《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 20: The 7 Light Minister


After taking a break, Sophia fed the horse some fruit from the carriage. We continue to the next delivery place.

"At this rate, we will quickly finish these items by tomorrow." Sophia happily smiled while not only counting money but also driving the cart.

"So where is the next point we need to go, Sophia?" Veene asked happily while hugging and cuddling Puff in her arms.

"Let me see." Sophia opens her notebook "The 7 Light Minister will be our next stop."

"The 7 Light Minister?" I ask.

"Sigh. We will make this quick." Sophia replied.

We approached the sanctuary of the 7 Light Ministers. The outside of the sanctuary is covered in white with old-fashioned window frames. The main gate of the sanctuary was guarded by two knights wearing white armor with blue highlights holding two giant spears. Above the gate is the symbol of the sanctuary with a small circle and 7 long diamond shapes pointing straight into the center. Three long ones point to the upper center and four shorter ones point to the bottom center. The positions of those long diamonds are perfectly symmetrical.

"Wait a minute." Sophia stopped her horse and looked closely at the gate.

I also followed her. There seemed to be two knights resembling gatekeepers carrying a man in a black robe.

"Really, now?" Sophia looked a little annoyed.

"{What is it, Sister Sophia/ Lady Sophia.}" Both Veene and I asked in unison.

Sophia sighed, then said, "Veene, can I leave you to look after the shrine door with Puff."

"Of course, Sophia." Veene quickly replied.

"Okay, let's go Hades."

I left my backpack in the car and quickly ran after Sophia. The two of us stood in front of the shrine door. But before I could enter, I was stopped by two gatekeepers.


"Before entering the holy palace, please put down all your weapon in the basket on the table next to me." The soldier standing on the right said.

"As usual," Sophia replied.

Sophia then opens a small dimensional portal, from which she pulls out the rifle from the day before, several small automatic guns, a medium-sized double-barreled shotgun, and various cartridges. She then took out from her thighs, two small pistols. After seeing that scene, I realized two things. One, don't mess with Sophia. Two, I'm pretty sure the heroes from the other world are the cause of the guns appearing in Interria.

"We welcome you to this holy palace." Both soldiers opened the main gate of the shrine.

The inside of the inner sanctuary is very glorious and magnificent. The main room of the palace is supported by four main pillars that are hung with magnificent pictures of four different gods. Each picture is engraved with the words: Orderius the god of order and judgment, Lifeius the god of life and the sun, Developius the god of development and technology, Honorius the god of honor and dualists. In the center of the room is a long red carpet, flanked by long tables and chairs with white-robed sheep praying from humanity to the hominoids of the gods. Projecting down the hall are three intricately carved glass panels of three foundators. The one who knows (Knous) engraved on the left side glass shows a yellow faceless hominoid holding what looks like a book. The one who keeps the circle (Circlus) engraved on the glass on the left side is a faceless green person in the middle of a sphere-like thing that revolves around circles. The one who guild time and space (Cronus) engraved on the glass in the center is a red faceless man holding an hourglass in one hand, the other is a cube. At the end of the red carpet is a large platform on which the priest in a white suit with a red highlight and a necklace bearing the symbol in front of the shrine gate seems to be judging the man in the black robe earlier along with two knights standing beside him made him kneel. Sophia tugged at my robe and made me sit down on one of the tunics on the right.


"My dearest father, we have brought you this heretic, who has done unspeakable act behind the mountain lately, for you to bring down justice from our gods." One of the knights said.

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