《Midnight Rose ( The Rose Series: Book 1)》Chapter 5: KJ
I woke up the next morning feeling extremely exhausted from yesterday's events. It took me a long time to fall asleep after the whole balcony thing. I could not understand how the boy could just disappear like that. I looked over at the window and saw the sun was barely rising. I figured that I might as well get up and find some food to eat. I quickly got dressed into some comfy clothes and headed out the bedroom. When I opened the door I saw some lady coming out of Niklaus’ room. The lady saw me and gave me a nasty look before she headed to the stairs.
Wait, he already has someone?!? Lilith whimpered
I told you it was never going to happen. I walked towards the stairs and Diedrick was standing at the top leaning on the railing. I walked up to him and looked down stairs watching the lady walk out of the pack house.
“See you have met Sasha” He said her name like it was venom. I looked up at him. “She doesn’t have a good reputation around the pack. I’m actually surprised she spent the night here. Normally Niklaus kicks her out in the middle of the night.” I wondered what kind of reputation she had. “Anyway enough about her, I’m going to head down to the kitchen area if you wanna tag along.” My stomach let out a loud growl and Diedrick laughed, “I’m going to take that as you will tag along.” I nodded. We headed down the stairs and took a left to go behind the stairs to a set of two doors. Diedrick opened the door and let me walk in first. I looked around and saw the most beautiful kitchen set up. “Come on this way,” Diedrick waved at me to follow him, “there should be breakfast already set up.” We walked through a doorway that led to a huge table that had a bowl of fruit, a plate of pancakes, and two drink pitches. Diedrick handed me a plate and drinking glass, “take whatever you want.”
So much food. Lilith happily jumped around in my head. I grabbed a few pieces of fruit, one pancake, and poured me a glass of orange juice. I took a seat at the end of the table shortly after Diedrick sat down next to me. We sat in silence until Niklaus came walking in.
“I see you let Sasha stay the night.” Diedrick broke the silence while Lilith whimpered at the sound of the lady’s name. Niklaus grabbed his food and took a seat across from Diedrick.
“So what if I did,” Niklaus ate a piece of fruit, “this is going to be the only time she spends the night anyway.” I ate my food in silence not wanting to be a part of this conversation.
“Are you kidding me?” A new voice sounded through the room. I looked up and saw that it’s that Ryker guy from the mall. “We are letting rogues sit at the dining table now” he grabbed his food.
“We might as well since we allow a low rank guard to,” Niklaus spat out as he took a bite of food causing Diedrick to cough up the food he just ate.
“What did you say?” Ryker took long strides towards Niklaus.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize I somehow magically fumbled over my words,” Niklaus put down his fork. “We do allow a low rank guard to eat with us.” Niklaus said slowly as he got out of his seat and stood right in front of Ryker.
“Why you little shit head?” Ryker raised his fist about ready to punch Niklaus. However before he could, Diedrick got in between them.
“Okay that’s enough from you two.” Diedrick slightly pushed both of them away from each other. He turned to Ryker, “just grab your food and head to the border.” Ryker mumbled under his breath angrily getting his food and left. Diedrick faced Niklaus “ and you..” he didn’t get to finish his sentence.
“I’m going to the training grounds.” Niklaus grabbed his plate and walked out. I sat in my seat trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. Diedrick sighed as he sat back down.
Is every morning like this?
I sure hope not.
“I’m sorry about those two” Diedrick spoke up, “they used to get along but not anymore. It doesn’t help that Sasha was here last night. Niklaus always ends up in a pissy mood the day after he spends time with her.” I knew I was going to regret asking my question but I had to ask.
“Why do they not get along anymore?” I took another bite of my pancake.
Diedrick took a sip of his drink before he answered. “Well for starters Ryker is my little brother and on top of that he is gay. I have nothing wrong with that. I fully supported him for who he is. Well when we were teenagers Ryker had a major crush on Niklaus. I guess I should also say Niklaus is bisexual”
“Well Ryker ended up finding his mate and Ryker rejected him because he was going to confess his feelings for Niklaus. However Niklaus rejected Ryker’s confession saying he didn’t feel that same way and how Ryker was stupid for rejecting his mate.” I could only imagine the pain Ryker had gone through but I did agree with that is was sort of stupid for him to reject his mate. You only get one mate unless the Goddess grants you a second one but that rarely ever happens. “And to top it off, on the same day Blade gave the Gamma position to Niklaus instead of Ryker who was originally supposed to get the position.” Diedrick went to take another sip of his drink as well as a bite of his food.
I stabbed my food with my fork not knowing what to say. That’s when it hit me that I was supposed to go to the training grounds with Niklaus. “Shit I’m supposed to be with Niklaus at the training grounds.” I frantically got up from the seat until Diedrick put his hand on my arm.
“Hey calm down,” Diedrick directed me to sit back down. “Niklaus already mind linked me and asked if I could drive you to the training grounds and that he wanted to make sure you eat enough.”
At least he cares enough to not want us to nearly pass out like yesterday. Lilith still sounded a little upset.
Are you still upset about him being with another girl?
I’m sorry that I get jealous.
You have no reason to get jealous. He isn’t even ours. Lilith huffed and put up her block. She can get all pissy but it’s true Niklaus is not our and he never will be. I went back to finishing my food.
The moment I was done eating, Diedrick and I headed out to the garage. He went up to his truck and I noticed that his truck wasn’t as high up as Niklaus’. I was able to get into the truck with ease. He drove out of the garage and down the road.
“I have a question.” Diedrick hummed at me to continue. “Why is Niklaus’ truck higher up than yours and Blade’s when you guys are taller than him?” I was genuinely curious.
Maybe he's compensating for something.
Really is your mind always in the gutter? I would never admit it but I was thinking the same as Lilith.
“I know what you may be thinking and no he is not compensating for anything,” it was like he was reading my mind. Is this dude a mind reader or something. “And trust me I know.” I gave him a worried look. “I accidentally walked in on him when he was with another she wolf. It’s a memory that I wish wasn’t stitched into my brain.” I tried to hold in my laugh. “Yeah my trauma is very funny, laugh it up.”
“I’m sorry” I laughed out loud. Before I knew it we were already at the training grounds.
“Well here is your stop,” Diedrick parked the truck to let me out.
“Thank you.” I hopped out of the truck and headed towards where Niklaus was. He was having the trainees fight one on one combat. “Hey sorry I’m late.” Niklaus looked over at me and it seemed like he was still in a bad mood.
“Hopefully you don’t end up almost passing out again.” He huffed out and began barking orders at the two teenage boys that were fighting. “Never let your guard down and always keep your eye on your enemy. I went over to the bench and sat down watching the fighting.
What happened to the sweet side of him?
I don’t know but I would take that side of him verus this side.
Training was almost over and I couldn’t be more glad. Niklaus got tired of how the trainees were fighting so he decided to use me as a sparring partner to show them how fighting should be done. He even told me to give him everything I got, which I was, but I everytime I went in for an attack he had a counter move. I began to hear some of the trainees talking among themselves making comments. One comment stood out the most to me “And she was the one that sent him to the hospital. I highly doubt that.” Are these kids really mocking us? Lilith was getting as irritated as me. Let’s show them what we got. We are a rogue, we don’t fight fair. I felt Lilith semi front. I went to punch Niklaus and when he dodge like I planned, I kicked him in his ribs. I heard him wince in pain and the trainees all gasp in shock.
“Now we are getting somewhere.” Niklaus commented and came at me. I dodged his attack, making him have his back towards me allowing me to kick him in the back. “I see how it is.” I felt like he was beginning to take his anger out on me. If I wanted to win this sparring match I would have to play dirty. When he came at me with another attack, I fell backwards using my hand to cushion my fall. That was when an idea popped into my head.
“Ow shit,” I grabbed my wrist holding it close to my chest and began to fake cry. Niklaus stared at me. “I think I broke my wrist.” Niklaus then went into a full panic mood. He came towards me, kneeling down.
“Let me see.” He held out his hand and that was when I took my chance. I grabbed his arm and leaned towards him causing him to lean backwards. I grabbed his other arm and got on top of him pinning him to the ground. The look of shock on his face was priceless. “You tricked me.”
“You are the one that said to never let your guard down,” I repeat the same words he told the trainees when they were sparring. “Another word of advice, not all fights are fair so never expect them to be.” The trainees all laughed at Niklaus. Niklaus' checks became a light shade of red. Suddenly all the laughing stopped.
“Why the fuck are you on top of my man?” I looked up from Niklaus to see the lady from this morning. What was her name again? Sasha. Lilith said her name with venom. “Do you mind getting off of him?” I let go of Niklaus’ arms and got up off his lap. Niklaus proceeded to get up after.
“Sasha what are you doing here?” Niklaus walked up to her.
“I came to see how you were doing.” She put her hand on Niklaus’ chest. “I’m glad I did or who knows what else that skank would have done.” What did that fleabag call us?!?! Lilith growled. Sasha walked up to me, “I better not see you touch my man again, got it?” She poked my chest.
“Me and him were just sparring okay.” I shoved her hand away from me. “I have no interest in him like that, okay?”
“How dare you talk to me like that.” She let out a growl. “Do you know who I am?”
“Sasha that is enough.” Niklaus got semi in between me and her. “We were just sparring like she said.” I saw Sasha’s eyes change color.
“I don’t have time for this. I am leaving” I turned around and started to head to the bench where there were some water bottles.
“Why you little bitch.” I heard Sasha say along with the sounds of bones cracking. I heard all the trainees yelling to look out. I turned around and saw a black wolf lunging towards me. I was about to dodge when I saw a wolf with midnight blue tint jump in front of me. It dawned on me that the wolf that jumped in the way was Niklaus while the full black one was Sasha. Every time Sasha would try to go around, Niklaus would block her path growling. This went on for about 2 minutes and Sasha suddenly raised her paw getting ready to claw at Niklaus.
“THAT IS ENOUGH!!!” A voice beamed through the training grounds. I looked where the voice was coming from to see Diedrick and Blade. Sasha backed away with her tail in between her hind legs whimpering. Niklaus’ wolf stayed in front of me watching Sasha’s every move baring his teeth. “Both of you go to the shower room, shift and come back here with clothes on now.” Blade spoke and Niklaus and Sasha immediately acted on his command. “And you are to stay there,” Blade pointed at me, “The rest of you go home now.” The trainees quickly dispersed while I sat down on the bench.
I quickly headed to the showers. Once I walked through the doorway I shifted back into my human form. I went to grab from the bin of spare clothes we had in case anyone shifted into their wolf. I put on a pair of sport shorts and a black tank top.
God why did Sasha have to come and ruin a perfect moment.
I hate it as much as you do Hades.
Why do you even keep her around?
Hey I am trying to get rid of her but she keeps on coming back okay. I made my way back to the training grounds where I saw KJ sitting on the bench, while Blade and Diedrick talked to each other. I saw no sign of Sasha which probably meant she was still getting clothes on. Diedrick noticed that I was back and nodded his head towards the bench KJ was sitting on. I walked towards the bench and sat beside KJ. I noticed she was shaking her leg. I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “everything is going to be alright.” She turned and faced me.
“How can you be so sure?” She whispered back.
I pointed towards Blade, “I can guarantee he has already mind linked a few of the trainees to get their side of the stories.” She nodded her head but she still seemed worried.
“So nice of you to join us again.” Blade voiced. I looked over towards the female showers and saw Sasha. “Take a seat there.” Blade pointed at the center of the sparring mat.
“But they get to sit on the bench that is not…” Sasha didn’t get to finish her sentence before Blade yelled at her to sit. KJ even jumped a little bit from how loud his voice got. Sasha immediately went to the center of the mat and sat down.
“Now care to explain why I had one of the trainees mind-linked me during a meeting telling me that two of my pack members had shifted in their wolf form and began fighting.” Blade had his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“That filthy skank of a rogue started it.” Sasha pointed her finger towards KJ. Of course she is going to try to lie her way out of this. Blade let out a sigh.
“That’s funny considering when I arrived here, it was you and Niklaus in your wolf form.” I sensed a tone of annoyance in Blade’s voice, “and KJ was fully clothed indicating she never shifted.” he put emphasis on KJ’s name. “So once again explain yourselves.”
“That rogue was trying to make a move on my mate.” I choked on my spit when the word mate came out of Sasha’s mouth. Bitch say what. What the hell? Diedrick even choked on his spit while Blade stared at Sasha with wide eyes. I noticed KJ’s breath hitched a little.
“Since when did I ever become your mate?” I stood up from the bench. “Because last time I checked we are not mates.” Sasha was about to speak but I shut her up, “you will never become my mate and trust me if we were mates I would automatically reject you as my mate.” I knew that was messed up for me to say but it was all true. Maybe now it will get through her dumb head that we don’t like her.
“Niklaus sit down please.” Diedrick stepped forward. I went and took my seat back next to KJ. “Now I want answers from all of you,” Diedrick looked at all of us one by one. “Who was the one that attacked first? KJ will answer first, then Sasha, and lastly Niklaus.” He stepped back and held his hand out for us to begin.
“I was getting ready to leave when I heard the trainees yell at me to look out. I turned around and saw Sasha lunging towards me in her wolf form” KJ cowared on the bench and brought her knees to her chest.
“She is lying.” Sasha stood up, “All rogues lie, she is the one that attacked me first. I shifted into my wolf form in self defense.” She looked towards me, “tell them Niklaus.” Does she really expect me to lie for her?
She does realize we swore an oath to never lie to the Alpha. I looked over at KJ to see she had her face buried in between her knees and chest. “Sasha shifted into her wolf form and lunged towards KJ while her back was turned. I then shifted and jumped in between them to prevent Sasha from landing a hit on KJ.” I stared at Sasha the whole time I spoke and the look of shock on her face filled me with joy.
“Why would you lie for that rogue?” Sasha stomped her foot on the ground.
“Sasha,” Blade walked towards Sasha, “if they are lying then when I mind-linked the same question to all the trainees that were here, why did they all tell me that you are the one that attacked first.” Sasha stumbled over her words. Blade held up his hand making her stop, “you do realize that lying to the Alpha or Beta is punishable?” Now she gets to spend a week in the cells hahaha. Hades was dancing around in my mind as I tried not to laugh at his remark.
Hades now is not the time. I covered my mouth with my hands when Diedrick gave me a glare. “I am going to have to send you to the cells for a week for lying,” on cue two guards came in and grabbed Sasha taking her to the cells. She was screaming and kicking the whole time until she was off the training grounds. Blade turned towards us, “and you two head back to the pack house.” KJ and I both nodded. Blade and Diedrick took their leave.
“Come on,” I stood up and held out my hand to help KJ up. We walked to my truck, I waited to get in until KJ did to make sure she didn’t need help. Once we were both in, I started the truck and drove back to the pack house. Once we got back to the pack house, KJ immediately got out of the truck and ran towards the pack house. She had to have been so scared back there. I turned off my truck and headed inside the pack house. I went to my room and laid down in bed. I could not get the image of KJ on top of me, pinning me down out of my head. “Ugh what is wrong with me?” I looked down at my shorts. “Guess I’m taking a cold shower tonight.”
- End1252 Chapters
Immortal Mortal
Here, only those with spiritual roots can cultivate while those with mortal roots are destined to stay mortal.
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The Archaic Ring
An original story inspired by xianxia and western fantasy. At sixteen years old, Nolan spent most of his time skipping class and playing video games, though he'd been getting into more fights lately than he cared to admit. His once record-high academics were nearing the end of a gradual decline, a byproduct of a growing indifference that had begun to fester after his parents' divorce. All of his worries dissipate like smoke in the wind when he inexplicably wakes up in another world, only to be replaced by a wider spectrum of vexing problems. BOOK ONE NOW ON AMAZON! To read the first book Tribes of Venara, follow this link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07VZXGDL7 Note* this link is to the Canadian amazon store, so switch to your local store to find the purchase option. BOOK TWO NOW ON AMAZON! To read the book, follow this link: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08FR85D39 BOOK THREE NOW ON AMAZON! To read this book, follow this link and access through your local amazon store: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B09FKYRYY5 Ten percent of each book is available here on RR, which is the legal limit that Amazon's rules/regulations allow me to post. I've received some flack from potential readers for publishing these novels, but you can only work full-time for free, for so long (in this case, two years) so I hope to see some sympathy in this regard. To those that take a chance on the series, thank you!
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