《Saga of the Overgod》Chapter 2: I Will Teach You How to Cultivate


Farjan carried the 'corpse' that was Tromer and then walked faster back to the clan.

When he reached the clan, the other clan members saw him soaked with blood from the person he carries on his shoulder. Instantly, they rushed forward to help him in carrying Tromer until they reached their house. There, they took care and helped Tromer to heal his wounds.

"His wounds are severe! What inhuman person would do this to him?!"Said the old man treating Tromer.

"I just saw him when I was heading back home," Farjan said.

"Maybe he was attacked by the bandits, and they robbed him." Said another man.

"This guy would have died within 12 hours if he wasn't brought here." Said the old man.

"What should we do to him? We can give him primary treatment here, but if we treat him until he completely healed, then our little resources will be empty afterward!"The other man said.

"Our only choice is to primarily treat him, but eventually, he will die." The old man said.

"Is there any other way?" Farjan asked, full of worry.

"The decision is for the elders and clan leader to make. We cannot act based on our own opinions."The old man said.

After they discussed how to handle the situation. Farjan immediately went to his grandfather, the Clan Leader to ask him how they will handle the situation.

"Farj, my grandson, even if I'm the clan leader,I cannot decide without consulting the elders. Besides, that man is not a clan member, he's a stranger! Even you, you don't know him! How can we use our resources for him?" Said Farjan's Grandfather.

"But Grandpa! I can't endure seeing someone die in front of me without doing something!"Farjan said.

The clan leader looked at Farjan's eyes. After seeing that he was full of determination, he sighed and said "Okay, we will have a meeting with the Elders tonight, that's all I can do for you. Whatever our decision is... That's all."

Later, the night has come, and the meeting will soon start. One by one, the elders have arrived at the Ancestral Mansion. The Dowter Clan has a total of four Elders. Normally, they wouldn't attend this useless meeting for a stranger, but considering that the clan leader is the one who summoned them, they weren't able to do anything, and were forced to attend. The Clan Leader is the appointed leader of their clan by the past generation, as well as the representative of the clan. If they disrespect him, it is as if they disrespect the whole clan.


After a few moments, the Clan Leader finally arrived. Beside him, a young man is standing with a worried face.

The meetingofficially started. At first, no one dared to talk, but a moment later the Third Elder suddenly spoke.

"This meeting is nonsense! Do we need to have a meeting and give our resources to a stranger?"He asked angrily.

"That's right! Besides, has anyone forgotten that our clan has declined over the years since our resources are now limited to the extreme? How can a stranger, not a member of the clan benefit from it!?" Said the Fourth Elder.

The room is silent, and you can only hear the snorting of the Third and Fourth Elder.

Then Farjan suddenly stood and looked coldly towards the Third and Fourth Elder and said, "This is not about if he is a stranger or not! This is about the fact that he is severely injured and we are capable of healing him is enough as a reason!"

After a moment of thought, "It's okay for me to give our resources."The First Elder suddenly said coolly.

"And what about you?" The Clan Leader said turning to look at the Second Elder.

"I'm neutral. Said the Second Elder lacking enthusiasm.

Two elders are against the decision, one is neutral, and one is pro, and when you add the Clan Leader which is on Farjan's side, there are two that support the decision..

Because of the outcome of the meeting, the decision made is that 50 percent of the resources would be given to heal Tromer's injury.

Two weeks have passed since the meeting. Now, Tromer's injuries are slightly healed and his condition is gradually improving over the days due to the joint effort of Farjan's family and other clan members.

Three more days passed. The sun is about to rise and Farjan is going to the small farm of the clan to harvest vegetables to sell. Suddenly, he saw a man at the edge of a mountain looking off into the distance. Strangely, within the right hand of the man, he saw that there were pearl-like things floating. Farjan's eyes widened and a look of disbelief could be seen on his face.

Later, surprisingly, the pearl-like things with varying colors started to move in a circular motion and then suddenly, they combined! They became a larger violet pearl-like thing. Tromer extended his only arm and the violet pearl-like thing started to move forward. When it was 8 meters away from him, it suddenly exploded like fireworks with a myriad of colors! It was a wonderful sight but even if it exploded, there was no sound heard at all.


Farjan's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and reached a conclusion that the man that he saved was not an ordinary man?!

When the remnants of the 'fireworks' were gone. Tromer looked down at the left side of the mountain, and there he saw Farjan, still shocked at what he had seen.

Farjan closed his eyes, trying to convince himself that the things he saw were figments of his imagination. After a second, he opened them again and look towards the mountain, and he saw nothing. There's no man on the mountain at all!

Farjan laughed at himself. "Surely, it is just my imagination or I just walk while dreaming. I should've slept early yesterday! Hahaha!"

Then unexpectedly he heard a cool voice that came from behind him asking,"What are you laughing at?"

He turned his head and saw a man with only right arm and his body covered with bandages.

Farjan couldn't believe what was happening, "You..."

Tromer opened his mouth and said, "Me? What?"

Farjan is shocked to the extreme and still couldn't believe what was happening. Using his index finger, he touched Tromer as if to see if he was real or just a ghost. And when the finger hit Tromer's chest, it didn't pass through it, instead, it stopped there, touching Tromer's chest.

Even when Farjan felt Tromer's chest through his index finger, he still couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe the what he had seen before. From the pearl-like things hovering in his hands then the transformation into a larger pearl-like thing then suddenly exploding like fireworks up to the point where he suddenly vanished reappeared behind his back.

Then Farjan asked while trembling, "You're real?!"

"What do you think?" Tromer said cooly. After that, Farjan used his index finger to touch Tromer again in different parts of his body.

"Aaaaww! You touched my wound!" But Farjan stubbornly continued to touch and check Tromer.

"Aaaaa! Damn it! I have wounds there too!"

"Aw! That's a bruise! Did you see it?!"

And when Farjan is attempted to touch his stomach. "Not that one! Noooo!"Said Tromer feeling pained.

"Ouch! Stop touching me! I'm not a ghost! I'm real!

Tromer tried to evade all of Farjan's touches, but he was persistent.

"Okay, stop! I surrender!"Said Tromer raising his hand."Let's stop this child's play! Listen to me kid."Farjan stopped what he was doing and began to listen to him."I know that you're the one who saved me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and because of that, I will teach you how to... Cultivate!"

"Cultivate?" Farjan doesn't have a clue about what Tromer was saying. After a moment, a thought ran through his mind.

"Aha! You're going to teach me how to cultivate pearls!"Because of what he had seen before, the pearl-like things in Tromer's hands, he thought that Tromer was cultivating pearls.

"Pearls are expensive, and when I try to sell pearls... I'm going to be rich!"Farjan said excitedly.

Tromer knew that the people here in the city are all mortals. After staying here for almost 3 weeks, he became aware of that fact, that all people in this world are mortals. That's why he decided to teach Farjan about cultivation.

"No! Not pearl cultivation! Listen, I will introduce you to the world of cultivation, where people can cast fire and lightning, move dozens of mountains with just a wave of a hand and make a sea with a thought," Tromer said.

Farjan's eyes widened. "Really? Can I do that?"

"Of course, but I'll warn you, when you enter the world of cultivation, danger is lurking everywhere, and you will always have to take a risk and compete with others! There, perseverance is needed, and I think you always persevere and never give up, so it's not a problem for you anymore. I will ask you again, are you willing to enter the world of cultivation?"

"Absolutely!" Said Farjan excitedly. He answered, full of determination and doubt having no place in his mind anymore. Now, he believed that all the things he had seen from Tromer before were real. He believed that this wasn't a dream.

"That's the spirit! Okay from now on, call me... Master Tromer!"Said Tromer proudly.

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