bit iffy he didn’t know the logistics of being closed up in a deactivated spacial palace so he wasn’t going to question it.

Walking back into the kitchen Salim grabbed his bowl along with a spoon and sat up on the island eating his soup. It was okay not the best he had done but certainly tasty.

Vegetable Soup Lv. 43

Creation of a talented cook. Made of turnip, carrots, and potato seasoned with salt and pepper.

He even got an achievement for making it too and he wasn’t one to turn down free stuff.

You have earned the “Cook” Achievement for cooking a decent meal.

+2 Agility +2 Precision +Skill: Cook

Yet another basic achievement that almost anyone but the worst cooks could get. Salim wondered how many other achievements like this existed. He would probably find them eventually as he did menial tasks that the system counted as “achievement worthy.”

Salim was interrupted from his musing as the door opened behind him.

Turning around Salim was met with… A sight.

Vivyern Snow Princess of Domenui Lv. 152


A mysterious woman who first introduced herself as Beth the old lady.


What the fuck.

Why couldn’t anything be as it first initially seemed? It makes sense that Beth or he guess Vivyern is more complex then she appeared. She was bound to be with how off her old lady act was. And the vegetables were a big giveaway as well.

Observe must be confused if anyone is using a disguise and doesn’t show level if it's too high for your skill level or overall level? He hadn’t seen many examples so he couldn’t be sure. Health was still an uter mystery tho and would be until he was given some sort of lead.

Well on the new side of things it seemed as though he had figured out part of the mystery of observing leveling it up five times in one go. He received an achievement but he would look at it later. There were more important things to look at.

Vivyern was rather odd looking. Smooth pale white skin with large eyes she looked almost alien. Well, she did look alien but it wasn’t just those features that did it.

Two curved white horns covered in smaller thorns lined her head symmetrically as well as pointed ears that stood out from her face. It was a rather interesting appearance. He thought she was beautiful if not a little strange looking. Her body was thin however through her plain gown she had worn as Beth he could see the muscles that so easily threw him across the ground.

She was still the number one dignified member of the don’t fuck with the list. Although that was subject to change.

Honestly looking at her now Salim was a good foot taller than her now that he was focusing on her from a position that wasn’t the dirt. The intimidating figure was a little less… intimidating? Not that he wasn’t going to insult her reverence or anything it was just very deceiving.


Vivyern huffed before smirking and walking up to him. “If you are done staring I would like my soup.” The way she spoke was rather haughty and pretentious. It must have been disguised as righteous grandmother fuery for him to be too scared to notice.

Not one to disappoint Salim picked up her bowl and spoon before gingerly passing it to her. She paused for a moment before a look of what seemed to be surprised; from all Salim could read passed over her face. Although it was gone a split second after it had still been there.

A look of confidence passed over her face as she ate some of the soup. “Not bad…” She said a small smile crossing her mouth. Of course, the heat had left the soup but it still had a good flavor.

Salim simply grunted in response. He didn’t really enjoy talking about that sort of stuff with people. The trivial benign small little things he just couldn’t understand the enjoyment of.

They sat in silence one staring at the other while the other sneaking glances while eating soup.

Vivyern quickly finishing her soup paused before handing over her bowl to Salim who began washing it out along with the rest of the kitchen utensils. Vivyern stood awkwardly to the side seamingly not knowing what to say.

Finally, she spoke, “do you not know who I am?” Her voice was measured seamingly calculating everything she was saying very slowly.

Snorting Salim decided to give her an actual reply for once. “Listen I don’t even know what you are.”

Salim heard a small release of air along with something that sounded like an oh. “So I guess that thing about being an alien is true?” She said with dramatic seriousness.

This illisited a snort from Salim as he had actually forgotten what he had said to her. “Yea something like that, I’ve never been to this world before so I have no actual experience.” He responded giving her the pretty much the truth.

She gave him a look. “That has to be the single longest thing you have ever said. Anyway, let me be your guide to this world.” Vivyern said with a flourishing almost mocking bow. “I am Vivyern princess of the kingdom Domenui otherwise known as the snow demon princess by the humans and elves.”

That was certainly a lot of exposition dropped at once. So there were elves and she was a demon huh cool.

Salim just had one question though. “Why did you save me?”

At this a blue tinge flooded Vivyern’s face as she looked away from him. She mumbled something as she was looking away.

“Hmm?” Salim asked tauntingly wondering what her reasoning could be for saving his dead ass from a killer tree. Even though Salim knew he was incredibly dashing and amazing from experience he knew others may not have the same views.

“I saw someone struggling and I decided to help them.” She said embarrassed her face fully flushed with her blue looking blood.

That was a tad basic. She was a princess of pure heart and innocence then he concluded. She was violent and a tad arrogant with pride but otherwise she was just a base level stereotypical princess.

“Well aren't you basic” was his retort. He couldn’t help it he really couldn’t she was just asking for it. But I guess that didn’t really matter as he could see the emotions passing across her face rapidly finally setting on rage.

Yea he definitely think it was a poor idea to let the words out of his mind.

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