《Just a Simple Guy》2 - Learning the system


Finding the status page wasn't really hard when all you had to think was “status” and up it came.

Name: Salim Douglas

Level: 1

XP: 0%

Class: N/A

Health (Regen): 190 (27)

Magica (Regen): 40 (20)

Stamina (Regen): 200 (75)

Vitality: 19

Strength: 13

Endurance: 25

Agility: 13

Perception: 23

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 10

Stat Points: 10

His stats truly became ludicrous after receiving those boosts but he still had ten free points to decide with so he began to designate points.

Putting two into intelligence to even out everything to above ten he shifted his focus over to agility and strength. And while he did enjoy the thought of being able to lay out heavy hits with the best of them he enjoyed being quick much more so he loaded seven of his remaining eight into agility. With one to spare he offhandedly put it into strength.

Immediately he felt a flood of power go into his limbs shaping them and strengthening them.

Looking at his arms and legs he realized it had made his body shape to better resemble a runners with more compact muscles full of energy.

He honestly liked the look more than the muscle bound bodybuilder that he could possibly become from raising his strength stat too much. He had already lengthy arms and legs so he had the advantage of running when he was on the track team back in high school.

Highschool… Already the word was feeling foreign to Salim. Maybe it was from the flood of inputs and changes he had already received from this new world but he wasn't going to hold onto his visions of the old world.

Old world. The thought brought a smile and chuckle to Salim's lips which only caused him to laugh more as he realized where he was.

He was on a floating disk with an abomination of unknown power and here he was reminiscing about the “old world.”


Anyway he might as well check those skills that he gained from the achievement rewards.



Touch of Frost Lv. 1


Disadvantage Lv. 1

Elemental Endurance (+) Lv. 1

Cold Body (P/A) Lv. 1

Elemental Endurance (+) Lv. 1


Run and Hide (+++) Lv. 1

Observe Lv. 1

Looking at all the skills he had he realized he had obtained quite a few. The P and A seemed to elude the skill was passive as well as active.

Clicking on his only offensive skill Touch of Frost he was rewarded with additional information about the skill.

Touch of Frost Lv. 1

Active skill that causes the user's hand to give off an aura of frost which when coming into contact with a living target causes damage and the status effect “Freezing Cold” to be applied.

Cost: 20 MP per second

The skill was certainly interesting but it burned up his magic pool rather quickly so he could only activate it right as he touched an enemy.

Trying to activate the skill Salim tried to funnel whatever energy this magica was through his hand to no luck. When he thought about the skill and activating a multitude of things happened all at once.

His hand suddenly gained a light blue gleam to it as he felt a cold energy suck throughout his arm focusing on the blue gleam on his hand. He stared in bewilderment before feeling incredibly exhausted.

Falling to his knees the gleam cut out and he was met with multiple notifications flashing in front of his face.

You have gained two levels in Touch of Frost!

WARNING: Your magica has reached zero you need to wait for it to replenish or find some other means to restore it. You have gained the status affliction “Magica Deprived” due to having no magica left in reserve.

Salim began to feel a deep seated loss through his whole body. Alright so not having any mana is bad don’t do it again. Weakness shot through him as he moved to lay down on his back causing him to fall onto the ground unceremoniously.


He didn't feel it but his pride was still rather hurt. It seemed as though mana is used as a sort of support for strength if this is the amount of weakness he is feeling for using up all his mana.

With nothing to do he began to look around and use the skill he had gotten called observe. It didn't appear to have any cost for its use and seemed to be pretty useful.

Looking again at the blob of flesh and cloth he used observe and was met with some rather scary prospects.

Balurm the Cursed King Lv. ??? (Bewitched)

HP: ???


The system seemed to be rather adamant at the fact he shouldn't go near the thing but it's not like he could move at this point. He saw how Touch of Frost had leveled up after just using it for two seconds and wondered how to level up observe as there were obviously things he couldn't read either because of observes skill level or his own.

So he did the only thing he really could at that point and just started spamming observe as much as he could.

A couple seconds in he already had the worst headache imaginable but he had gained eleven skill levels already so he kept going. And just as the blackness of his vision threatened to overtake him he stopped and rested taking in what had become apparent from his constant observations.

He was probably never going to be able to see anything new about this Balurm because his skill level and overall level were way too low and would never get high enough for him to see anything before he died of something.

On the thought of dying… Salim looked at his health and sighed in relief. It was no longer going down since he had stuck his hand out of the dome.

As the headaches faded away Salim could start to move his body again which was a relief to him and his cramped muscles.

Now being able to move at least slightly Salim began exploring his other skills. They were all pretty streamline and simple such as Elemental Endurance which passively increased resistance to the elements and status effects. Cold Body active and passive were also simple as it simply lowered his average body temperature and made him more resistant to colder temperatures. The active version did the same thing but to a larger degree and used mana to fuel it.

His last two skills were pretty streamlined as well. Disadvantage activated whenever he was facing someone of a higher level boosting regeneration across the board which was very helpful to say the least.

Run and Hide is a simple one majorly boosting agility and stealth while retreating allowing for a lot of escape potential in the future.

With getting that over with Salim started over at the rhythmic rising and falling of the blob creature that was supposed to be a king. Why was he up here? How did he get up here? How do I get down?

Salim was at a loss for what to do at that point. He could test his luck with jumping off but he didn't like his chances.

That being said he didn't really like his chances with ol Balurm either but…

He didn't really seem like he would be waking up out of his “Bewitched” state anytime soon and it seemed like a better chance than a couple mile drop at terminal velocity.

Whether it be foolhardy or just plain insane Salim began to move his muscles and stretch so he could go piss off something hundreds of levels higher than him.

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