《Two Doors》Chapter 4. Honey, where’s my super suit?


Eric walks up to the tube, and it slides open. He steps inside and the tube slides close. The tube starts filling with weird slimy pink goo.

“Don’t worry, it should be painless.” Wuk smiles at Eric.

“Should? What do you mean should?!” Eric asks as the goop passes his elbow.

“I do not know what will happen if a species other than martian tried on a suit.” Wuk smiles.

“What did the med-bay mean when it said “Creator protection”? Is he a surviving Terran? I thought they went extinct thousands of years ago…” Wuk thinks to himself.

“Wait, so I could die? Why didn’t you say anything?!” Eric asks Wuk.

All Wuk says is “Hold your breath until the tube fills up, then inhale the goo.”

“Don’t ignore me! When I get out-” the goo silences Eric as it makes it to his mouth.

Eric just glares at Wuk until the tube fills up. Once it’s full, Eric inhales the liquid. Eric’s body tries to force him to cough but he just keeps breathing the goo in. Eventually, his body stops trying to get him to cough. After a few seconds weird dark silver liquid seeps into the tube.

“Don’t worry Eric, you’ll be fine” Wuk speaks aloud.

Somehow Eric can hear him perfectly. Eric eyes the weird metal liquid as it crawls across his body. It feels like a wave is slowly creeping across him. The metal stops halfway up his neck and shudders like really loud music was playing.

Then the pain starts. At first, it's like being poked with a pen. But it grows with pain. Eventually, it feels like thousands of needles, stabbing him all at once. Eric screams or at least tries to.

Wuk grimaces and says “I can’t sedate you, it will interfere with the process. You're going to have to bear with the pain.”


After what feels like hours does the pain stop. The metal shudders again and solidifies. The tube opens and Wuk catches Eric before he can fall to the ground.

Eric wakes up on a cot and sits up with a groan.

“Your nano-bots have synergized with the suit. I’ve seen nothing like it.” Commander Wuk tells Eric.

“How long have I been out?” Eric asks him while rubbing his head.

Wuk looks at his wrist “About fourteen hours. How do you feel?”

“Like shit. What happened, all I remember was stepping into the tube?” Eric asks Wuk.

“Your power armor, if you can even call it that, bonded to your body. It's not supposed to do that. You should see if you can take it off.” Wuk tells Eric.

Eric looks at Wuk funny and stands up “How do I take it off?”.

“Intent. Just think about taking it off.” Wuk tells him.

Eric closes his eyes and thinks about the armor coming off.

He cracks open one of his eyes and nothing changed. “It’s not working”.

Wuk frowns “It was rippling, think of making a gun or a sword”.

Eric thinks of his hand turning into a blaster. The metal on his right forearm ripples and morphs into a cylinder with a hole at the end.

“So cool!” Eric yells.

“It’s just like the legends. Terrans with chimera armor!” Wuk thinks.

Wuk pulls the power reader off his waist and puts them on.

“Two-thousand eight-hundred and thirty. That's quite a boost.” Wuk tells Eric.

“Holy shit, that's a lot. Do you have a weight room and shooting range?” Eric asks Wuk.

“We have both but I’ll let you use my private training room,” Wuk tells Eric

As they walk down the hallway Eric messes with his armor. He figured out he can change its color, make it invisible, and make different guns and melee weapons, and the whole time Erics geeking out. I kept my sword after I died so I can probably keep this armor.


Wuk stops and puts his hand on a door. It slides open and reveals to him a training room. It has weights, a shooting range, and testing dummies.

“Wow, this place is huge!” Eric walks with Wuk as he shows him around.

“So what do you want to test first?” Wuk asks Eric.

“Let's see how much I can lift first,” Eric says as he walks over to the weights. The weights range from 10lbs to 5,000.

“My max is 4,800lbs,” Wuk tells Eric.

“Let's see what mine is,” Eric says while facing the weights.

Eric walks over to the 100lb dumbbell. There is no way I can lift these, no way. Eric reaches out and grabs the dumbbell and… and… lifts it up like it weighs nothing.

“Holy shit, that's amazing!” Eric screams. He tosses the dumbbell in the air a few times then sets it back down.

Eric walks over to the barbels. He grabs the dark silver pole and puts 1,000lbs on each side. The plates don’t look like they weigh more than 100lbs.

He’s about to try to deadlift the barbel when Wuk speaks up; “You're going to hurt yourself doing it that way. Here let me show you”.

Wuk walks over and corrects Eric's form.

“There, now try,” Wuk tells Eric. Eric lifts the barbel with pretty high difficulty. Eric slams the weights down and sits down panting.

“Holy shit. The most a human has lifted is 1,000lbs.” Eric tells Wuk.

“Wanna try the shooting range?” Wuk asks Eric.

“Yeah, sure” Eric gets up and walks over to the shooting range.

Wuk pushes a button and several, very lifelike, dummies come out of the ground.

“Just aim and shoot,” Wuk tells Eric.

Eric morphs his arm into a blaster and aims at one target. Eric can feel his arms correct themselves and aim directly at the target's head. He just smiles and thinks “Shoot”. A huge red laser shoots out and into the dummy.

It completely evaporates the chest and above the dummy and melts a hole in the wall. Both Eric and Wuk blanch at the huge explosion in the distance.

“Holy shit! My bad about the wall.” Eric tells Wuk.

“It's, uh, no problem.” Wuk chuckles.

Eric falls to his knee panting.

“Are you ok?” Wuk asks Eric.

“I think the gun uses my energy for fuel,” Eric tells Wuk.

After a bit, Eric stands up and walks over to the dummies. Eric wills his arms to turn into huge curved blades.

“It looks like the dudes arms from Prototype!” Eric tells himself.

He slices the dummies so quickly they take a few seconds to fall apart.

“Ok, this is officially the best thing to ever happen to me.”

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