《The Chronicle of a Witch》Chapter 27 Tactical Retreat from the Library!


After reading the book, I sighed inwardly. History could be written just like a story. It all depended on who the writer was. Since the History of this Empire was written by the Heroes that returned safely, it was not a wonder that the History became entirely different than the History that I knew. I wondered if they ever wrote a story, cough, I meant, a History about me. I remembered that in the past, the humans invaded my Dungeon countless times too. The Beast-kins always hid inside the Dungeon when the humans attacked them.

I remembered that I never killed those humans, but I never made a deal with them either. I wondered what they wrote about my Dungeon. Let’s search for it.

I finally found about my Dungeon after half an hour and three books later. My Dungeon was in the list of the unconquered Dungeons. They were called The Seven Great Dungeon. After reading it, a sense of pride welled up inside of me, well, only for an instant though.

Alright, so the seven Great Dungeons. Just like the seven Great Sins, they were called with names represented one of the sins. Pride Dungeon, the Dungeon that only had one boss for each floor with no other monsters inside of it. Wrath Dungeon, the Dungeon that could incite the Adventurers who entered it, caused them to fight each other. Gluttony Dungeon, the Dungeon that had plenty of food, well, they were poisonous for humans though. However, the monsters inside could eat the food just fine. Envy Dungeon, the Dungeon with the Monsters that could mimic the Adventurers. Lust Dungeon, well, there were a lot of Succubus and Incubus inside. You wouldn’t know when you would be attacked, as they could attack from within dream as well. And lastly, the Sloth Dungeon, that absolutely did nothing, yet it was unconquerable. The monsters inside were only Slimes. The traps, rather than deadly, they were more like a prank. A harmless prank and most of them were sloppy. It seemed like the Dungeon Master didn’t put a lot of her effort, yet no one had ever seen the Dungeon Master, even the Heroes never saw her.

Yep, that was my Dungeon. Also, speaking of sloppy traps, they were sloppy because I thought that putting sophisticated traps on the first few floors wouldn’t be good, so I intentionally made the traps clearly visible. As for the harmless prank… alright, a pitfall where the inside of it was a Slime that could disintegrated leather was quite useful. In the beginning, I wanted something that could disintegrate the metal, so their weapons wouldn’t be usable and they had to return home, however, the Slime that could melt metal was quite expensive, so in the first few floors, I used the Slime that could disintegrate their armor that mostly from leather. It caused many Adventurers to have wardrobe malfunction though and they were forced to return early. Yep, that was how I intentionally designed my traps, to force the Adventurers to return home early.

Alright, that was not what made me depressed though. However, the description of the Dungeon was really annoying. So, the description was like this.


Sloth Dungeon. An unknown Dungeon except for the fact that many sloppy traps could be easily seen. The deeper ones entered the Dungeon, the more dangerous the Dungeon would be, as the number of the traps increased, though the monsters were still the lowest level monsters available in a Dungeon, the Slime. However, the Slimes were modified so they became even nastier than the typical Slime, making this Dungeon extremely different than the typical Dungeon with Slimes inside. The Dungeon Master never showed up and there were no reported monster outbreaks from this Dungeon. However, based on oracles received by the Hero of Ice, it was said that the Dungeon Master was an extremely lazy woman that slept all day. There were no monster outbreaks because she was too lazy to attack other places. Also, she had extremely bad personalities, such as being small-minded and petty, idiot, lazy, and (you can insert all negative traits of a person here).

Alright, after reading to that point, I already guessed who the Goddess who gave that kind of oracle really was. I really should give her a bit of a lesson. Well, not now though. Alright, fortunately, she was not the only one who gave oracles about my Dungeon. There was another God who gave his oracles.

It said, 'The Sloth Dungeon, is not what it seems from the outside. Although the traps are made to be visible, behind those traps lie many hidden traps. If you think that conquering the Sloth Dungeon is easy because of the first ten floors, you are gravely mistaken. The deeper you enter the Dungeon, the more dangerous it would be. Even Gods and Goddesses that borrow the Heroes' body might not be able to conquer this Dungeon. However, although the Dungeon Master was not a kind Dungeon Master, she would never attack others initiatively. That is why, rather than trying to conquer the Sloth Dungeon, I suggest you conquer the Wrath Dungeon, as it will be more dangerous as time passes by.'

Reading what the God of Knowledge and Wisdom said about me made me blushed a little. Look, this is how you write something objectively! Unlike a certain subjective opinion of a certain Goddess!

There were more descriptions about the Sloth Dungeon from the Heroes and Adventurers that tried to conquer it. They only reached floor 20 or so though. However, most of them said that it was a nasty Dungeon with nasty traps and nasty monsters. They said that it would be alright if they were killed if they were eaten by the Slimes, but the Slimes didn’t kill them but rather, ate their armors and made them naked. That was even more embarrassing than being killed by a Slime! Not to mention that the ones who fell into traps mostly the male intruders and it happened in front of the female party members, so they were extremely embarrassed.

Hmph! Naturally, I would choose my target carefully. How could I let the girls fall into that embarrassing situation? It would be naturally a guy’s job to be in that kind of embarrassing situation!


Cough, well, I thought that if the girls were in that kind of situation, the guys would turn into wolves and attacked them, and since I wanted my Dungeon to be free from mature content like that, I aimed my traps at the guys. As for the guys that became the girls’ prey, well, I could only offer you my sincerest apologies.

Speaking of which, I prepared a lot of traps for the girls too. For example, the Flying Cockroach Trap. They were not monsters, nor animals. They were just an illusion. Yes, a trap that would be activated if you stepped on a hidden Magic Circle. The illusion of myriad Flying Cockroaches was enough not only to make the girls fainted but also to the guys. Once, I also saw a guy shitting on his pants while running away.

…alright, let’s forget about my last line. Anyway, because of those traps, most Adventurers called my Dungeon as the nastiest Dungeon ever. Seriously, and I thought that my idea of not killing them was quite kind, yet they thought that it was the nastiest Dungeon ever. My fragile heart was hurt quite deeply…

Well, since the books here could be references for making my new Dungeon in this capital city, I would learn them all. I wanted to make a Dungeon that didn’t have to kill the intruders, but I also didn’t want the Adventurers said that it was a nasty Dungeon too. Perhaps a friendly Dungeon would be more appropriate. I meant, when I looked at how the Adventurers called the Pride Dungeon as the Tower of Challenge, it sounded cool. Or the Wrath Dungeon as Dungeon of Forging Heart. The Gluttony Dungeon was well known as the Dungeon of Gourmet Treasures because if you could cook the food well, it wouldn’t be poisonous and it tasted extremely delicious. Envy Dungeon was known as the House of the Wax because the monsters were similar to mannequins. Although it was not cool, at least it was not that bad. As for Lust Dungeon, it was called as the Depraved Dungeon, or sometimes, it was called Dreamland Dungeon. As for Sloth Dungeon, it wouldn’t be bad if they only called it a Slime Dungeon, but they had to call it The Slimiest Dungeon or they also called it as the most Depraved Dungeon, even worse than the Lust Dungeon, or The Nasties Dungeon, or Castle of the Neverending Slime. That last one was kind of cool, well, it was me who named it so it was kind of cool.

Alright, my dream was to make a friendly Dungeon! I wanted it to be called as the 'Friend of Every Creature Paradise'! Or it also could be called as 'The Friendly Slime for Your Kids' Dungeon!

Cough, it seemed that I was quite distracted. It was time for me to learn about history, not about the Dungeon. As I went to pick another book, I overheard people whispering not far from me.

“Hey, have you heard?” It was a girl’s voice.

“Heard what?” It was another girl’s voice. Let’s call them girl A and girl B.

“You know the first rank in our generation, Fey, right?” Girl A whispered softly, but because the library was a quiet place, it was easy to overhear her no matter how soft her voice was.

“Oh, she got perfect scores in Magic and Combat, right?”

“Right, that’s the one! I heard from my friend that her friend overheard her talking with the girl beside her during the opening ceremony! She said that that Fey boasted that she could use all elements and she also could defeat tens of Master Shiro!”

“What!? Is that real?”

“Yes, it’s true! She boasted that she got the perfect scores because Master Shiro was defeated by her easily!”

“Uwah, what a scary girl…”

“Not only that, but she also said that she would beat other people if she finds them annoying. That’s why, it’s better if you stay away from her, understand?”

“I understand… no wonder that even the teacher was scared by her in the class earlier.”

“What do you mean?”

“Eh? You don’t know? She was in my class this morning, and since she entered the classroom, the atmosphere turned scary. Even the teacher didn’t dare to speak to her at all. You know, usually, when the class starts, the teacher would take attendance, right? This morning, the teacher didn’t even dare do that! Also, I clearly saw the fears in their eyes!”

“Oh, really? I thought it was only a rumor, but it seems she threatened a teacher so she could be admitted into this school! She is so scary!”

“Yes, let’s keep our distance from her!”

At that moment I showed up in front of them and the two of them yelped and took five steps back. Seriously, did they think that I would beat them to a pulp?

“Speaking..” When I opened my mouth, the two girls prostrated and screaming ‘I’m sorry’ incessantly. I looked around and there were several students and even a teacher that saw us. When I saw their eyes, they quickly turned around. Seriously, I just wanted to say that those rumors were not true at all!

“Look, she threatens those two students!”

“Poor girls…”

“It must be scary being threatened like that!”

…I thought that I was the victim here, but as a wise girl, I should take the most logical action at a moment like this. I remembered the wise said something like this. When you couldn’t convince the other party, then it was the time for the best tactic in the world. And that tactic was…

“Well, glad to see you around. See you later.” I retreated hastily as it was extremely uncomfortable to stay here any longer.

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