《True Identity》Chapter 13 - Kingdom Event


Edited By: Tyhuko and Edet

Author’s Note:

Hey everyone, so apparently this week is one of those perfect world weeks (see what I did there), so here’s the second chapter this week :P. I think things are going to get interesting so have fun reading. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

True Identity

Chapter 13 – Kingdom Event

“Remain anonymous.”

[System Announcement: Adventurer XXXX has become the first adventurer to become a blacksmith. XXXX will be rewarded: Fame + 25 Luck + 25]

Holy crap! These are some major rewards! It too bad I wasn’t the first person to get a profession, that was awarded to some chef while I was at work. But my fame and luck are definitely one of the best in AA right now! Too bad there’s no way to check….

“Good job Axle, you have met my expectation by creating such a fine sword. Come back when you have increased your blacksmith rank and I shall teach you new techniques. But take to heart that next time it’ll cost you some coin….

Hmm it seems that if you have high fame or if you have high intimacy with the NPC, they’ll call you by your name.

“Thank you sir! I will make sure to come back.”

“Good luck on your travels. And I told you before just to call me Ferron!”

I said goodbye to Ferron and went towards the market place. In the market place there was a designated area for adventurers to set up stalls and sell their goods. When I got to the adventurer’s square, I found a good spot to set up a stall to sell my goods.

“Selling maps of Wildehedge Mine, great spot for grinding! I can even identify equipment, I charge you less than the Identifying Merchant!”

If the maps didn’t reach the other adventurers, identifying sure did.

Once the people heard that I could identify equipment, they came running to see if it was true. Many didn’t believe me but apparently there was already 2 other people in other kingdoms that also already got the identify skill, so it wasn’t that hard to convince them.

People handed all their equipment, putting their trust in me that I wouldn’t steal from them. Of course I didn’t steal their equipment. If I did would, lose so much profit. The Identifying Merchant charges 50 silver for crude, 1 gold for basic, and 3 gold for grand equipment. They were truly monopolizing the prices. I decided to make it much cheaper. I charges 30 silver for crude, 75 silver for basic, and 1 gold and 75 silver for grand.

Some people still complained that the prices were still to high but they didn’t really have a choice. They could either get it identified here for cheaper or go to the Identifying Merchant. News spread all over Edilath that someone has gained the ability to identify items. People came from literally everywhere in order to get their equipment identified.

Even Ronin and his friends came, but I decided to identify their equipment for free since they’re friends. I’m getting money and also leveling up my identify skill. This is a win-win situation for me.

I sat there for about an hour identifying equipment. Until nobody else came anymore. My maps had all sold and I identified so much equipment that I can’t even remember anymore. I made 5 gold from my maps and I made 250 gold from identifying.

250 gold! I better put this on the online auction as fast as I can. Since earning gold was so hard for regular players the ratio from gold to US Dollars was very favorable. The ratio was 1 gold for 4 US Dollars. The demand for gold is much higher than the supply of it. I put 225 gold for 895 US Dollars on the auction. Let’s see how quick this sells.


I looked at the time and it was about time for me go to bed. I was so tired because I hadn’t gone to bed since my nap yesterday. I logged off of AA and went to bed.

When I woke up the next morning I felt refreshed and ready to take on the world of AA but unfortunately I still had to go to work…. I thought that my morning was going to be boring just like every other morning. I would go to the bathroom, then to the kitchen, ate my breakfast, chat with Haley, and then go to work. But today was a special day when I checked my phone I saw an email. $895 was sent to my bank account!

I’m rich! Not really… but I just made more than a month’s worth of work within 2 days! Nick was right, this game is totally worth it.

I got home from work excited to start playing AA but first I had to check the forums to see if there was any new information. I wasn’t surprised when I saw a thread talking about me identifying equipment in Edilath. These are some of the comments on the thread.

“Does anybody know how to get the identifying skill?”

“That guy must be rich!”

“Fuck I missed it! I need my stuff to get identified.”

There is probably more people who are also going to get the skill so I better take advantage while I’m still the only one who has it in Edilath.

There was another thread that said “BEWARE Of [Nemesis] In Edilath.” Apparently there was a group of adventurers that were fighting a Rank 1 Boss. They got the boss down to 20% health until another group who called themselves [Nemesis] came and killed them and then stole the boss. I will make sure that I stay away from these people, I can’t lose my axe after I literally just got it.

When I was done checking out all the recent information I put on the VR helmet.

[Do You Want To Connect To Absolute Authority?]


I spawned in the adventurer’s square, to my surprise there was a big group of people crowding around what looked to be 1 NPC. The NPC shouting words that were hard to hear because of the ruckus but I managed to make it out.

“Adventurers of Edilath, my village is going to be raided by a big group of goblins. Please help us!”

[Kingdom Event: You have heard the pleas of the villager. Will you help the save the village?]

This is a kingdom event. I wonder if every kingdom has events like this.


Saving CobethDifficulty:CDescription: A nearby village has asked the adventurers of Edilath to help them. Go east of Edilath towards Cobeth Village and slay the goblins.Requirements:Prevent Cobeth Village from being destroyed and defeat all the goblinsFailure:Cobeth Village is desroyed and the Kingdom of Edilath’s Honor will decrease

Quest: Saving Cobeth

[The king of Edilath has created a Kingdom Event. If the Kingdom Event is Successful, the participants will be rewarded.]

I opened my friends list and messaged Ronin to see if he also accepted the Kingdom Event.

“Hey Ronin.”

“What’s up Axle?”

“Did you and your friends accept the Kingdom Event?”

“Yeah we are already on our way to Cobeth Village. Will you participate as well?”

“Yep, but don’t wait for me. I’ll meet you guys there and we can party up.”

“Sweet, cya later.”



With the brief conversation ending, I decided to get ready. I ran to the nearest blacksmith in order to repair all my items. It cost me a whole 3 gold! What the hell is this, I need to level up my blacksmithing quick so I don’t have to pay these outrageous prices.

After my items were repaired I ran to the usual merchant, Francis.

“Axle, it’s nice to see you. Here’s your 50% of the profit from the maps.”

Francis handed me a bag full of coins. I counted 8 gold coins. He must have printed 50 more copies of it or he’s cheating me… I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt… for now. I now had 32 gold coins in my inventory.

“Francis, do you have any consumables that would aid me in fighting?.”

“Well, health potions are essential. Oh, I just finished making the leather armor from the pelts you gave me before. Why don’t you have a look, I’ll give you first dibs.”

“How much do Rank 1 health potions cost?”

“Usually 30 silver each but for you, 25 silver.”

“Alright, I’ll buy 10.”

Francis handed me 10 health potions and in return I handed him 2 gold and 50 silver.

Health Portion [Rank 1]Type:ConsumableDurability:-Stats:Restores 50 health instantly.Restrictions:20 second cool down

I proceeded to look at the leather armor that Francis made. There were many basic tier leather armor but some cost more than others. I already have a leather chestpiece and pants. I also already have plate boots so it’d probably be best to buy something I don’t have yet.

I picked up a pair of leather gloves and a leather cap. These should do nicely.

“How much do these two cost?”

“8 gold.”

I handed Francis 8 gold and equipped the two.

Rugged Gloves [Tier: Basic]Type:LeatherDurability:100 / 100Stats:Strength: +10 Agility: +15 Endurance: +8 Defense: 12Requirements:Level 8[Tier: Basic]

[tr]Rugged Cap [Tier: Basic]Type:LeatherDurability:100 / 100Stats:Strength: +8 Agility: +12 Endurance: +6 Defense: 10[td2]Requirements:Level 8[Tier: Basic][/align]

With this I was ready to head out. I walked past the eastern gates and followed the road. Unlike the last time I was on the road there are a lot of people on the road heading to Cobeth.

I’ve been walking on this road for about 30 minutes now. God, this is so damn boring. I’d honestly rather get attack by 3 foxes at once then walk any farther on this path. While I was still complaining about the long walk, I overheard a conversation from other bored adventures.

“Hey do you know how much longer until we reach the village?”

“Ah, I believe that we still have an hours walk more….”

Wait what! Another hour of walking!! Fuck this shit, I’m just going to cut through the forest and hopefully I cut the time in half. Or atleast I’ll find something interesting that won’t make me bored.

I cut through the forest towards Cobeth Village.

[You have entered Death Forest, Beware!]

Well, that’s a good name for a forest….

Shortly after I entered the forest I heard a ruckus up ahead. Leaves were rustling, branches were snapping, and loud footsteps that sounded like running could be heard. Oh shit, the noise is heading in my direction. I hid behind the nearest tree and stuck my head out of the side just enough to see.

I saw a girl running as fast as she possibly could, which I’ll admit was pretty fast. But there was also 7 people chasing after her.

The party of 7 had 2 healers, 1 knight, 1 monk, 1 warrior, 1 mage, and 1 ranger. That’s a pretty balanced group if you ask me. The two healers were both girls, 1 human and 1 elf. They were both pretty but no match for Amber and Lilith. The knight was undead while the monk was a barbarian. The ranger was an elf and the mage was a halfling. The warrior, the leader of the group, was a human.

Duke, the warrior, started shouting while carrying two swords in his hands.

“Get back here you bitch! How dare you deny my invitation to our group!”

I suddenly felt compelled to help this mysterious lady because after all it’s 7v1. I saw that the ranger was lacking behind the others so I waited for the other 6 to run past the tree I was hiding making sure that they didn’t see me.

When the ranger was within 5 feet of me I came out of my hiding spot. With a golden hue coming from my axe, I activated my new skill [Skull Splitter]. The ranger didn’t have enough time to react so my vertical swing connected with his face.

[75!] [Critical Strike!]

[Enemy is paralyzed for 4 seconds]

Damn, the ranger’s lack of defense makes me look so strong! I quickly used my sword to stab the ranger in the stomach and then slashed him in the shoulder with my axe. I did this all within the 4 second paralyze.



Blood splat everywhere while the ranger’s health depleted to 0 and fell to his knees. But before he died he spoke his dying words.

“Where the fuck did you come from?”


I kicked the ranger’s body out of the way and picked up the health potion and 2 gold coins that were lying on the ground. Surprised, the rest of the party turned around.

Duke spoke up, “Who the fuck is this guy? Ah whatever, he must be friends with the girl. Grimm, you take those two go fight the girl while the rest of us will take him on. They can’t possibly beat us, we outnumber them.”

After Duke gave his order, the mage, 1 of the healers, and Duke came towards me.

Instead of waiting, I charged at the warrior. But to his surprise, I ran right past him straight to the healer. I need to get rid of the support first, I’ll deal with the warrior last. The healer obviously wasn’t that experienced in fights, but then again neither was I….

When I was about 4 feet away from the healer, I slashed my sword at the healer and then moved in closer in order to use my axe.



The healer only had 33 health left so I quickly slit her throat with my axe before she could heal herself.



After I kill the healer, Duke stabbed me in the back while the mage was casting a spell. From fear of death, I dove into the nearest bushes and hid while dodging some sort of ice spell from the mage. I drank a health pot recovering me to full health.

“Stay close together, he could be anywhere.” Duke yelled.

But even after Duke stated his warning, the mage wasn’t listening. I stealthily moved towards the mage. In the bushes behind the mage, I grabbed him by the hood of his robe and pulled him to the ground. I pinned him down and started hacking at him Native American style with my axe until he died.

Before Duke could move any closer to me, I quickly turned around and pointed my sword at him measuring the distance. Duke stopped in his tracks. As I was about to attack the Duke some fatal strikes came from behind him. With 3 swift strikes, the girl who was getting chased before killed him!

Damn, this girl has already killed the other three, she must be good.

“I swear [Nemesis] will have its revenge.”

So this is the notorious [Nemesis] I’ve heard so much about.

With that, Duke was lying on the ground dead. I kicked over Duke’s corpse to find a sword lying on the ground. I picked it up to see what it was.

[tr]Claymore Of The Shadows [Tier: Basic]Type:1-Handed SwordDurability:95 / 130Stats:Attack: 35-45[td2]Requirements:Level 8, Strength at least 80

Oh, Duke had some pretty good equipment. This is the 8th best weapon in Edilath right now.

After a long silence of awkwardness, the girl spoke up.

“How about we roll for it? It’s only fair that way.”




FUCK I LOST! The sword left my hands and suddenly appeared into the hands of the girl who then equipped it. Why the fuck did I agree to roll?! I then looked at the name hovering over the girl’s head. The girl’s name was Iris. Wait, where have I seen this name before….

Author’s Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed the 2nd chapter this week. I’ll try to continue with this pace of writing but please understand that sometimes, I’ll be busy with other work and might be able to write.

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I usually post the chapters 24 hours earlier than when I post them on royalroad. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com

Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like work!


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