《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 19: Beliefs


I spent the morning delivering the items Sophia ordered. Although Veene also offered to help me, I refused. When noon came, there were only a few items left to move so Sophia decided to take a break and park in an empty lot, Sophia was going to buy me and Veene four glass milk bottles as a reward for working speed. Because Veene wanted to be useful, she volunteered to buy milk. After Sophia showed her the way, Veene hugged Puff and quickly left even though I was a little nervous inside.

"Holy Morlock. I wouldn't have known you were so strong the first time I met you, Hades." Sophia wrapped her arms around my neck after taking a sip of water from the jug in her pocket.

"Hehe. Even I didn't expect myself to be that strong." I answer.

Sophia's words made me suddenly remember a memory that I thought I had forgotten a long time ago. The day that started my troubled days at secondary school.


I walk to school, although I can ride a car, I prefer walking. When I was about to approach the school, I saw a student wearing a green uniform from the same school with a thin figure caught in a dead-end with 3-4 thugs holding wooden sticks with the leader who had curly blond hair holding an iron rod. Again. I followed and stood in front of a dead end.

"Hey bro, can you give me some money, we're friends, right?" The leader swung the iron rod around.

"Sorry…sorry…but…today…" The thin boy stammered.

The leader was about to unleash his wrath on him when I stood up.

"Wait. Let me pay for him." I started walking in.

"It's you again, the American boy next door. Sigh. Why are you helping these guys anyway? Tch, whatever, just give me money. As always." He approached and held out his hand.


"Of course, as always…" I opened my briefcase to get my wallet.

Crap, where is it. I flipped the bag over. Damn it! Maybe I left it at home.

"What's wrong, no money right?" he asked.

"Can you not hit him today? I'll give you double tomorrow."

"If you don't have money, then go. I need money urgently today. Go help the elderly to cross the street like you always do or something." He chased me away and turned to the boy.

He seems very scared, I need to help him. He needs me. I took the leader by the shoulder.

"Hey, you want to fight?" He raised his voice.

"If you want…" I unconsciously swung my arm and smacked him on the head.

He fainted. His blood was on my hand. Blood. It made the memories of that day flood into my brain. I blacked out. When I woke up, I found myself standing and holding a bloody iron rod in my right hand, and my left hand, clutching the collar of an accomplice who was choking on blood from his mouth. Around me were people lying on the ground and a skinny guy hiding in the corner.

"Please stop." I let go of his collar.

"What happened ?" I asked myself as I approached the skinny guy.

"Monster. Monster." The skinny guy pointed directly at me as I approached him.

Sorry, sorry, I..just...want..to...help...


Since that day, that has not happened again. But that does not change the fact that I beat those guys on that day. Z seems to have given me a body that almost perfectly replicates my previous body. That would explain this power.

"Interria called Hades. Hey, you're having a tantrum." Sophia waved her hand in front of me.


"Nothing. By the way, I always wonder one thing."

"What's up ?"

"I just find it strange that you don't worship other gods but Morlock. Aren't there eleven…" Suddenly I was gagged by Sophia.

"7 not 11. You want The 7 Light Minister to think you are a heretic?" Sophia looked around quickly. Then she removed her hand from my mouth.

"People don't worship those 4 anymore," I ask.

"Those gods were not considered 'gods' but evil gods after the holy war. If you call them "gods", it will be considered heresy. And you wouldn't want to see what they did to a heretic."

"Really. And you still haven't answered my question."

"That's because…well if you don't want to worship those gods, that's fine along as you acknowledge their existence. Followers will consider those who don't worship to be ignorant but that is better than being called a freaking heretic. I don't worship those seven gods simply because I appreciate what Morlock did and sacrificed for the hominoids." Sophia leaned back against the wooden crate behind her.

"Hmmm, interesting."

"Sister Sophia, Mr. Hades. I brought milk here." Veene ran towards us with three bottles of milk on her arm while Puff was running behind her.

We continued to peacefully sit and rest in the car while listening to the sound of leaves swaying in the wind combined with birdsong in the trees.

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