《Eidolon Rebirth》9. Stealing from the Dead


Eris finished cleaning up and watched as I fiddled with a silver coin over my head.

“I have an idea if you are short on money, Master.” Eris was still wearing my bloodied and torn t-shirt when she offered her opinion. Her thin smooth legs remained uncovered as she moved about the room doing the chores.

“My previous master has many things back at the place we were staying, and there will be no one there. You could take everything for yourself if you wish.”

I paused before suggesting that she shower and clean up first as I got up from bed and handed her a pair of old pants and shirt. Then I pointed towards the bathroom.

‘I have to admit she brought up a good idea, but was she telling the truth and would there actually be no one waiting there? She has no reason to lie to me, as I killed her master. Or maybe she is tricking me for that very reason.’

Carried away in my thoughts, the bathroom shower turned off, and moments later Eris walked out, dressed in my clothes.

I noticed her full cheeks had grown red from the warmth of the shower. Her caramel brown hair was shoulder length and the clothes fit her well. She seemed a couple years younger than me. Her scarlet-red eyes gazed down at herself after realizing the attention.

“About what you were saying before. Are you sure there will be no one at your previous master's place?” I asked, as this was my only means of leaving this town by morning. Whether or not she could be trusted would be seen.

“Yes, absolutely no one. But check out is in the morning so there isn’t much time to decide. We were only passing through and stopped to watch the tournament.” She said all this without any emotion towards her previous master.


I felt she was telling the truth, but it had also felt that way for Arisa. I needed to be careful of innocent-looking women.

“Alright. Two conditions though: first, you call me by my name. After we’re done, we separate and go our own ways.” I got up and threw everything I would be taking with me to Illnor into my backpack. I made sure to grab the training book left behind by my uncle. It was all I had to continue improving from where he had left me off, these past couple of years.

“As you wish, Volatis.” She followed after me as I opened the front door to leave.

We arrived at the motel, and Eris led me to the room they were using. The door was locked and Eris didn’t have the key, so I improvised with a forceful turn of the knob. Eris interrupted my next plan before I broke my elbow on the side window.

“There are alarms and cameras, and those windows are stronger than they look, imbued with magic. I’ll grab another key from the front desk.”

As she walked away, I saw the aforementioned camera from the corner of my eye. Looking back at the window, I couldn’t tell in the slightest that it was magically fortified. Eris came back before long with an extra key card in hand.

The room was tidy, most likely because of Eris. I looked around as she pulled out a travel-sized luggage case from the closet.

“Everything’s in here,” she said. “Once you sort through it you can also use the luggage.”

This was not an average suitcase, much like this whole motel complex. Instead of a normal lock and key, this one used a magical imprint to unlock. You needed to infuse your aura to activate and open the suitcase; if the incorrect aura or any method of brute force was used, the contents within would be destroyed.


“Damn, this guy!” I sighed, realizing it was useless. Then I realized that she brought me here, knowing there was a lock. Her next words confirmed my suspicions.

“Master, if you are willing to take me with you, I will open the suitcase. I can guarantee that there is more than enough money to cover both of our expenses. Deal?”

I wondered why she was so intent on following me, and wondered why she was still a slave if she had so much power. Enough to escape. Then again, there were many issues I could think of for a runaway slave that made it impossible to live in society. Just like how my no-mage status hindered me from any traditional means of transportation, a slave had it far worse especially once they found out her master was dead.

“Why are you so interested in following me without even knowing what I plan to do? Also, why the test at the door if you could get a duplicate key without issues?” I had to ask as nothing she did made sense to me.

“You never asked for help about the door. I figured you had a plan, which you did, though there was no need to have to heal your arm again.” She paused before continuing.

“I have nowhere else to go, and so far, you are much nicer than my last owner. I will follow and help you from now on.” Her answer was straightforward, but it seemed like she was withholding key information as to her reason why.

‘Whatever, I’ll just decide after she opens the luggage, if she’s lying about the contents, this will be the last I see of her.’

“Open it, then. Let’s see.”

Eris focused her aura into the suitcase as it shimmered for a moment. She placed it on its side and opened it up to display. The contents varied from clothes to consumables and, most importantly, the money. There was a sack of gold coins; maybe an emergency reserve not to be used. I retrieved it first, ignoring everything else. As I did so, Eris picked out clothing from inside to replace the ones I gave her.

“Those flasks. What are they?” I pointed to the dark red flasks her hands kept brushing past.

“That’s my blood.” She nonchalantly gave me an answer that created many more questions.

Eris looked up, noticing my puzzled stare. “I was not only a slave, but also a test subject. My blood has healing properties, as you saw earlier at the coliseum. Once my owner realized this, he used me for experiments and wealth.”

The word “experiments” painted a vivid picture of the life she had as a slave. What scared me most was everything that happened to her was definitely many times worse than I had imagined.

“I hope you don’t mind city life; our next destination is Avalon, the best place to start anew in the kingdom of Illnor.” I smiled after counting enough gold to cover expenses for both of us, at least a year’s worth in great living conditions.

Eris remained silent after closing the repacked suitcase, ready for our journey and willing to follow me wherever I was to go. If only I realized then that her silence wasn’t for compliance but the premonition of awful events to come.

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