《Two Doors》Chapter 5. Asshole alien


“Hey AI?” Eric says out loud.

“Yes?” Replies a disembodied voice.

“Is there anything else I need to know?” Erics asks the AI.

“Yes.” Is all the AI says.

“Will you elaborate?” Eric asks the AI.

“Eric, I gotta go. Stay here and don’t leave this room” Wuk tells Eric as he leaves in a rush.

“Uh, ok bye then” Eric says to Wuks retreating back

“I will explain everything you need to know. The only way to leave a world you haven’t saved is death. To save a world, you need a system ring. You will receive one soon and I will explain more to you then. When you go to a different universe, your body follows that universe's laws. That is all you need to know right now.” The AI explained.

“Um ok, thank you,” Eric tells the AI.

After an hour of messing around in the trading room he gets bored.

“Ugh, it won’t hurt to walk around a little, would it?” Erics asks himself.

Eric makes his way out of the room and down the hall. He doesn't pass a single Martian and is wondering why until he comes across a window.

He can see, all the way at the front of the compound, a spaceship. It's kinda small. He can see Wuk’s menacing figure but an even more menacing figure in front of him. A 10-foot, red, four-armed alien with 1 eye in the middle of his face is standing in front of Wuk.

Eric makes his way over and just before he reaches Wuk the red alien punches Wuk in the face so fast that Eric couldn’t even see the punch.

One moment they are standing there, the next Wuk is flying through walls. Eric looks at the red alien with fury. His armor wraps around his head and his vision sharpened and his reaction speed increased.


He locks eyes with the red alien, and he jumps at him. The alien looks at Eric with disinterest. I can’t hurt him, he’s too strong. Eric turns his arm into the blaster and aims at the red alien in mid-air. He’s about to fire when he notices the red alien's eye sharpen. The alien teleports in front of Eric, still mid-air, and punches him in the chest. His fist goes through Eric's chest like a hot knife through butter.

“I knew Commander Wuk was lying to me”. The red alien laughs in Eric's face. “My name is General Xax. My face will be the last thing you see”. Eric’s world slowly dims.

“NO!” Eric screams in the face of Xax and shoots his gun arm.

Xax moves out of the way just enough for the laser to take his left arms.

“You bastard!” The last thing Eric sees is Xax’s top right arm reaching for his face.

Then he’s back in the hallway. Eric stumbles a bit. He looks down at his body. The armor is still there.

“God, I'm such an idiot! Why didn’t I just stay in the training room? Just you wait, Xax. I’m coming for you.” Eric says.

He looks at where the two doors are normally at. Instead of two doors, there is just one.

“AI, why is there just one door?” Erics asks the AI.

“This is a onetime occurrence. It is a gift from God’s AI itself.” The AI says in a slightly happy tone.

Eric just shrugs and walks through the door.

The room is made of the same stuff the hallway is. It's a 10ft by 10ft pearl white room with a pearl white podium in the middle of it. There's a ring floating right above the podium.


Eric walks up to the podium and grabs the ring out of the air. It has a symbol on it that looks like a solar system. He puts it on his right hand’s middle finger. The ring fits perfectly.

“AI, what is this?” Eric asks while still looking at the ring.

“A system ring.” Is all the AI says.

Eric rolls his eyes “Will you explain things without me having to ask every time?”.

“Yes. You can now save and travel to three universes you’ve been to. But be warned, you cannot unsave a universe. You may also have one champion. For something to become your champion, it needs to be a sentient being and be willing. You cannot force a being to become your champion. The system ring also acts as a dimensional pocket. You can store anything you wish in it, as long as it isn’t alive” The AI tells Eric.

“Woah, ok. That's a lot. Does this mean I can go back to the moon?” Eric asks the AI.

“Yes, it does. But I would not recommend it, General Xax will just kill you again.” The AI tells Eric.

“I know. Save that universe.” Eric tells the AI. “Universe 68777987-88755321-AD saved,” Is all the AI says.

Eric walks back out of the room. The hallway has three doors now. The two doors are where they normally are, and a third one is on the hallway wall. Eric walks over to the new door and pulls it open. It's the same place as when he first walked through the door.

Eric sighs and closes the door. He walks up to the right door and pulls it open. An ocean greets him. No land nearby as far as Eric can tell. There's a huge storm raging and the waves reach well over a hundred feet.

“Multiple two-hundred and fifty feet sea creature. Carnivorous diet” The AI speaks up.

“Jesus,” Eric says as he closes the door and walks up to the second door.

He opens it and a nice sunny beach is what he sees. There's a jungle behind the beach.

“I need to get stronger. Facing strong enemies will do that” Eric says out loud. He walks back to the right door and opens it and is about to step in when his AI helper speaks up:

“The left door’s universe is stronger”.

“What?” Erics asks the AI.

“Its power reading is much higher than the right universe.” The AI tells Eric.

“You can read power?” Eric asks the AI.

“I analyzed the power reader Commander Wuk has. I upgraded to sense auras.” The AI tells Eric.

“Auras? What's that?” Eric questions the AI.

“When you can see auras, I will explain in more detail. Just know that you have greater potential for getting stronger by going through the left door.”

“Uh, ok…” Eric walks up to the left door and pulls it open.

Eric takes a deep breath and steps through the door.

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