《Kyrio's Monster House (Dropped)》Chapter - 2


Kyrios midway decided to change course, he thought about all his nerdy knowledge and decided to set up his home in Los Angeles, after all it's ironic how much the monsters in the night loved to nest in the 'City of angels'. He chuckled at the thought. If he was right, then on this Earth the city would be a giant beast den, at least at night. 'Besides the fact that most hotties will come to hollywood in the following decades...'

"Now which place should I pick?" He mumbled high up above the sky of the city, cammouflaged by the dark cloudy night while the full moon shined, almost risking to blow his cover.

"Santa Monica? Sounds cool living near the beach, but is there a place with enough room? Beverly Hills? No, it's like having a huge sign saying 'My rich base is here'. Hollywood? No, it would invite too many tourists or suits that would try to get my home in the next years. Chinatown? No, it problably has the highest number of demon hunters." He looked at the sky, staring at the moon and mumbling. "I'll just pick a random apartment for now..."

The shade flew down, heading towards downtown, passing along some skycrapers and approaching his pick. An apartment building that was small and old, judging by the paint and cracks.

It had a total of 8 floors, the first one being the entry while the other 7 were single apartments.

He turned invisible before reaching the entrance door. 'Now let's see if this works!' Slowly, the invisible shade passed trough the door's keywhole and formed his body again inside.

'No locked doors can stop me now!'

Kyrios looked around, there wasnt anything special on the first floor, once someone got in the building, the first thing they would see was the elevator at the right side, the staircase on the left and the door in the middle.


'And what's behind door number 1!' He thought while going through the door, which led to a corridor.

On the left side of the corridor were several trash cans, at the end of it, was a door that led into a storage room.

'Nothing interesting here...' He concluded before going to the right side where there was another door and after going through it, he could see that it was the mainteneance area with one of those big white box computers.

'What kinda of moron leaves the password on a note glued to the screen?' Kyrios thought while he logged into the computer, accessing the information of those who lived there.


A1- Occupied

A2- Occupied

A3- Occupied

A4- Occupied

A5- Occupied

A6- Occupied

A7- Occupied


'They're all full!' Kyrios wanted to check everyone, but before clicking on A1, the system popped up with a message.

Suitable place for a lair has been found!

If User agrees, a lair will be built in a dimension, hidden from the sight of everyone, accessible by an invisible button on the elevator.

Do you wish do build your main base here?

Yes? No?

'Could work with that...' "Yes!"

Basic lair formation has started!

15 minutes until completion.

'15 minutes? Guess I'll check the apartments one by one then...' He looked one last time at the computer before turning around and entering the ventilation system. 'I'll check the info later.'

Kyrios decided to start with the 8th floor, A7 apartment, popping out of the vent still in invisible form, appearing in a living room where stairs could be seen just next to the vent.

He looked around, there wasnt much, just a black box TV, a mini kitchen behind the living room and an empty room full of dirty clothes on the ground.

'Either a girl lives here or a homo...' There was alot of vegetables on the fridge, bread and milk on a table, while this could not guarantee that a women lived in the place. The womanly clothes confirmed it.


He went up the stairs, a door was right in front of him while on the left was a desk with a pc which he ignored, entering the bedroom which was occupied.

A brunette layed on the bed sleeping, covered in sheets. 'She's cute, but I feel something strange about her...'

Name: Mia Rose

Race: Human ghoul

Level: 9

'Human ghoul?'

Human Ghoul

A human that serves a vampire, binded by drinking it's master's blood.

Has improved strenght and agility thanks to vampire's blood.

If a human ghoul does not drink vampire's blood every month, it will slowly turn into a full Ghoul.


A former vampire's servant who turned into a beast of the night.

Ghoul's must eat human meat every week or die of hunger.


Vampires are the common half-demons of the night, normaly living in covens, large communities similar to human families and werewolf packs, they cannot withstand the sun and are required to drink blood to survive. Strenght may vary due to age and what type of blood they consume.

'Gotta love info drops uh? Well, I dont want to be in conflicts for now so I'll leave this one alone. Let's check the next one!' Kyrios returned to the vent, ignoring the bathroom next to the bedroom.

Kyrios entered A6 by the vent, the A6 apartment was pretty much the same as the previous one, with the exception of messy clothes and garbage of junk food that spread everywhere on the floor.

'House of a drugdealer or addict?' He thought as he saw the living room table full of empty bottles, used cigarettes and a small stash of marijuana and cocaine. "Guess the owner isnt home yet?" He mumbled as he finished checking the apartment and returning to the vent.

Strangely, the rest of the apartments were empty. But from what he could tell from the items was that everyone seemed young. For a moment he wanted to wait for them to return home, but got bored just waiting for a few minutes, so he decided to check the streets outside, only to stop again as the system reported to him.

Lair has been built!

The shade jumped a bit with excitement. 'Finally!' He rushed to the first floor and pressing the elevator's button.

A few seconds later, the door opened to the old elevator and as Kyrios went inside, a new button collored black with a white skull bellow the others appeared so he pressed the button and the elevator seemed to move down until it stopped and opened it's door.

'What the?' "It's just a cave..." He complained, seeing that his lair was simply a corridor of rock leading to an empty room.

New quests Available!

Lair Basics - 1

A cave with just a room being a lair for host is just ugly and pathetic! Access the Base Command to edit your lair and build the beggining of a real evil lair!

Minimun requirements: 1 Bedroom for host, two extra rooms. Add a new theme for the entrance.

Reward: 500 credits

Lair Basics - 2

Without minions, a lair feels empty and it's master has to do all the maintenance! Recruit a few minions either from the outside world or summon them via Minion Creation Command using credits!

Minimun requirements: Two minions

Reward: One random minion

Kyrios grinned at his new quests, it was just the begining...

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