《Eidolon Rebirth》24. No-Mage Slave


He informed the employee and the shuffling of slaves followed. I knew I was being obnoxious but wanted to make sure there were no regrets, especially with the amount of money involved. The same scene as earlier repeated itself as they lined up from cheapest to most expensive again. This time there were less than half of the slaves as last time but their differences varied vastly.

An even mixture of male and female ranging in ages as young as eight to thirty years old. One slave caught my attention, it wasn’t because she was the cheapest one, but the fact that I couldn’t figure out why she was the cheapest one. Our ages seemed close, almost fourteen years old which led me to ask about her circumstances.

“Good eye, Sir. Everything about this slave is top quality. She meets your fitness requirement and her education is well above average. And now the cons. She is diagnosed not to live past eighteen years of age, plus on top of that has lived a life as a no-mage. Her price is listed at two-hundred thousand gold coins.” Marcus went silent as I thought about all he had to say.

“How did a no-mage become a slave?” I focused on this more than the life-ending illness as I could empathize with the life she lived with a no-mage status, but to also fall into slavery was next level.

“You can call it a hobby of mine. I saw value in her life and personally retrieved her by tracking her through her past life.” I felt that Marcus possibly made her life a lot easier by placing her into slavery.

“I’ll need a moment.” I turned to Eris.

“Please, take your time.” Marcus turned around making himself look busy with something.


We walked a bit away to have some privacy to talk. “Is it possible for you to heal her illness?”

“Maybe but if my healing is not able to, my blood should work.” Eris stated.

“Would you be willing to use one of your vials on her and how certain are you that it will work?” I questioned remembering her two vials of blood left in her suitcase.

“Ninety-ninety percent. If that is my master’s wish then I will.” I squinted at Eris wondering what was wrong. Eris went back and ignored my gaze.

Eris continued avoiding as I spoke with Marcus to have the slave brought to the office. We went back to his office and shortly after the short red hair no-mage slave in question stood right beside the blonde one. Her stature much shorter, barely taller than Eris.

“Have a seat, please. Tell me about yourself.” I motioned for the slave to sit as Marcus moved aside so she could sit in front of me.

The slave girl turned to Marcus before acknowledging my request to be seated. “I’ll serve and protect my master with the life that I have left and carry out any hard labor.” Her response felt rehearsed which sent my hand up to wave as to interrupt her.

“Would your life be different if you had magic?” I asked a question that I struggled with throughout my entire life and now that I thought about it, was in the process of finding out. My answer for a long time used to side with magic, but over time changed, as if a matter of accepting reality.

“That wouldn’t change anything. I would live my life to the fullest as I have each previous lifetime.” Staring into her green eyes felt like looking at a reflection of myself. Someone that wouldn’t give up even if all the odds were stacked against you.


I sighed knowing full well what kind of torturous lifetimes this girl went through.

“This won’t mean much considering the seal that will be placed on you, but eventually it will be removed. As long as you promise never to betray my trust, it’s your choice if you want to come home with us. This of course goes for you as well.” I moved my attention to the blonde slave, not really sure what to expect from their responses.

Both of them turned to each other and seemed to come to a silent agreement before speaking in unison with their heads bowed down. “I’ll be in your care, master!” Their conviction and quick response made me appreciate them even more though it felt weird they voiced the same words.

Marcus listened quietly on the side making sure not to interrupt. After I nodded my head, Marcus sat back in front of me with a thoughtful yet solemn face. “I’m glad you didn’t disappoint.”

I didn’t care to figure out Marcus anymore, it was time to wrap things up. The fatigue of the hunt was catching up and I’m sure Eris didn’t enjoy being here.

“I remember you saying her price was four million gold coins last time.” I held a serious countenance.

“Sir, the total for both of these slaves should be 5.2 million gold coins.” Marcus stuttered at my scheming.

“Four and a half million gold coins and I’ll be sure to come to you first for future slaves.” I countered with a smile.

“Very well, Sir.” Marcus laughed as he called in an employee to gather everything for both of the purchases.

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