《Saga of the Overgod》Chapter 1: Encounter


Out in the universe, there's a world where you could see tall mountains, vast oceans, as well as forests with different kinds of species; there are birds, reptiles, mammals and many other animals. Surprisingly, there are beasts that can do what humans can do too.

At some distance away from the forest, you will see a lively city, bustling with different activities. There you can see the huge number of humans and beasts perfectly co-exist with each other. Along one street, they buy and sell items and on another, they are laughing, and yet another they are arguing and fighting.

The places described here make up just 0.1 percent out of the overall land mass of this particular world. It's so big that if you take attempt to tour it, it will take roughly a hundred years for you to finish.

When you look up, you can see a beautiful blue sky filled with clouds and the three suns from which emanated different colors of blinding light. However, if you look closely, you could see that there is actually just one sun! And that is the one in the middle. The others on the left and right side have a human-figure inside the light! Or you could say that the human-figures inside are the sources of the blinding light! The one on the left is violet, and the other one is green.

It was a strange sight, but from what you can tell from the expressions of people and other beings in the vicinity, these are just ordinary and nothing strange at all. You can just see panic within the eyes of people and other beings. Clearly, there is something unexpected that will happen.

A few moments later, the two 'suns' emanating strange light began to move towards each other. Suddenly, the hands of the two entities within the light clenched into fists. A deafening blast could be heard as these two people punched each other.


"Because you snatched away what is mine, I will snatch away your life Tromer!" said the man radiating green light with an angry face. Suddenly, a sword materialized in his hands.

The sword is a huge single edged sword about one meter long and half a meter wide. Its blade is sharp and radiates something like crimson aura as the light of the sun reflects on its point. On its guard, a skull is swallowing the body of the sword. This sword gives a feeling of something sinister and vile.

"This is the Demon Bone Sword, a legendary sword that I got from the Ruins of Demon God Sect. It is wielded by the Ancestor of the Demon God Sect, with this, you will surely DIE!" Angrily shouted the man with the green light.


Immediately after, he dashed forward and swung the sword.

Before the sword hit Tromer, a circular shield rapidly expanded in front of him until it was big enough to protect his entire body from the sword strike.

When the sword hit the shield, small cracks appeared at first, but after a single breath of time, the cracks started to spread until the shield was broken into pieces after several seconds. He was then propelled back a few meters away due to the impact of the sword strike.

"I will never give this back to you Darnce! I have already gotten it, it is now MINE!"said Tromer. After that, he takes a look at his spatial pouch and after a moment of hesitation,

"I will use this to escape and teleport away from this bastard, and although I'm not sure where this would take me, this is my only way to leave this danger." Then, a metallic cube instantly appeared in front of him. The metallic cube is transforming to become a... teleportation portal!

The process of transforming is quite fast compared to others of its kind but considering it was done in the middle of a battle, for Tromer it was slow!

Tromer must hold on until the teleportation portal is ready for use, because after that he's saved, but if not, he's doomed to die while waiting for his hope to live.

When Darnce saw the metallic cube transforming into a teleportation portal his eyes widened and without hesitation he held the Demon Bone Sword with his two hands and dashed forward to attack Tromer.

"I, Darnce Woventop, will do all I can to kill you. The enmity between us will never fade away until one of us perishes, and YOU will be that one!" With that, he gripped the Demon Bone Sword harder, and it began to emit dark-red light.

By now, Darnce's appearance was terrifying to the extreme due to his furious face combined with the vicious-looking sword. Suddenly, He vanished in the middle of the air and reappeared 10-meters away from Tromer.

Darnce swung his sword, initiating an attack against Tromer. With Darnce's speed, Tromer didn't have enough time to completely dodge the attack. Instantly, Tromer's left arm was severed away and a huge wound could be seen in his stomach!

Tromer let out an anguished howl. Soon, he began to make a counterattack against Darnce. The ground trembled as they exchange numerous blows.

It was clear that Tromer was only buying time for the portal. Darnce realized this and he became even more furious than before.

After some moments, the teleportation portal was now ready to be used, and at the same time Tromer's injuries worsened. When he saw the portal was ready, he immediately dashed towards it and vanished.


When Darnce saw that Tromer is now nowhere to be seen, he let out a furious howl.


There are no traces of Tromer to be seen, in short, he successfully... Escaped.


On the other hand...

There was a man in a certain world called 'Mortal World,' known as Farjan Dowter, the grandson of his clan's leader. He is now 17 years old, he's not handsome like others but also not ugly, his hair is naturally white, and a pair of beautiful eyes that add some attractiveness could be seen on his oval-shaped face. He is tall and also muscular due to his various experiences.

This Mortal world is not a very large world, unlike the world where Tromer and Darnce fought, but it is not small too. It is filled with green scenery and deep forests. A hundred meters away from a small river near a forest beside a mountain, a small village with houses made of wood and other lightweight materials could be seen. A crappy wooden fence that is half a meter high, made from what are probably the excess wood from the construction of the houses, serves as the territory's border and sort of defense for the clan. In the middle of the territory is where the only stone-made building in the village stands. The Ancestral Mansion was built using stones and the white of the eggs as sort of adhesive. This is the village where Farjan and the whole Dowter clan lives.

The Dowter Clan is not a big and prosperous clan like others, but everyone in the clan is on good terms with each other. Although his family is poor, Farjan is a hardworking and brilliant man. You will always see him in different areas in the vicinity of Bigfield City because he has many jobs in the area. Sometimes you will see him carrying heavy things, working in construction sites, feeding pigs, selling vegetables in the market and much more! Because of this, Farjan is well-known throughout the city.

The other thing that Farjan always does is to secretly listen to the one and only Institute in the city, the Bigfield Higher Institute. You can see him lurking at the edge of the classroom window even if it's on the second floor!

One time, he hid in the cleaning tool closet of a classroom just to listen to the lessons of the professor when suddenly, he sneezed! He did everything he could to conceal it, but a little sound was still heard throughout the classroom.


"What was that?" Asked the professor.

Then a particular student answered. "That's me, sir! I tried to conceal my sneeze but, the sound has escaped my palm. I apologize for disturbing the class." At the same time acting like he is about to sneeze with his nose already red. After that, he secretly forms his hands into a thumbs-up gesture at his back that indicates "I got you, man!"

This man is Holdbert, Farjan's friend. He is from a middle-class clan, so he can afford to study. Thanks to him, Farjan breathed a sigh of relief.


Farjan always gives the money that he earned to his parents. Surely, he is a lovable and responsible son.

"Farj, you do not need to give this money to me, it is the fruit of your hard work." Said his mother to Farjan.

"Mom, please take this money. I've worked hard just to help our family and not myself only."

"But you always give us all the money you've earned and do not leave any for yourself. You know, if you did not give us the money you earned, by now, you would have been able to start learning in the Bigfield Higher Institute. You're a brilliant child; you have a lot of potential."His mother said with a sad face.

"That's fine mom, even if I have a second chance to decide again on how I will manage the money I earn, I will choose to give it to you again." With that, he and his mother hugged each other.

The next day.

At some distance away from where the place of the Dowter clan is located, strangely, a black vortex with blue, violet and white swirling inside it in a spiral motion appeared.Measuring its diameter would give you one meter.. At a closer look, you will notice that a human figure is coming out from it.

The man has a severed arm, a huge hole in his stomach and numerous wounds scattered all over his body. This figure is obviously Tromer! He has escaped with severe injuries using the metallic cube as a teleportation portal, transporting him here to the Mortal World.

After stepping out from the portal, Tromer managed to take three-steps away. After that, he lost consciousness and fell towards the ground.

Several meters away, Farjan is walking back home happily, carrying a basket with some vegetables. He had just finished selling vegetables in the market and has profited well. After walking a few more meters, he saw a 'corpse' lying on the ground with numerous wounds and with no left arm.

He immediately walked cautiously towards the 'corpse' and began to inspect it. Soon enough, he reached a conclusion...

"He's still alive!" He said.

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