《The Chronicle of a Witch》Chapter 29 Moving to the Dorm and a New Plan


The day changed silently. It was a new morning already. I went to school just like yesterday. Yes, I went to the school normally, as if nothing happened, even though I was chased just the day before. Oh, by the way, normally was not the correct word, I came before the sun rose after all. I was already in school when it was still dark to avoid annoyance. Fortunately, the school was not closed even when I came early in the morning.

I remembered the thirteen noble houses that wanted to capture me. Surprisingly, from the thirteen noble houses, ten of them had their child as the top ten in the last exam, except for the second rank. If I remembered correctly, the second rank was someone called Freya. I thought the one who wanted to erase me the most was the number two student, as, without me, she would be the number one, but it seemed I was mistaken.

No, perhaps she thought that the others would take care of me so she didn’t have to do anything at all?

Well, I could think several different scenarios in my head, though honestly, I just hoped that she was not that type of person. As for the other thirteen, from number three to number fifteen, I would bully them for sure in school. Not that I knew how to bully others though. Speaking of which, I remembered that even the royalties didn’t have power over the school in this city. That meant I could bully them with my power… well, I knew I was weaker than them, status-wise, however, I had more experience dealing with people with no experience like them. Naturally, I had a plan to retreat immediately if the people behind those students tried to put their hands on me though.

Anyway, my plan was perfect. Now, I only needed to wait for those students to come and I would bully them for sure!

Humans could plan, but the heavens decided whether the plan worked or not. I wanted to bully the students that came to the school, but after waiting until the school was almost started, those students didn’t come. Were they afraid of me?

Moreover, Ms. Rosemary, the Iron Lady, showed up and pulled me away from my hiding spot. Well, although I said that it was my hiding spot, I just sat under the tree’s shade while enjoying my snacks. I didn’t hide at all, rather, it was easy to find me.

The Iron Lady pulled me to her office and asked me a question. “I heard that people were trying to capture you, but it seems I am wrong. Are you alright?”

It seemed that she was worried about me. I nodded. “I’m alright. Before they could capture me, I have already escaped.”

She nodded and breathed lightly. “As expected of you. So, what are you going to do? I can suggest you live in the dorm. The nobles can’t reach our school after all.”

“There’s a dorm in this school?” I was surprised. I thought that everyone lived in their own house. I meant, they lived nearby, so, why would they live in a dorm?


“Naturally. There are students from other territories studying here as well and they live in the dorm.” She said. Oh, right, I almost forgot about that. The students here were nobles, well, most of them were nobles. And even though there were countless nobles in this city, but every year, there were less than a hundred children that could enter the school. Not to mention that there were two schools in this capital city. So, at most, there were only around fifty students that came from the nobles of this city. As for the other fifty students, they were nobles’ children from other territories. Or commoners like me, though it was rare. And those people usually didn't have a place to stay. So, it was normal for them to live in the dorm.

As for the commoners, there was a handful of them. Perhaps, from a hundred, there were only five of them. And they were absolutely geniuses, well, at least, they were better than the nobles. If they weren’t better than the nobles, they wouldn’t be able to enter this school with their limited resources after all. Unlike nobles that could teach their children with the best private teachers, the commoners could only learn by learning themselves, so it was normal for only the genius amongst the commoner that could enter this school.

Most of the time, the commoners didn’t have good scores in the beginning, but in the end, most of the commoners entered the top ten students in this school. Well, none of them could become the top ten since beginning though. Also, those commoners were protected by the school by providing them living in the dorm. As for their families, it was extremely difficult to find the families of the commoners since they didn’t even have the family’s name. So, most of the time, as long as they didn’t contact their families, their families would be safe from the clutches of the nobles.

Such as the realities of this Empire. No wonder, only nobles would have achievements even though there were numerous geniuses came from the commoners. Well, not that I really cared about it though. I wouldn’t try to change this Empire, as it was extremely troublesome. I was thinking of punishing the nobles, however, but I should do that after I got enough power.

…speaking of which, did I just think something in the line of becoming a true Evil God? Like, punishing humans? That was not in my nature before. Well, whatever.

Naturally, I agreed to live in the dorm without hesitation. As I didn’t have anything to bring to the dorm, I moved in immediately. Ms. Rosemary helped me with the administration. What a good teacher. Unlike the other teachers who were scared of me.

So, it was a dorm. This dorm was for five hundred students, however, there were only less than two hundred students living in this dorm. So, most of the rooms were empty even though every student could have a roommate.

I lived in room 303. The room was big, but there was nothing inside. There was no bed. Ms. Rosemary said that because most of the students living in the dorm were nobles, they had their own taste for their room. Mostly, the nobles would redecorate everything after they moved in, so, rather than letting the nobles redecorate everything, it was better to leave the room empty. As for the commoners, the school would provide them the most basic furniture.


Well, it should be done today though. I would be able to sleep soundly today. In addition to that, having a safe place like this was a nice addition to my trump card. Yes, it was something that I needed. I was thinking of using the inn I lived in before, but thinking about that I would implicate Rita and the others, I refrained myself from using that inn.

After Ms. Rosemary left, I closed my eyes and contacted Slimerin through my mental connection. Because Slimerin was my familiar, we had a mental connection through Magic. Well, the mental connection had its own limitation too. For example, we couldn’t speak to each other if the distance was too far away. With my current power, I could only cover around the size of this city, so I couldn’t contact my other Familiars from my previous Dungeon.

“Slimerin, you get my position, right?” I asked Slimerin.

“Of course, Master. Should I open the backdoor at your current location now?” Slimerin asked. Speaking of which, I left almost all the management of the Dungeon to Slimerin because I found it was too troublesome to take care of my Dungeon. As for the backdoor...

Yes, it was one of my trump cards. If those nobles still tried to catch me even though I was in the school ground, I planned on retreating to my Dungeon. As a Dungeon Master, creating the backdoor door was one of my privileges. After all, it would be troublesome if the Dungeon Master had to travel from the first floor to the hundredth floor by foot, right?

Also, I could create this door anywhere in the range of a hundred kilometers from the Dungeon Core. It was used for emergency purposes. Even though the Dungeon Core that left the Dungeon would lose almost all of its power, some Dungeon Master still chose to retreat with its Dungeon Core if they were cornered with no hope of winning at all. And these emergency Doors were made for that purpose.

It cost a lot of Dungeon Core Mana though… well, it was confusing, saying it as Dungeon Core Mana. Let’s use what the system called it. Dungeon Points, or DP. DP was the accumulate Mana that the Dungeon Core got from the Dungeon Master and the creatures living in the Dungeon. As for the Mana it got from the Dragon Vein that could be used to remodel the Dungeon, it was called Dragon Vein Point, or DVP. Well, looking at the current Dungeon, it had almost limitless DVP, so calculating DVP was kind of pointless. Perhaps because this Dungeon Master before me never remodeled this Dungeon so the accumulated DVP was, well, could be said limitless. This Dungeon only lacked DP because the ones who entered this Dungeon were weaklings, cough, students from the two academies. It was a Dungeon for training purposes after all.

Anyway, after accumulating DP for a couple of days from Slimerin and me, the Dungeon had enough DP to make a single Teleportation Gate. Naturally, it would be hidden with Dungeon Magic and to use it, you had to speak the password in Ancient Language. So, theoretically speaking, no one would be able to use this Teleportation Gate except me and Slimerin.

Not long after that, I could sense a slight distortion in Mana around me. I could sense it because I was too familiar with the Mana from a Dungeon, however, a normal human wouldn’t be able to sense it at all. Perhaps it was similar to how you couldn’t sense the difference between saltwater with a salinity of 32 ppt and 33 ppt with only your tongue or other body senses. Or the difference in temperature that only had a difference of one degree.

The distortion in Mana formed a gate and Slimerin leaped out of the gate. I caught her as she leaped on me. It was comfortable, hugging her. Yeah, I should live in the Dungeon with her.

“Master, we spend 100 DP for creating this gate,” Slimerin reported.

100 DP. My maximum Mana was around 30 points. It took me three days to gather 100 DP. Using this calculation, if I wanted to create the proper Dungeon that could be opened to the public, perhaps a month's time was not enough. I needed resources… and by resources, I meant Mana from humans.

“We have to plan our future action,” I said as I thought about it. I wanted to capture some of the invaders… however, it would invite more dangers for the Dungeon. Seriously, I remembered just how difficult it was to develop my past Dungeon. Well, I needed several years to safely build that Dungeon into the proper Dungeon for Adventurers, but I didn’t have enough time now. I wanted to open my Dungeon as soon as possible, or else, I would be left behind by the Players. Well, I meant, I knew they were stronger than me at the moment, but I didn’t want to be left behind even further. And the only thing I knew to make me stronger was to have a proper Dungeon.

“Master, I have an idea!” Slimerin spoke excitedly. Let’s hear her idea for now.

“Master, looking at the current Player level, I could defeat them all easily! How about we kill all the Players? They will be revived, so we don’t need to worry about killing them, right?”

…that was a nice idea. Yep, however, let’s do that covertly!

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