《Reborn: Last Chance to Ascend》0. Old Life


It was a dark and cold night. There were no stars in the sky. The streets were quiet except for the sound of feet hitting the grounds as the young girl ran. Even in darkness, anyone could recognise her beautiful features and curves, especially her long white hair. She was visibly injured, leaving a trail of blood behind her. She suppressed her moans of pain with her will as she couldn’t afford to make too much of a noise. Soon she ran into the side valley where she slid to the ground with her back towards the wall. She looked at her injury and thought worried ‘Why is it not regenerating? Is this my end? I don’t deserve to be hunted because of my powers. They are hunting me like some kind of animal. Now I even lost my hope for revenge.’

Soon sound of more steps on hard concrete-filled air. They were closing on. The girl tried to get up and keep running, but she was too weak. The darkness of the side valley started to retreat as the light of flashlights grew stronger and stronger.

“Charlie, this is Alpha-3. We are closing on our target.” a quiet voice echoed in empty streets.

There was no hope as lights illuminated the bleeding girl. She tried to raise her hand, covered in dark purple tendrils of lightning. Gunshots penetrated quiet night as bullets penetrated a young white-haired girl. She breathed her last breath.

Darkness was everywhere; there was no light there was nothing. The only thing that remained was girl’s memories. Her whole past was in front of her. She saw herself as a five years old child who discovered her first ability, the ability to move objects without touching them. She never knew who her parents were as she grew up in an orphanage. Then she saw herself as six years old as more of her powers manifested. Next, she saw herself as eight years old. She was watching her first movie with heroes being admired for their incredible powers. That exact moment caused so much trouble later as she wanted to be admired as them. So when she saw a few children bullying other kid, she just burned bullies with her powers. It wasn’t so bad, they survived, and no one ever believed her when she claimed to burn them with her magic. Noone admired her. They were considering her delusional and sent her to a therapist who drugged her with medications. However, this failure only had increased her desire for admiration, so she had decided to do something bigger, but luckily there was no opportunity for a long time. That, however, changed when she was 11 years old. Due to some stupid coincidence, she was in a grocery store during a robbery. And she got a foolish idea of stopping that robbery. So she approached the robber and released a surge of purple lighting on him, killing him almost instantly before she ran away, making sure she was caught on camera. The day passed, and she was disappointed as there was no mention of her on TV. Her hope returned when an extremely shady man known as Victor approached her with fake promises. He was a lier. There was no glory and fame for her, only experiments and pain. Years passed, and as her captors thought that her will was already broken, she got a lucky opportunity to escape. Her life after escape consisted of her hiding from her pursuers and killing the rest of them as she no longer was that naive child. But no matter how many of them she killed, more of them came, only better prepared. She was doomed to be hunted like an animal for the rest of her life. It took them years, but they eventually succeeded and finally killed her.


Bright light at the far reaches of darkness showed up.

“I know this. I just need to follow a light,” a girl thought happily.

She flew in the direction of the light with her glowing soul. She already crossed half of the distance when a giant shadow showed up, towering about nothingness filling the surrounding with power beyond any common sense. Her path towards her afterlife was blocked as the mighty voice echoed in emptiness, “Where are you going? This is not a path for you, my daughter. You will be resurrected to a different world by my will. You will live another life in a world made by me, a world with some special functions I added. This time try to succeed as another failure will be your last one. Be careful as this is your last chance to ascend and become one of us. But rejoice as if you succeed, you will gain an opportunity to return back to Earth and take your revenge against all of these that wronged you.”

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