《Midnight Rose ( The Rose Series: Book 1)》Chapter 2: KJ
As we walked around the mall, I noticed that all the clothing stores looked expensive. I was nervous about walking into the stores. I knew I would stand out as soon as I enter one. There was no way no one would know that I didn’t belong here. We walked by what seemed like a hair place and it got me thinking about how I never got to do anything with my hair. “Hey umm Lilly,” I stopped waiting for her to turn around. She turned and looked at me with a questioning look. “Do you think we could possibly get my hair done before doing any clothes shopping?” A huge smile formed on her face as she clapped her hands together. She came up to me grabbing my arm and leading me into the hair place.
“Be right with you” A guy's voice sounded. The place looked expensive, and it was making me worry about how much it was going to cost. A guy walked up to the front counter as he was drying his hands with a paper towel. “How can I help you, ladies?” I glanced over at Lilly, unsure of what all I could get done. I really wanted to dye my hair, but I didn’t want to assume that it would be okay.
“We are going to do whatever she would like to have done” Lilly walked behind me and put her hands on my shoulder slightly pushing me closer to the counter. This girl really likes to grab people a lot. The guy stared at me waiting for me to say something.
“I was wondering if at all possible if I could umm…” I looked back at Lilly for any type of reinsurance that I could do anything. She did a go-on-hand gesture to me, “get purple highlights throughout my hair.” The guy walked around the counter towards me and proceeded to touch my hair. He did this all the while walking around me. Once he was done, he stood in front of me putting his left arm around the middle of his torso and his right elbow resting on his left arm while tapping a finger to his chin.
“We would have to bleach the parts where we will go purple” he spoke, “have you ever had your hair dyed before” I shook my head no. “Ooo virgin hair I like” he put his hands on his hips. “Why don’t you follow me back to one of the chairs and we can get started on bleaching your hair.” He waved his hand for me to follow as he turned on his heels. Lilly put her hands on my back and pushed me, ushering me to follow. She didn’t let up on the pushing until we got to the chair. “Okay go ahead and take a seat.” He had what looked like a cape in his arms. I walked to the front of the chair sitting down and immediately he put the cape-like thing around my neck, draping it over my front. He had me facing towards a mirror and for the first time in a long while I got to see how I looked. My face was a little on the thin side, but I guess that’s what happens when you got to fight for food constantly. I looked down, not being able to handle seeing myself anymore. I could hear footsteps walking around me and Lilly suddenly knelt in front of me with her hands over mine.
“Hey, don’t worry about how you look” She placed a hand under my chin, lifting my head up to look her in the eyes. “You are staying with a pack now. You will be getting all the nutrients you truly need. There will be no more fighting over your next meal, I’ll make sure of it even if I have to strike fear in others.” I huffed out a slight laugh, giving a small smile. “Now that’s what I like to see. I’ll make it my goal to keep that smile on your face” she gave a quick hug.
The guy cleared his throat. I completely forgot about him. “Now if we are done with this nice touchy moment we can begin with the bleaching” Lilly got up from kneeling and moved over to the side proceeding to lean on the wall staring at me. “If you would like Luna, I can give you a chair. You should know that hair dyeing does take a few hours easily when involving bleach.” Wait, did he just call Lilly Luna, I thought she was the Beta’s mate?!?!?!
“I’ll get one if I need it” She crossed her arm over her chest. “Anyway Oscar, didn't I tell you not to call me Luna. I’m not the true Luna of the pack” Confused, I looked at Lilly hoping she could explain exactly what was going on. “Oh, right you don’t know. Blade, my brother, is the Alpha of the pack and his mate, our true Luna, died 9 years ago at the hands of rogues. He never found a new mate but he refused to step down from Alpha position so when I turned 18 I became the acting Luna for the pack.” Her once cheering attitude changed to gloomy.
Now we know why Alpha isn’t too fond of rogues.
For once Lilith didn’t say something smart-ass. It still made me curious why the Alpha decided to let me live. If I was in his position, I would kill every rogue I saw until I found the ones that killed my mate. I was pulled from my deep thoughts when I smelt a really strong scent. It almost made me want to gag and rip my nose off my face. I looked in the mirror, seeing Oscar putting something whitish/bluish in my hair. I assumed it was the bleach. Must I say the worst scent I have ever smelt in my life and I have smelt a rotting deer corpse once.
“Don’t like the smell?” Oscar asked while holding in what I could assume was a laugh. I covered my nose with my hand as a way to say no. I could not trust opening my mouth without gagging. “You’re not the only one that hates the smell, but I can assure you that the purple hair dye won’t smell as bad I promise.” If I had known the bleach would smell bad, I would have never asked to dye my hair in the first place.
We will probably only have to deal with this smell for like 10 or so minutes.
“Alright all done with applying it. Now we are going to let it sit for about 45.” Oscar took off his gloves, throwing them in the small trash can by Lilly. You were saying, Lilith. Lilith made a small whimper. Oscar had brought over some type of machine that had a big half sphere-looking thing. “Okay, I’m going to put this over your head to add some more heat to your hair to help with the bleaching process.” Once he set it up, he walked to the very back of the salon. Lilly came up to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“I’m going to go grab a drink. Would you like anything?” I shook my head no. I wasn’t all that thirsty at the time.
After almost 2 hours of dyeing my hair, we were finally done. It was the longest 2 hours of my life and I was ready to leave the mall, but I knew Lilly would not allow that until we got me some new clothes that actually fit. I was getting tired of the shirt I was wearing, constantly pulling it up because my cleavage kept nearly popping out. “Okay so out of any of the clothing stores we passed by is there any that caught your attention?” Lilly abruptly stopped causing me to nearly trample over her. I tried to recall all the stores we passed by but only one really stood out to me, sadly I could not recall the name of the place. “Okay, it looks like you are having some trouble. Why don’t you describe what was in the display window?”
“Umm there looked to be a lot of black clothing and I noticed a stand in the store that had choker necklaces.” Immediately Lilly grabbed my arm and dragged me in the direction we just came from. Within a minute we were right in front of the store I described. “This is most definitely the place.” She held out her hand, gesturing me to lead the way into the store. Heading to the stand with the chokers, I spotted a black and purple choker that had spiders dangling from it.
“You can grab anything you like, and we can always ask for a dressing room to try on clothes to” Lilly handed me a huge bag. “Don’t worry about the price tag.” I put the choker in the bag, proceeding to head over to a stand that had gloves hanging. I looked through the gloves, spotting a pair that had 3 buckles and had no sleeves for the fingers. I decided to put them in the bag. Heading over to the clothes, I tried to think of what type of clothing style I want to rep. I skimmed through the shirts, in the process finding 8 good pairs of shirts I really liked. They all had open shoulder sleeves and ranged from the colors black, red, and dark purple. I figured it was time to look at some pants to go along with the shirts. All the while I could see Lilly from the corner of my eye scrolling through her phone. I searched through the pants for about 15 minutes, finding 3 pairs of shorts, 4 pairs of ripped jeans, 2 pairs of leggings, and a set of fishnets to wear under the shorts. I walked over to where Lilly was. She looked up from her phone, “found everything you wanted?”
“All but shoes.” I looked around trying to see if I could find some, “but it seems they don’t sell any here.” I was hoping that they did sell shoes here so that way they could fit the style of the clothes. Lilly put her phone into the back pocket of her shorts.
“That's fine we can go to a shoe store that is similar to this store” as if on cue my stomach let out an obnoxious growl, “after we get something in your stomach” she laughed leading me to the check outline. There was only one other person in front of us, so the line went fast. When it was our turn to pay, Lilly took the bag from me and put it on the counter.
“Did you guys find everything alright?” The lady at the register asked while pulling everything out of the bag. She proceeded to scan every item and put them in a new bag. Lilly gave the lady a short yes, digging out the credit card. “Alrighty if that is everything your total will be £346.” I became scared that Lilly was going to freak out about me grabbing so much stuff. My fear went away as she gave the card to the lady. There was a ding from the machine after the lady swiped the card. “Alrighty, you are all set, have a good day.” The lady handed back the card and gave us the bags full of my stuff. We walked out of the store and headed for the food court. There were so many people and so many little food vendors.
“What do you feel like eating?” Lilly walked over to a table, setting down our bags next to the table legs. I scanned all the food vendors, figuring out what they had to offer.
“How about some fish and chips from there?” I pointed towards a food vendor. It’s been a while since I had some decent fish and chips, and my mouth was watering from thinking about it.
Lilly gave me a smile, “sweet stay here and I’ll go grab us our food.” She hurried away, while I pulled out one of the chairs taking a seat. I began tapping my hands on the table, studying everyone that walked by. I wondered if everyone at this mall was a part of the pack or if some were humans. I heard some people start to mumble with each other about smelling a rogue when someone slammed the palm of their hand onto the table. I looked up at the person, taking note that he looked very similar to Diedrick only a few inches shorter. I huffed out a sigh not wanting to cause any trouble.
“What do you think you are doing here, rogue?” His hand on the table formed into a fist. God can this guy just leave us alone. I agreed with Lilith. I went to grab my bags and prepare to go find Lilly, but the guy ended up grabbing the bags before I could.
“Hey, give those back” I attempted to snatch the bags from him, but he quickly put the bags behind his back. I let out a growl, “Those are mine!” Slamming my hands on the table, I stood up from my chair.
“You probably stole all this stuff so maybe I should call security,” I released another warning growl, “or better yet one of the pack guards. Oh wait, I am one.” Of course, he is. Just my fucking luck. I walked around the table and got right in front of him.
“I’ll have you know I paid for all of that stuff,” I tried to grab the bags again, but he once again moved them out of my reach. I growled even louder, balling my hands into a fist. KJ calm down, people are starting to stare. I took my attention off the guy for a minute to see that Lilith was right. I’m all for putting this guy in his place but there are kids around. I closed my eyes, inhaling a deep breath to calm my nerves. “Just give me back my things please” I held out my hand.
“What are you going to do if I don’t, filthy mutt?” He leaned down and got in my face. That’s it. I had it with him. I was about to tell him off, but another voice replaced mine.
“What is going on here, Ryker?” I turned to see Lilly put the food down at the table and had her arms crossed. She had the evil glare in her eyes again. The Ryker guy went back to standing upright and showed the bags to Lilly.
“I just caught this rogue trying to steal.” Lair. “So I was going to take her to the pack jail.” Lilly was unamused by what he had to say. She put one of her hands on her hip and grabbed the bags with her other hand. She proceeded to give me the bags.
“That’s funny considering we had just bought all these not that long ago,” she walked up to Ryker, “so I don’t recall ever stealing any of the items in those bags.” Ryker clenched his jaw while letting out a small growl. “Oh don’t you dare growl at me,” she grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him down to her height “Don’t forget I am your acting Luna so you will treat me with respect. Unless you want me to tell your older brother or even better yet my brother on how you have been treating me.” Ryker looked like a deer in headlights, and it took everything in me to not laugh out loud. “Because I can assure you, they would not take kindly to that. Do you understand?!” He nodded his head in agreement and nearly fell over when Lilly shoved him away from her. “Good. Get going I am sure there are better things you could be doing right now like watching the border while Niklaus is in the hospital recovering.” With that, he left but not without giving me a nasty look and growl first. Lilly turned around and took a seat at the table beginning to eat her salad she got.
“Can I just say how scary you can be at times?” I went to sit across from her and grabbed at one of the fishes and brought it to my mouth. She gave me a smirk. “By the way, who was he?” I asked after swallowing some of my food.
“Oh him, he is just one of our pack guards.” She took a bite of her salad and continued to speak. “He is also Diedrick’s little brother.” She rolled her eyes. No wonder they looked so much alike. I nodded in understanding. We sat in silence as we finished our food.
We finished up at the mall after buying me 2 pairs of Demonia shoes. The sun was already setting as we walked out to the truck. I opened the back seat door, putting all the bags we had into the truck. I struggled once again getting into the front seat of the truck. I still don’t understand how the shorty can get in easier than us.
That makes two of us Lilith. Once I was situated in the truck, Lilly began to pull out of the parking lot. It was silent in the truck, so I decided to turn on the radio. However, all that came out from the radio was static. Lilly grabbed her phone out of her back pocket and proceeded to fidget with it.
“Here,” she handed me her phone, “Niklaus has his truck stereo only hooked up for Bluetooth and not radio.” I stared at her phone for a few seconds trying to figure out where her music was on it. “The music is under the red icon with the musical symbol.” I scanned the phone and found the icon she was talking about at the bottom of the screen. I opened the app and scrolled through all the songs she had. I noticed she had some songs by Timeflies, so I decided to play the song called Undress Rehearsal. Lilly began to sing along while tapping her hands on the steering wheel. She even turned up the volume causing the truck to vibrate a bit. She pointed at me as if she wanted me to sing along too.
“You the main attraction. Lights, camera, action.” I sang softly. The car ride ended up being a karaoke feast. It helped pass the time quicker. Suddenly Lilly slammed on the breaks causing me once again to almost hit the dashboard even though this time I had my seatbelt on. I looked at her like she was crazy.
“Oh shit this is not good” Lilly kept her eyes forward. When I looked at where she was looking, I saw a guy with red hair wearing a black tank top and black pair of jeans standing in front of the garage. He looked extremely pissed off. Lilly put the truck into park and turned it off while getting out of the truck. I quickly unbelted and followed suit with her. “Aren’t you supposed to be in the pack hospital healing your broken bones?” Oh, fuck this is Niklaus!!! To my surprise, he was much shorter than Diedrick and the Alpha, but still taller than me.
“I’m perfectly fine so they let me go early” he huffed at Lilly. I assumed she didn’t believe him when she poked at his ribcage. “God damn you,” he immediately put his hands to his ribcage, “you are a devil woman.”
“See you are not fine.” Lilly crossed her arms while glaring at Niklaus. Niklaus had his teeth clenching in what seemed like a way to not scream in pain. “Does the staff of the pack hospital even know you discharged yourself?”
“That doesn’t matter right now,” He stood up straight again but left one hand still on his ribcage. “I heard from Ryker that you were hanging around with some female rogue,” he snarled out, “and on top of that you took my truck.” He started to walk over to the truck with a slight limp. At that moment he noticed me which caused me to get a good look at him. I realized that he had two different colored eyes, the right one being blue and the left green. He let out a scary loud growl indicating to me that he realized who I was. “Of all rogues, you hung out with the one that put me in the hospital!!!” He turned back towards Lilly, “does Blade know you let her out of the jail cell and took her out to do things with?”
“Blade is the one that ordered for her to be released from the jail cells and to remain in the pack house until further notice,” Lilly walked over to the truck getting the bags out from the back, “so if you have a problem with that, you are going to have to take it up with him, got it?” She handed me half of the bags and tossed the truck keys to Niklaus. She grabbed my arm and led me towards the pack house.
“There better not be a dent or scratch on my truck” Niklaus yelled out. Once we were inside the pack house, Lilly led me up to the second floor of the house. We walked down the hallway until we were met with a set of doors on each side of the hallway. She opened the door to the right and walked toward a bed that was in the center of the room. She put the bags on the bed, turning towards me.
“This will be your room,” she glimmed. “You have your own bathroom,” she pointed to a set of double doors, “and your own walk-in closet.” She grabbed the bags I had from me setting them on the bed after noticing that I was frozen in place from aww. I could not believe I was getting a room like this. “If you need anything just let me know, I’m in the room right down the hall with a dreamcatcher hanging on the door.” She proceeded to walk out the doors. “Oh and beware Niklaus is in the room right across from you.” With that, she was out the door. I walked over to the bed and flopped down. So soft.
Did you hear that we are right across the hall from mister sexy?
Yeah, the guy who hates our guts right now.
So… You still gotta admit he is hella good-looking. I wonder what he looks like with a shirt off.
Okay, he is good-looking but come on Lilith he is never going to fall for a rogue that tried to kill him.
Never say never KJ.
I laughed at her thoughtful thinking. I got up, grabbing a pair of leggings and a shirt from one of the bags before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and nearly fainted from the shock of how big it was. There was a huge mirror right above a sink that had a long marble counter, a stand-up shower as well as a jacuzzi tub. Just how rich is this fucking pack.
I think we hit the jackpot of packs. I nervously giggled at Lilith’s comment. I put my clothes on the sink counter and proceeded to the stand-up shower. I opened the glass door turning on the water so it could start heating up while I got undressed. It was harder getting Lilly's clothes off than it was to get them on. Once I was done with that workout, I hopped into the shower while closing the glass door so water wouldn’t get all over the floor. I felt like I was in heaven. I had not had a nice hot shower in a few good years, and it felt blissful. I let the water run down my body not really wanting to wash my hair. I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold which felt like it took over an hour. I turned off the water and opened the glass door, grabbing the towel that was hanging next to me on the wall. I dried myself off and started to get dressed. I noticed there was some sort of plastic bin in the bathroom by the door, so I assumed it was for clothes. I hung the towel I used back on the wall and proceeded to the bed. I flopped back into bed once again. I let out a sigh, I could get used to this kind of lifestyle. I turned to my side and cuddled with one of the pillows. Suddenly there was a high-pitched scream from the room across the hallway. “WHO THE FUCK USED ALL THE HOT WATER!!!!!!”
Oops, our bad.
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