《Eidolon Rebirth》25. False Identity


Marcus brought up a topic dwelling on my mind for a long time. My identity being that of a no-mage. He explained that by law a no-mage was not allowed to purchase slaves, but that didn’t stop his loopholes of acquiring money. He told me about a false identity I could use as a cover.

If someone uncovered the identity, there was a possibility people would try to take away my slaves, but by his impression of me, that would be a bad move for the assailants. He assured that his contact would find the most suitable missing, dead or stolen identity to use in my place. I voiced my opinions and had him make sure his contact chose someone who specialized in speed magic to make it more plausible.

We waited in his office for someone to handle all the procedures as I got to learn a bit about the two slaves. The blonde beauty was eighteen years of age and her name was Alexa with a specialization in light magic. As for the no-mage slave, I was correct at guessing she was fourteen, the same age as me. I asked for her name when I was caught off guard from her response. She asked for a new name to be given by her master.

After a while of contemplation and speaking under my breath then louder to hear. “Tessa. How’s that sound?” I was worried she wouldn’t like the name.

“Tessa... Thank you master!” She repeated her new name under her breath several times before smiling happily.

“Sir, everything has been taken care of. You’re in luck, as you have requested, we found an identity that specializes in speed magic and also holds the same name as yours. The false identity will be sealed in your body at the same time the master and slave seal is imprinted.” Marcus went over the details glad everything went smoothly.


“Taking in account your false identity paperwork and seal, that will be a total of 5.2 million gold coins.” Marcus smiled.

“Hah, You win.” I conceded and retrieved the money from my pocket. I counted out five emerald and two diamond coins, then reluctantly handed them over to Marcus.

A flash of light encompassed the room as an employee left after performing the seals on the new slaves and my body. “There should be no issues with disloyalty among your slaves. Should one betray you in any way, they will immediately be killed by the seal. The identifier systems for daily life will no longer hinder or cause problems for you.”

“Thank you for everything.” I bowed my head showing my sincere gratitude though curious on how the seal determined the morality of betrayal and emotions.

“Don’t thank me just yet, sir. There’s still the matter of your housing situation. How much are you willing to spend for a place to stay?” Marcus spoke as if he was about to reveal some bad news.

“I’d like a place large enough for future expansion, so that we don’t have to worry about relocation when the time comes. The most I can spend is an emerald coin for now.” Marcus’s eyes lit up surprised at the amount of wealth accumulated in a matter of two days.

“Impressive, sir. Quite a haul you acquired during your monster hunts. I’ll recommend you to one of my contacts. They will gladly assist you in the matter. Alexa knows the way, so she can show you.” Marcus praised as he handed the details to Alexa by my side.

“Oh, and luckily for you, we didn’t have to change your age. Slave owners must be at least fourteen years old, the age of consent in Avalon.” I was perplexed as to why Marcus winked while mentioning the fact about being old enough. I turned to Alexa to see if she knew anything and all she returned was a faint smile and I left it at that.


We still had a couple days paid off at the hotel and chose to delay meeting the realtor contact. It was late and an overall tiring day.

“Hope to be of service again soon. If you ever need assistance, you know where to find me.” Marcus showed us out.

Alexa and Tessa each carried along a suitcase filled with extra clothes and things they had as slaves. Our group got a lot of attention and stares from onlookers and before I knew it, we were already inside our hotel room.

As part of my ritual and setting aside my things, a nice hot shower was on the immediate agenda. By this time finished with my pajamas on, Eris handed a vial of her blood to Tessa to drink. Seems her healing magic wasn’t enough. I looked away because I didn’t much like the idea of someone drinking her blood and got on the bed face down burying myself in exhaustion.

Movement on the bed caused me to lift my head only to be stopped by Alexa’s soft, sweet voice, “Master, please rest. I’ll give you a massage.” The sensation of her smooth skin placed me peacefully into a deep sleep.

The warmth and pressure around my hand slowly pulled me out of a forgotten dream. My eyes opened wide when I realized our sleeping situation. Completely forgetting there were only two beds, and that we were now a party of four. My heart pounded intensely as I laid on my side with golden blonde hair tangled around my arm.

How did this even happen? I tried my best to stealthily remove my hand that was stuck in-between her cleavage. Alexa was much more massive in pajamas compared to the form-fitting clothes on from earlier. There wasn’t a gentle way to remove my hand that also bypassed her clothing. I’ve gotten myself into a trinity level trap with very low odds of success. Our bodies were extremely close, enough to hear her gentle breathing while almost losing myself in her peach scent.

In the corner of my eye, Eris came from behind on my side of the bed. Our eyes met as I gave her a pleading expression for help. Instead of the help and after a brief pause she walked away from the current situation. Traitor, she abandoned me!

I’d rather not let Alexa wake up into this predicament so I pulled my hand free right away. The tugging woke up Alexa, who stared at me with her beautiful golden eyes. “Good morning, master. Did you sleep well?” My eyes focused on every syllable of pronunciation from her red delicate lips as she leaned up to offer her greetings.

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