《True Identity》Chapter 23 - Prove Your Worth


Edited By: Puebeck, 1jayds

True Identity

Chapter 23 – Prove Your Worth

“Did you get the animal I requested?!” – Chef

Without even saying a word, Iris reluctantly put the baby wolf on the table. Again, the pup tried to stand up on its 4 legs but since it wasn’t able to sustain its own weight, the pup staggered and landed on its stomach.

I look at the baby wolf one last time and said my goodbyes to it in my mind. Goodbye, little fella. The chef looked at us and then at the pup for a couple of times with a confused face. Finally, he spoke up.

“What the hell is this?” – Chef

Naturally, I didn’t think Iris was going to talk so I decided to speak up.

“What do you mean? This is the animal you wanted, right? The quest said you would know what it is when you see it, well I see it and this baby wolf looks majestic as fuck if you ask me.”

The chef put his palms over his eyes and his tone seemed like he was disappointed but most of all, frustrated.

“No, no, no, this isn’t it! I want the meat of the alpha wolf, when you saw the alpha wolf you should have immediately known that it was the animal I wanted. Sure this little fella could taste good but do you think I’m a savage or something? The alpha wolf is super lean meat that has gone through many life experiences. Did you get it or not, I mean there’s no way you could have missed it.” – Chef

Relief suddenly started to flow throughout my body, the cub would be spared. Personally I think the baby wolf looked more majestic than the alpha wolf but whatever….

“You meant the alpha wolf, why the hell didn’t you just say so in the first place? I have it right here.”

Taking the alpha wolf meat out of my inventory, I saw the chef’s face starting to light up again. I laid the big piece of meat on the table and tears started to roll down the chef’s cheeks.

“Th-this is it! And it’s already skinned! Thank you so much! I will now reward you for your hard work young lady.” – Chef

Iris had completed the quest but she didn’t look interested about that at the moment. She once again picked up the baby wolf and held it in her arms as if she’d never let it go ever again.

“Now it’s time to teach the cooking profession. Come with me, I will teach you everything I know.” – Chef

With Iris receiving the second part of her quest, I quickly realized I wasn’t needed here anymore so I decided to take my leave while she finished up.

“I’m going to go now since I have some stuff to take care of before we go on our next quest. Make sure you’re logged on at 6 pm tomorr… oh wait, I mean 6 pm today. I’ll wait for you at the church.”

I didn’t know if Iris actually heard my words because her attention was completely absorbed by the wolf pup. Whatever, I’ll just take my leave now and hope she heard them.

I didn’t even notice that it was already 6 am in the morning now. Damn, I need to get some sleep. I left the workshop and immediately walked towards the medical ward that was located in the south eastern corner of the kingdom. I was desperately in need of some healing because my injuries still weren’t properly treated from the previous quest.


All the pain in my body dissipated as the healers healed my injuries. I was indeed correct when I thought I broke a rib, two to be exact. The only bad thing about going to the medical ward in order to be healed is that they charged me 10 gold. Damn extortionists.

Exiting the medical ward, I went to the tailoring workshop.


When I walked into the workshop, I saw a beautiful woman. She was an NPC that went by the name Rina. She had long silky brown hair that went just past shoulder length, exquisite facial features and grey colored eyes. The brown hair seemed to complement her silver eyes extremely well.

Rina stared at me as I walked through the door and then looked away, continuing the work she was previously engaged in.

“What can I do for you adventurer?” – Rina

Rina spoke to me in a bored, indifferent tone. She also didn’t look up from the clothes she was making with some type of fabric. I thought she was acting somewhat rude but I couldn’t be picky if I needed something from the person.

“Umm, I would like to learn tailoring. Would you mind teaching me?”

“*Sigh* Fine… but first you have to prove your worth. Go through the western gates an….” – Rina

Rina was about to give me some quest in order to prove my worth but I didn’t have that kind of time. I needed to learn tailoring now. My quest to the north is in about 12 hours and I wouldn’t have enough time to go on another guest just to prove my “worth”. I decided to interrupt Rina when she was in the middle of telling me the quest.

“*Cough* Teacher… I’m sorry to interrupt you mid sentence but I’m in a rush. You see, I have a big quest instructed by the chur….”

“Get the fuck out….” – Rina

I was in shock, this woman had just told me to fuck off and she still wasn’t even looking at me. I decided to try to smooth things over but that didn’t really work out well.

“But I….”

“But nothing! Just get out of my workshop. I don’t have time for people who think they’re above the law and don’t need to prove their worth.” – Rina

For a beautiful woman, she had quite the wicked attitude. I know it’s mostly my fault but I seriously don’t have time for another quest.

I saw that there was no way for me to get through to her so I turned around to leave. Just as I was about to leave, something ingenious suddenly came to mind. My worth huh, well I’ll prove my worth.

I turned back around once again and walked back towards Rina. By now the woman wasn’t even paying any attention anymore, well, the attention she had….

“Look at this. I bet this will prove my worth.”

Rina jumped hearing me interrupt her again and was surprised that I still hadn’t left yet but nevertheless, she continued to work on her clothing and gave an indifferent response.

“What are you still doing here? I told you that I don’t have tim….” – Rina

“If you don’t look up to see, I bet you’ll regret it.”

After hearing my words, Rina still didn’t look up but after a couple of seconds the curiosity overcame her and she finally looked up. At that instant upon seeing what was in my hands, Rina stopped working on her clothing and focused her full attention on me.


In my hands was the alpha wolf fur that I had obtained from Iris’s quest. It shined nicely against the light coming through the window. Rina face looked shocked when she saw it and was at a lost for words.

“H-how did you get that fur, adventurer?” – Rina

Upon hearing her question, I smiled deviously because I knew that I finally had her . Making sure not to screw this up, I responded coolly to her question.

“I killed the alpha wolf and skinned it for its valuable fur.”

“K-killed it, by yourself? What’s your name, adventurer?” – Rina

I decided to dodge her question about killing it by myself, she could use her imagination.

“*Cough* Um, my name is Axle.”

“Axle… right, Axle, where have I heard of this name before?” – Rina

Rina seemed like she has heard my name from somewhere before. Damn, is my fame in this kingdom already this good? Hype!

“Hmm, I can’t seem to remember exactly where I’ve heard it before but I definitely heard the name from somewhere….” -Rina

“*Ahem* Well it’s alright if you can’t remember, but what I really want to know is if this proves my worth?”

Rina pondered about my question for quite some time before finally giving me the answer I wanted to hear.

“Alright, you have proven your worth. I will teach you tailoring but in return, you will have to do something for me.” – Rina

I didn’t like the sound of this but I didn’t really have a choice. Still, I proceeded cautiously.

“Okay, but before I accept, what exactly do I have to do in return?”

“Hmm, I haven’t really thought it through yet but in the future, if I ask you for a favor, you will help me once, no matter what it is. And when I say no matter what it is, I mean no matter what.” – Rina

Rina look at me with her seductive eyes that naturally stared into your soul and pulled me in closer. I liked the way this woman thought, it’s too bad she’s only an NPC and not someone from the real world.

“I accept your offer, I will help you with a favor one time in the future no matter what it is. I swear it.”

“Good.” – Rina

Rina had a devious smile and in that instant, I thought I had just made a deal with the devil. But I can’t go back on my word now.

“Come, follow me. I will teach you tailoring.” – Rina

Quest: The Path of the Tailor

Difficulty: D

Requirements: Receive tailoring profession quest

Description: Learn tailoring from Rina and make your own clothing.

[Will you accept the quest?]


I followed Rina into the back room of the workshop. This particular room was dark and secluded, nobody from the outside would be able to see us. I didn’t know Rina had this in mind…. Obviously I knew this wasn’t actually what Rina was thinking but you know, I’m a healthy young man….

Rina started to illuminate the dark room by lighting some candles around the room, making it much brighter. I was now able to see what was in the room. Looking around, I was amazed at what I saw. Hanging from the walls were numerous pieces of clothing, ranging from dresses to leather armor.

“These are my prized possessions, I’ve made them myself. I keep them in this room so they won’t get damaged by anything, not even sunlight. I don’t usually show people this place but you seem interesting so I decided to show you what clothes you could eventually make, or even better. But you still have a long way to go.” – Rina

I was fascinated by the clothes that hung from the walls, these were high quality equipment that I couldn’t even meet the requirements to wear. After seeing the clothes, my determination to become a tailor grew tremendously.

“Well we’d better get started then.”

“Haha, I like the way you think, Axle. Follow me.” – Rina

Further in the back of the room was a table with all the tailoring supplies you could possibly think off, from threads to buttons and to even a makeshift ironer that was made out of a flat piece of metal and heated over a fire.

“Let’s begin. You said you were a skinner. Do you have any furs other than the alpha wolf’s fur?” – Rina

Without speaking I pulled out all the furs from my inventory that I have collected over my travels. I pulled out some cat pelts, some fox pelts, and some wolf pelts.

“Good, you aren’t skilled enough to deal with that high quality of a fur yet.” – Rina

I put the alpha wolf fur back in my inventory for safe keeping and directed my full attention on what Rina about to teach me.

Profession Name: Tailoring

Profession Rank: Novice

Profession Level: 1

Profession Experience: 60%

Description: This skill allows you to make clothing and light armor. The higher the skill the better the attributes.

For about an hour and a half, Rina taught me all the basics about tailoring. She taught me everything she could in such a short time, ranging from threading, where you put the thread in the needle, to many types of stitchings, a fastening method that keeps all the threads together.

It was tough at first but after a little while I started to get the hang of it. In the end, I made 8 leather pieces of armor but nothing that great. The best piece of equipment I made was a pair of leather pants, these would be replacing my crude pants that I have been wearing. I’ll just give the other 7 to Francis to sell when I see him next.

Leggings Of The Northman [Tier: Basic]

Type: Leather Pants

Durability: 75 / 75

Stats: + 30 Defense, + 20 Agility, + 5 Strength

Requirements: Level 12

Description: This equipment was made by an amateur tailor.

Creator: Axle

Author’s Note: I know my naming skills aren’t that great but I think it’ll get better as time goes on. And besides, who want a legendary name for a sub-par piece of equipment….

“Alright, this is how much I can teach you for now. Level up your tailoring and come back to learn new techniques.” – Rina

“Thank you Rina, I will make sure to come back.”

“You’d better, you still have to fulfill my favor.” – Rina

Her grey eyes stared right into mine and she wore a captivating smile. This woman knows fully well what she’s doing.

We left the back room and went back to the main entrance.

“Here, you will need this for your adventures.” – Rina

Rina handed me a small compact box, I look inside and saw a bunch of sewing supplies in it.

Item Name: Sewing Kit [Tier: Basic]

Type: Profession Item

Durability: 1000 / 1000

Requirements: Tailoring Profession

“You will have to pay for more supplies yourself, there’s no way in hell I’m giving you free supplies again.” – Rina

“Thank you very much….”

“Well, what the hell are you still doing here? Do you need something else?.” – Rina

Carefully thinking whether I didn’t need anything else, I realized I almost forgot to ask something important.

“Yes, I’m going to be going north and I was wondering if I could make something that will keep me warm in the freezing cold.”

“Hmm, the only way to make something like that is with a material of higher tier and, unfortunately, your tailoring skill isn’t a high enough level…. But if you give me your alpha wolf skin I can make something that will help.” – Rina

“But I would like to make something out of the alpha wolf skin myself in order to level my tailoring up higher.”

“Oh don’t worry, I’ll just make something simple so you can just reuse it to make it into something else later on. That’s the beauty of tailoring, you can take used materials in order to make other goods.” – Rina

“Alright, but will it affect its quality if it used already?”

“Ah. Yes and no. If you do a terrible job making the item, then the material will be significantly degraded but if you do an excellent job then reusing materials should downgrade it by only a little bit. And since I’m a highly experienced tailor, I can do a pretty good job. I guess it just comes down to whether you trust me or not.” – Rina

Fuck, she cornered me. She posed the question asking if I trusted her or not in order to make sure I gave her my alpha wolf fur. It’s not that I didn’t really trust her, it’s just that she wasn’t giving me a choice. This woman was devious, I couldn’t imagine what will happen if I said I don’t trust her.

“I trust you.”

I handed over my high quality fur and prayed to god that she wouldn’t mess up.

“Wait here for a couple minutes, I’ll have your cold resistant equipment made in no time.” – Rina

“Oh don’t worry, PLEASE take your time… please.”

Rina went to the back room again with my alpha wolf fur while I waited patiently at the main entrance.

Author’s Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I post 1 whole chapters earlier than when I post them on royalroad. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com

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Please comment if you liked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot, thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like my work!

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