《Just a Simple Guy》1 - Trip to ???


Salim didn’t want to be late. He had already missed his ride and just barely got on the plane at before it started to take off. He pushed his glasses up onto his face as he ran to his seat.

The flight was a relatively short one all things considered he was just flying across the states coming home from a rather regretful adventure he had left college for. The hows and whys of the reason why he left still eluded him but he wasn't really one to dwell on that sort of thing.

He spied a rather cute lady across the row from him content with watching the screen in front of her, some sitcom his parents used to watch but he could never get into.

His brain wandering he was suddenly knocked into a state of consciousness by a resounding voice that echoed through his skull.

Prepare for transference in 3…

Salim looked around for the speaker and noticed everyone else appeared to be in a state of bewilderment searching for the speaker.


Everyone was getting visibly worried, children started crying, women started screaming, and people started yelling. All the while Salim was simply sitting in his chair enjoying the excitement, it truly had been a while since something interesting had happened.


The voice sounded neither male nor female or maybe both Salim decided. And with that, the voice spoke a final time.

Preparation complete... transferring…

The world started shifting like twisting and turning back and forth until nothing was recognizable. Salim felt like he was being squeezed through a tube his breath being constricted and his body pushed forward.

Passing by a world of colors it was a lot to take in so Salim closed his eyes and let the headache that was soon coming on pass.

Twisting and turning struggling to breath Salim moved forward through this strange land. He opened his eyes just in time to see a large wall of blackness in front of him. Just as contact was made he felt a creeping cold all over his body and before he could shiver consciousness was lost.

When Salim awoke he was immediately aware of a creeping cold that had settled over his body. When he opened his eyes and was greeted with strange floating text boxes.


Hello! Your world has been transferred to a place of wonder and magic! Learn to use the skills and abilities given to you by the system and defend your home. Have a fun time!

You have unlocked the ability to open your menu! Just think “Status”, “Skills”, or “Achievements” and the proper interfaces will appear! More options will appear if you join a faction, clan, and/or organization.

Personalising stats to fit current build…

Name: Salim Douglas

Level: 1

XP: 0%

Class: N/A

Health (Regen): 90 (27)

Magica (Regen): 40 (20)

Stamina (Regen): 80 (30)

Vitality: 9

Strength: 8

Endurance: 10

Agility: 13

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 10

Stat Points: 0

You have gained multiple achievements check them by thinking “Achievements” to receive your reward!

Classes are gained through reaching level 10

WARNING: You have entered a boss room under adequate level

WARNING: You are in proximity of a creature that you have no hope to beat

Salim was utterly overwhelmed with the bombardment of information he just received and when he went down the list of notifications he became increasingly alarmed as well.

Looking up from the boxes he took in his surroundings

He was on a large circular disk that was covered in grass a huge dome coving it from side to side. And in the middle…

A giant figure rested. It appeared to be asleep its body rising up and down in a tangled mess of pink flesh and dark cloth steadily. The combination lead to a rather intimidating and disgusting figure that Salim had no intention of going over to.


But seeing as how the figure seemed to not be an immediate threat Salim continued to asses his surroundings some more.

Off the edge of the circular disk there appeared to be a sea of endless blue just like the sky above him. Reaching out to feel the dome that encapsulates the entire disk he realized it was intangible and his hand went right through it.

He immediately retracted his hand however as it felt as though it was going to fall off from freezing cold. So… It appeared as if he was stuck extremely high up on a platform above the ocean in a sort of cage match against this creature that he had no hopes of defeating.


His hand still felt incredibly cold and it looked as though his health was dropping at an incredibly slow pace.

Well, he had to figure something out he wasn't just going to jump off and if he didn't do anything he would most likely starve or freeze to death.

With nothing else to do Salim began to study the gigantic beast looking at its folds and cloth for anything resembling a face. Finding nothing Salim steeled himself to go in for a closer look but just before he took a closer step a ringing sound shot through his head startling him.

You have gained multiple achievements check them by thinking “Achievements” to receive your reward!

He didn't pay that much to the notification before but it seemed a better idea than getting closer to the abomination and he wasn't that desperate yet.

You have earned the “Transferred Human” achievement for being one of the billions to be part of this new world. Aren't you special…

+10 Stat Points

Ignoring the rather condescending tone of the notification he began looking over the rest of the achievements

You have earned the “Boss Fighter” Achievement for being the 1st human to go into a boss room.

+5 Strength +5 Endurance +Skill: Disadvantaged

It appeared he had learned a skill although he wasn’t sure he liked the name of the skill… Either way it was also cool that he got some extra points to his already pretty high looking stats but he would have to check that all later as he seemed to still have a few other achievements.

You have earned the “Endangered (+++)” Achievement for being around a monster more than 100 levels higher than you.

+20 Perception +Skill: Run and Hide (+++)

At the sudden jump of skill level, Salim suddenly felt a large amount of pain throughout his body specifically his eyes. Although it wasn’t necessarily a bad pain, sort of like a pain one would get from working their muscles too hard. His vision noticeably became better especially since he needed glasses to see his whole life.

That meant…

Salim took off his glasses and watched as the world began to transition from a blurry haze to crystal clear. An issue that had plagued him his whole life suddenly removed in an instant.

This both excited Salim and scared him at the same time. The power imbalance between people wouldn't be good and being at the bottom would for sure mean being pushed around unable to do anything. The unfit to rule but powerful could take control and who knows what might happen then.

Salim shook his head discarding the thoughts of his overthinking mind. He would deal with it when he got to it. For now...

You have earned the “Careful Observer” Achievement for being aware and studying your surroundings.

+Skill: Observe

This seemed like a rather basic achievement that everyone would get as soon as they awoke but it was interesting how this one didn't seem to give any stat points. Maybe because it was too basic and giving stats for that would be too easy he decided.

You have earned the “Afflicted (+)” Achievement for being the 1st human to receive a higher level status affliction.

+10 Endurance +10 Vitality +Skill: Elemental Endurance (+)

Salim felt his skin begin to toughen up and become rough as the same time his skin seemed to smooth over and become more vibrant and lush if only a little. These two contradicting effects seemed to create a sort of rippling effect over his skin. It seemed as if the skill gain was over five he would be able to visibly tell the change or they simply happened faster. The skill he gained… seemed a lot better than the others he had received before and seemed genuinely useful for an upcoming escape plan from this floating disk.

You have earned the “Frost Touched” Achievement for being the 1st human to receive the status affliction “Frostbite”

+Skill: Cold Body +Skill: Touch of Frost

Two skills but not stat points… Salim couldn't say that he could complain but that would just depend on the usefulness of the skill but they seemed rather useful just by their names so who knows.

There weren't any more achievements so he simply closed the achievement window and began searching for his status page.

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