《The Legacy Of The First》Ch-2: Guilt


Chapter -2

In a different dimension devoid of life, the second contemplated his future actions for some time but was unable to come to a valid conclusion. He decided to consult his confidants and returns to the only dimension that he created after imprisoning the first, Hermathera.

“Lumia, Obscurian and Vygil you 3 are my first creations and hence know me best, what is it you suggest I should do now that I don’t have to worry about my nemesis anymore”

“My lord you are the creator of our world and us, we cannot presume to give meaning to your future” replied Vygil in a careful manner, assuming this was some sort of test by the Michael

“Lumia and Obscurian standing as far apart as possible will not help you resolve your conflicts. That aside what do you think I should do?”

“I thin-”

“My Lor-”

Lumia and Obscurian leer at each other as though they were about to break out in a full-scale war any second

“I think that the lord should seek out and conquer the rest of the feeble life forms created by his nemesis”, Obscurian said with a haughty voice

“My lord now that your nemesis has been vanquished you should seek the enlightenment of your existence and transcend the barriers that even your nemesis could not” said lumia

“Interesting, how do you propose I go about doing this Lumia?”

“I am deeply sorry my lord but being a lesser being I have not the slightest clue as to what or who could stimulate your existence to transcendence”

Michael sighed as he got up to leave

“My lord, would it not be interesting to understand the beings created by your nemesis in order for you to gain an insight into his conscience. Living as a human and experiencing life as a human should create a new outlook that would not be possible living as the supreme being”, Vygil said as though he knew something


“Blasphemy! How could you even suggest that our Lord lower himself to the level of humans!”, Obscurian turns to Vygil with a sinister look

“Now, Now, I think that idea doesn’t sound half ba-” Michael was interrupted with a searing pain

The fluctuation of space time reached the godly domain of Hermathera

“What was that?!!” Obscurian said with a panicked look

“Something new” Lumia looked calm yet alert

“I sensed a distortion at the edges of our dimension when we felt the pulse. It seems that a massive dimensional anomaly has struck our world” Vygil said with an uncaring look

Michael had a very distraught expression and did not say anything for a while which made the trio worried about the severity of the issue

“My lord is everything alright?”, asked lumia

“No, uh I mean yes, everything is fine you can carry about your duties I have some business to attend to” Michael hurried off without much explanation

“What was all that about? Vygil did you notice anything other than the distortion?” asked Obscurian

“Nothing in particular but there was a slight response to the pulse from our lord’s consciousness”

“What does that mean?”

“I do not know but it would seem that the dimensional pulse has affected our lord in some manner. Positive or negative I’m not sure but he would definitely let us know if something is bothering him”

Michael hurried and returned back to the isolated dimension in a panic

“What’s happening why do I feel my consciousness fading like I am about to disappear from existence, how is this happening, why?! I don’t have much time I need to think of a way to survive first, at the rate I’m going I won’t last 10 days. I need to limit the use of my powers and focus on recovering my consciousness but how!” Michael thought as he frantically searched his memories for methods


“Wait, ‘Living as a human and experiencing life as a human should create a new outlook that would not be possible living as the supreme being’, that’s it. I can limit my consciousness to that of humans and then focus the rest of it on recovery for the time being”

Michael returned to Earth and deliberately sealed his consciousness in a human body. As he did this, he felt his consciousness stabilize at a rate where the dissipation was equal to the recovery but now, he could not manifest his supreme capabilities

“Why is this happening? Is it my retribution for killing my creator? How long will this last?”, Michael’s mind was in a mess as he approached Enki for answers

“My lord what brings you here?” Enki said with a skeptical tone seeing Michael suppressing his consciousness

“Did you feel the distortion earlier?” he asked to confirm whether it was only Hermathera experiencing it or if it was trans-dimensional

“Yes, I felt the tremor in space time just a while after you left from here”

“So, it is trans-dimensional! and further more it started here on Earth since Enki felt it before I reached Hermathera”, Michael thought as his look grew even more frustrated

“Did you feel anything else odd when the pulse happened”

“No, my lord. I didn’t sense anything else odd other than that”

“Now that it has come to this, I can only remain in this form until this anomaly subsides”, Michael thought as he left Enki and went to his house on Earth

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