《True Identity》Chapter 25 - To The North


Edited By: Puebeck, 1jayds

Author's Note:


True Identity

Chapter 25 – To The North

The wolf was the same one we got from the quest. But for some reason it wasn’t a baby anymore, it looked like it’d grown a little.

Wait….it couldn’t be…a pet?

After sprinting for quite some time, I had finally met up with Iris. I was out of breath but my excitement dominated my tiredness.

“Iris, is that a pet?”

Iris nodded.

I looked closely at the little wolf by Iris’s side and checked its status.

Name: Kiba

Level: 6

Health: 130 / 130

Attack: 40

Defense: 30

The wolf was growing nicely, Iris must have nurtured the pup somehow. Even though it was just a tiny little baby a couple of hours ago, it now looked more mature and fierce. But despite the wolf’s development it was still as cute as before.

“Wait, are you the first person in AA to get a pet?”

Iris shakes her head and then holds up two fingers.

“The second?! Who could have gotten a pet before you?”

I quickly looked on the online forums through the AA navigator and found out that the first person to get a pet was none other than Ares, the guild leader of [The Brotherhood] and currently the top ranked player in Edilath.

“Ah well that’s too bad, you weren’t the first person to obtain a pet but still… your pet is truly fearsome! If it can become even stronger than the alpha wolf we had trouble killing before, your wolf will become the greatest pet ever.”

Iris nodded in approval.


[Item: Night’s Reach has been sold! 47,500 dollars has been sent to your bank account.]

Holy shit, the weapon that we got during the Kingdom Quest has finally sold. I put the spear on the auction house 3 days ago for 50,000 dollars and someone finally bought it out. Since Emperor Studios takes a 5% cut from everything sold on the auction we got 47,500 dollars instead of 50,000 dollar. Which was still awesome, there’s no way I could complain. Haha, this makes up for the shit ton of money I spent clothes shopping earlier!

I checked the balance in my bank account and sure enough the money was there. I felt rich at the moment but then after thinking about having to split the money with the rest of the party, I felt disappointed. But none the less, I still made a lot of money and was happy with the generous profit I just earned.

I quickly made a group chat with Iris and Ronin’s party. These were the 5 other people I had to split the money with.

“Alright, I have good news everyone, The spear we put on the auction house was sold! I’ll transfer the money to each of your bank accounts soon. That’ll be around 7,900 dollars for each of us!”

“Holy crap, 7,900 dollars! I’m going to treat myself to something nice! Let’s see maybe I’ll get my nails done, go shopping, oh and how about even going to the spa.” – Amber


“Yeah, yeah, just don’t spend that money all at once like you always do.” – Garan

“Garan… just shut up.” – Amber

“Alright, alright, no more fighting because I have even more good news. Garan, Iris and I got a drop from our previous quest and I believe it would be extremely valuable for you to use since you’re a tank.”

“What is it?” – Garan

Without saying another word, I shared the stats of the shield that Iris and I got from our quest.

Item Name: Guardian of Frost [Tier: Grand]

Type: Shield

Durability: 200 / 200

Stats: + 100 Defense, 10% Ice Resistance

Requirements: Level 16, Strength at least 100

“Holy shit!… State your price right now.” – Garan

“Umm, honestly this shield is worth almost as much as the spear we just sold. Do you have that kind of money?”

“Fuck, you’re right…. Oh I know, keep my share of the money from the spear we sold, that’ll be 7,900 dollars!” – Garan

“That’s still not enough money….”

“Fuck! But I really want this shield!” – Garan

“Keep my share also.” – Ronin

“Ronin thank you so much!” – Garan sounded like he was about to tear up.

“Mine too.” – Lilith

“Sigh, just like that my treat was taken away wu wu wu. AHH! Keep my share too… Garan, you owe me big time for this!” – Amber

“Thank you guys so much, I’m so happy I could cry. But even after all that’s still only around… wait… don’t tell me, I got this… 30,000 dollars! Fuck, still not enough money. NOOOO!!!” – Garan

I don’t know if it was because I felt touched by their strong friendship or what. But I decided to sell it to them for a huge discount. I honestly felt somewhat jealous because I’ve never had friends like that, except from Nick. Money definitely couldn’t buy true friendship.

“It’s actually around 32,000 dollars, you did the math wrong…. But 32,000 is fine. I sell it to you for that amount because we’re friends. Just remember this good deed.”

I looked towards Iris to see if she was fine with selling the shield at that price because this shield wasn’t only obtained by me. I probably should have asked her before saying it though….

Thankfully, Iris nodded in approval.

“Are you serious! Woah, let’s hurry up and meet up before you change your mind haha.” – Garan

“Fine by me, meet me at the church in Edilath.”

“Oh cool, we were already on our way there anyway. We’ll be there in a few minutes.” – Garan

Our group chat ended with that and then I looked towards Iris.

“I’ll send you the money now, just give me a second.”

Iris nodded.

After a couple of minutes, I transferred the money to Iris’s account and each of us were now 25,000 dollars richer than before.

“Let’s go meet the High Priest now.”

We entered the church and the High Priest was already there waiting for our arrival.


“Ahh, Axle you’ve finally come. And who might this person be? I assume this is your partner.” – High Priest

I was surprised by the High Priest’s welcome because I knew he was blind. How the hell could he tell that I was the one who entered when he couldn’t see? Just as when we first met, I got a strange feeling that despite the High Priest’s disability, he was still a very powerful person.

Better stay on his good side. I answer the High Priest’s question.

“Yes, this is Iris. She will be the one person that I bring with me to complete this quest.”

“I see… very well, I shall give her the quest as well.” – High Priest

Quest: Where Evil Lurks

Difficulty: C

Requirements: Lead a party to Zovia and purge the evil that has consumed it.

Failure: Intimacy with the church will decrease. Faith, fame, luck, and honor will decrease.

Description: The high priest has asked you to help them will a major quest. You are to lead the people from the church to Zovia village, defeat the evil, and let the church purge the people.

Iris accepted the quest that the High Priest gave to her and now all that was left to do was to see which church members I would also bring with us.

“Where are the church members that I will bring with me?”

The High Priest pointed to someone sitting on a bench.

“This one will be accompanying you and there will also be one more. She will arrive in a couple of seconds.” – High Priest

Shortly after the church doors opened and Ronin’s party entered. Seeing Garan’s anxious face, I took the shield out of my inventory and handed it to him. He immediately equipped it and looked even more fierce.

“Thank you Axle, I’m going to conquer the world with this!” – Garan

“You wish….” – Amber

We talked some more and then Ronin’s party left to go level up. But for some strange reason Amber stayed behind.

“*Cough* Now that everyone is here. I shall get all your equipment ready. Why don’t you introduce yourselves to each other in the mean time.” – High Priest

The person sitting on the bench stood up and came towards my direction. I was surprised because initially I thought the church members that would accompany me would be NPCs but they were actually real players.

“Hello Axle, my name is Tidus. I am a level 16 paladin. I hope we work well together.” – Tidus

Tidus had blond hair, blue eyes, and was well built. My first impression of Tidus was that he looked very dependable because of his arrogant smile, making it clear that he was confident in his skills.

“Hello, Axle we know each other already but Tidus, my name is Amber. I’m a level 15 Priest.” – Amber

Tidus looked at Iris, waiting for her to introduce herself but that clearly wasn’t going to happen so I decided to introduce her.

“This is Iris, she’s a warrior and, as you know already, I’m Axle.”

Only four people would be going on this quest. The High Priest did say before that he didn’t want a lot people going because of the difficulties but I thought there would at least be six people. Well, I guess there is also a benefit of not having to take care of too many people.

“Alright, now that you have introduced yourselves we will hand you what you will need.” – High Priest

Four priests came out of the back room carrying supplies and handed them to us. I quickly scanned over the equipment. The supplies were fairly basic: food rations, water, and bandages. The only thing that was special was the cloak.

Item Name: Cloak

Type: Cloth Accessory

Durability: –

Stats: 15% Cold Resistance

Requirements: Level 15

These cloaks are amazing, almost as good as the blanket that Rina made. For the church to have equipment like this, they must be very powerful.

“You will take horses to Arcton Village in the North. Arcton Village is currently being protected by the church due to the evil forces that continuously threaten to expand. When you reach the village, leave the horses there and continue by foot, the terrain will make it too difficult for horses to travel. Continuing north of Arcton, you will eventually arrive at Zovia Village that has been conquered by the evil. But beware, there are many hardships that you will face along the way. When you are ready, set off on your journey. While I await your return.” – High Priest

The High Priest went into the back room. All four of us were silent for quite sometime so I decide to act like the leader I’m suppose to be.

“Alright, if everyone is ready, let’s go.”

“Okay!” – Everyone

We left the church when everyone was ready and made our way to the north gate.

“Axle, I didn’t know you were the one who was going to lead us.” – Amber

“I was surprised too, I didn’t know that you decided to join the church.”

“Yeah, being a just a regular healer didn’t really suit me, I wanted to try something else. I’m an adventurer after all. Plus, there are a lot of opportunities there.” – Amber

“Cool, now I have a friend that is connected to the church. This could be helpful in the future!”

“Yeah, you can count on me!” – Amber

Behind Amber and me, I could hear Tidus trying to woo Iris or something. It kind of bothered me but I felt much better when Iris just ignored him. Tidus quickly caught on that Iris wasn’t going to talk back to him so he decided to shut his mouth.

When we reached the north gate, there were four horses waiting for us. Each of us chose a horse that we would ride and began our journey to Arcton Village.

Author’s Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I post 1 whole chapters earlier than when I post them on royalroad. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com

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Please comment if you liked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot, thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like my work!

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