《BREAKING POINT AWAKENING》Chapter 14 ~ Spectre is Princess Sophie


Chapter 14 ~ Spectre is Princess Sophie

She woke up and I made food for us.

"So you can cook too? It's delicious!"

"Thanks, princess."

I bow down to her and I introduced my self;

"For you to trust me, I should give you my Identity, right? I'm Nishihara Yoshiyuki, My second form is called Phantom."

"Your Yoshiyuki!? You have the same name of the kid that fend off a pillar from the Dark oath guild!"

"Well, I'm him tho."

"Don't lie to me. He's currently in a coma."

"How did you know I'm in a coma?"

"I'm a princess. I have the power to know what happens in other places. The king of the Hero city already protecting his body."

The conversation continues and she didn't believe me. Her name is Sophie Hakahachi, from the Hakahachi royal family. Unlike other noble. She helps commoner people and slaves at the back of the king.

We need money and fame. So we decided to become an adventurer.

"We need to hide your identity." I made a black mask that has a mark of a shadow knight head on the left forehead.

"What is this?"

"It worked like a magic item. But the only way it will break is when I died. Just think that you wear it and it will boost your agility dramatically. The shadow will emerge on you and it will be your defense. Why not give it a try?"

"O-Ok, (Phantom mode) My body is light. This is Amazing!"

"Just wear it when we're outside, so your identity will not leak. Should we go now?"


We go to the adventure guild and register. Her name is spectre in the guild.

The receptionist talk to her;


"Miss. You look like Nishihara, he also has that kind of smoking armor and it looks cool!"

"W-well... Nishihara gave this to me."

"Ohh! That's why! Can you know please measure your hex here?"


When she measured her power It places zero.

"What happens to my hex!?"

I tell her to put her power in her hand. And her hex started to increase. It became 900thousand.

"Wow! Your really powerful madam! Your look the same age as Nishihara and you become this powerful!"

"Tha-thank you hehehe..." 'When did my hex become this strong!?'

She got ranked of F while I'm on the rank of D.

"Now that we're both adventurers, let's start taking a quest."

"Wait! Why my power boosted that high? It because of this mask?"

"Well... It's not. I gave you the wind element"

"What are you saying? My attributes are wind."

"Then let's take this goblin extermination and try your power now."


We started to look at the goblin. We're able to take it because of the help of the Moon party that I party with.

"Thank's leader."

"It's ok Brother, so what we're going to do here?"

"I'm teaching my cousin here to use her element."

"She's your cousin? You have the same black suit."

"Now spectre. Try to attack them without chanting."

"What!? That's impossible!" She didn't believe it again.

"Why not try first?"

'This Nishihara is just teasing me Hmph... I should just try it.

A lot of wind arrows spawn at the top of her and it massacres the horde of the goblin.

"T-this is so powerful! What happens here? How did I become this strong?"

"I already told you. Why you always didn't believe me tho?"


"S-sorry. It's only because It's unbelievable."

Sophie bow down and apologized.

"You have that strong power. But there's a catch."

"What is it?"

"You can't take other lives Except if you push them to a cliff. Something phenomenon that you didn't partake in will take their lives. They still feel how to die. But their soul and body will not get wreaked. So do you still want this power?"

"I really don't care. I don't want to take's life in the first place. It's just when you didn't fight back, your own life will end."

Her eyes didn't hesitate and accept my power. The moon party came back after looting the stuff that goblin have.

I decided to give the leader the same power I have.

"Leader! Is it's hard to chant different tier of magic?"

"It's really hard, and it's frustrating when it can't kill your enemy."

"How about I give you a power that didn't need chants?"

"That will be great!"

"But! I will tell you some secrets. And please don't leak it. I may need your help in the future so, will you help us?"

"Of course brother! Right boys!?"

Everyone in the moon party agrees. Sophie takes off her mask, and everyone's jaws drop.

"Pr-princess!" They bow down to the princess and stay silent.

"You don't need to greet me in that way. You guys are Nishihara friends and so you guys will be my friends too."

"Thank you, Princess Sophie."

After that, I teach them how to use my power and the conditions. With the help of the upgraded moon party. Our expedition will be easier.

-Hero Magic Academy-

"Hey, Isn't that the student fights the dark guild pillar with the masked guy?"

"Yeah, they are!"

"Where the masked guy tho?"

"I think he's on the medical center. I saw how he's body beat up men..."

"Yeah, he's body almost torn apart!"

Myuser, Eleina, Honaka, and Yoshino come back to the school. They become famous because they are with me. The section system is now gone.

"What do you think will happen to Brother Nishi?"

"Yuki is strong. He will not die because of that and I will not let him die again!" Yoshino clenched her fist.

"Don't worry. Miss Yoshino and Myuser. Master is ok."

"Didn't you see brother? She's full of bandages and having a hard time breathing?"

"I have a connection to master. I always know what is his condition too." 'I can't tell them about the phantom body. Master wants me to keep it secret.'

"If you say so. I always believe you Eleina Onee-chan." She smiled.

"Myuser? Where did you learn that word?"

"Brother Nishi told me this. Should I also called you this Yoshino Onee-chan?"

Yoshino laugh. She smiled again after the incident. While I'm in Historia City my heart becomes lighter.

The water element is healing my body. It will take 7 months to 1 year before it completely healed. Then I will go back to it. Before that, I will help Sophie first with her problem.

-To be Continued....

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