《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 12: Pop quiz.


The morning after that demonic book incident, our classroom.

“Good morning, innocent children,” a male human entered the class. He looked pretty young, had messy silver hair covering one eye and was wearing a black leather trench coat.

“Good morning, teacher Easy!” we all spoke in unison to greet him. The man was one of our teachers, teaching “Defense against the Dark enemies”.

And why “we”?

Because after so many days, the teachers finally recognized ME as a student and even gave ME a special rabbit desk!

How awesome was that!?

Anyways, when the morning bell rang, teacher Easy grinned with a strange glint in his eyes.

Oh no! It’s THE evil grin! I quickly turned my head to look at the kids.

They all sat up straight with sweat all over their faces!

“Pop quiz!”

“Fuck!” Blob_Blob blurted out this dirty word.

And thus,

“You, mister blue mohawk! Answer the first question!” teacher Easy pointed at Blob_Blob.

Poor Blob_Blob.

“Tell me, what are the three forbidden second tier jobs?”

“Yes! T-they are … umm… Necromancer… and… and...” Blob_Blob scratched his head.

“Huh? Come on! You learned that yesterday! How could you not remember?” teacher Easy raised his voice.

“Ptts! Ptts! Slave dealers!” Meetty whispered.

“And Slave dealer!” Blob_Blob answered.

Good job, Meetty!

“Humph! That’s two. And what's the final one?”

“Ptts! Pizza maker!” someone else whispered.

“Pizza maker!!!”

Oh no! Yomundorudo!

“What?” teacher Easy frowned. “Zero point for Blue hair and zero for Violet too, because I heard that! Now then, mister Prankster!”

Haha, RIP!

“Answer me, what is the final one?”

“Yes! It’s Assassin!” Yomundorudo stood up and answered, loudly and clearly.

Wow! Correct!

That’s impressive, Yomundorudo!

“Very good, now another question.”


“Heh?” Yomundorudo’s face suddenly turned pale.

What? Two questions in a row! What kind of evil is that!???

“Tell me, why is the assassin job forbidden?” teacher Easy asked again.

“Yes! B-because… because…” Yomundorudo muttered.

Oh no! He does not know the answer!

“Heh” a wicked smile appeared on the teacher’s face. “Curly hair, zero for you too! And what about others? Does anyone know the answer?” he then grinned and glared at the kids with a face that resembled death.

And after waiting a few seconds, “Anyone?” he raised his voice and asked again.

But no one answered.

The whole classroom fell in silence.

Tick- tick ... only the sound of mister clock.

“Well, if no one could answer it, then the whole class receives ZEROS! And you guys can also say goodbye to the field trip tomorrow!” teacher Easy shouted.

Oh no! I immediately stood up. Not the dungeon field trip!

A while ago, the school announced that there would be a field trip to the nearby dungeon for the kids to get a real life fighting experience.

Everyone was so excited!

Come on guys! Say something!

“Teacher! Teacher! Pick me ! Pick me!!!” I then raised my hand, jumped up and down trying to grab the teacher’s attention.

I can not let him cancel it!

However, “Sorry bunny, I cannot understand what you’re trying to say,” teacher shook his head.

“Nooooooooo!!!!!” I shouted at him in anger. “You can't do this to me!!!”

I even climbed on his head and pulled his hair. “Nooooo!!!”


But in the end, it was in vain.

He didn’t even react.

And after a few more minutes, “Yes! That’s it! Zeros for ALL of you!” teacher Easy said, pointing his finger to all of us.


Oh no!

OH NO! I raised my arms in frustration and pulled my ears. NOOOO!!!

“And the field trip is also CANC- … huh? A hand?”


Fortunately, just right before all hope was lost, someone raised hand.


And when I turned around, I saw it!


The angels sang and a ray of light descended from heaven upon a tiny little girl!

It was Ilsa! The girl with indigo twintail!

“Very well miss Class president, tell me your answer,” said the teacher with two squinted eyes.

“Y-yes!” Ilsa stood up. She then spoke in a voice that was very hard to hear, “B-because it comes from the first tier job, Thief, which is also a forbidden job. And additionally, the requirement to unlock it... The person must first be a thief and then go kill one hundred people. Y-yes… T-that’s all, teacher Easy.”

Yes! Correct!!! Why? Why didn’t you raised your hand earlier???

“Very good. A ten for you. The rest of the class still gets ZEROS!”

“What? Come on!!!” all the other kids shouted together.

“HUH? Any PROBLEMS!?” teacher Easy let out an intensive aura of darkness!

And thus, the kids bitterly accepted their fate.

“No, teacher....” they all muttered.


But then, the good news came!

“But because Indigo answered the question correctly, I won’t cancel the field trip! Please learn your lesson this time and study hard from now on!” teacher Easy spoke.

“Yes! Teacher!” all of us students shouted.

YES!!!! All hail our hero Ilsa!!!

I saluted.

“Now then, let’s begin today’s lesson. I will be teaching you folks what the Assassin job actually is and how to defense against it.”

And thus, after the scary pop quiz, the main lecture began.

Kawaii_Story_Bot’s note.

~Grass bunny~

They are low leveled rabbits that can be found all over the Online world. They are short and small, and the normal one can fit just right inside a human’s palm.

However, Thunder_xXx_Thunder is an exception. He is very big, nearly tripled the normal size of other grass bunnies. If he stands up straight, his head can reach the average human knee height.

Grass bunnies are often hunted for their fur and meat. Their feet can also be used to make low level Luck accessories.

Stat gain average: 0.5 STR, 1 AGI, 0.5 INT, 1 VIT, 1 LUK and 5 free points per level.

Race skills:

Level 1: Quick feet. Level 12: Cuteness overload.



No grass bunny with level higher than 15 was found, so at the moment, we know nothing about the higher level race skills.

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