《True Identity》Chapter 6 - Meet Haley Oliver


Author's Note:

Hey everyone, due to a suggestion I moved my blog to wordpress. Apparently it easier for you guys to follow so make sure you visit it. This is a short chapter but I know you guys have been waiting for this. I put a poll up again but only answer after you read the chapter.

You guys have told me that I haven't described the sister enough. So in this chapter I decided to make a Haley POV. But I also decided to make it a background of Haley and James as well. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


True Identity

Chapter 6 - Meet Haley Oliver

Sometimes I wish I could just go back in time and restart my life. I have too many regrets and I did too many terrible things when I was younger. And now, I have no way to atone for them. Almost everyday I ask myself “why was I such a spoiled child back then?”

When I was younger I took everything for granted. I was a spoiled child that had everything she could ever want but never stopped one second to think how grateful she should have been. My family was a semi-wealthy family and because of this reason, my parents gave me everything I wanted.

I did many terrible things especially to my brother, James. James never did anything wrong to me but I always told him that he was annoying or that he was the worst brother in world. This is probably because I felt inferior to him. James was always so smart, good at everything, and wasn’t spoiled. On the other hand, I was not that smart and I was spoiled a lot. After continuously telling James awful things, he slowly just stopped talking to me and just ignored me. I thought to myself that he definitely hated me.

Then everything changed when I was 11 years old. My parents decided to go on a trip for their anniversary.


I didn’t want them to go so I told them, “don’t go, stay home.”

But they responded with “don’t worry Haley, your brother will take care of you.”

I became so frustrated because for the first time, something didn’t go my way. In my anger I told my parents “I hate you” and then ran away to my room. After they left for their trip I felt bad and told myself that I would say sorry when they came back. But something happened that I would have never thought would happen, at least not to me….

We got a call the next day saying that the plane my parents were on crashed somewhere in the pacific ocean and that our parents were most likely dead. After hearing the new, all I could do was cry and cry. All I could think about and I even think about this today, I couldn’t tell my parents I was sorry. This is probably my deepest regret. I was once a spoiled kid that got everything she ever wanted but in just a blink of an eye, I got everything I ever wanted taken away.

After that day, my brother and I went to go live at our grandmother’s house. But unfortunately our grandmother was mostly in the hospital because she was already in bad health due of old age and with the death of our parents, things were just getting worse. She eventually died last year due to old age.

During the time our grandmother was in the hospital, my brother decided to basically take up all the responsibility, he would work many jobs while still making time for studying and keeping his grades up. I always wonder how he could do so many things and not complain one bit. But even then my brother didn’t really talk to me, I thought that he still hated me.

After seeing my brother do all the work, I decided that I wanted to change. I secretly worked a part-time job even though my brother told me not to. I worked for about a week until my brother found out. James came running to the restaurant where I worked and started to yell at me something that I will never forget for the rest of my life.


“What are you doing? I told not to work! I will take care of everything, so just enjoy your life and make sure you study in order to have a bright future!”

After hearing those words I just started crying and afterwards I got fired from my job anyway. Slowly James and I became much closer and I trust James with my life. He always does everything in his power to let me have a good life and a good future. I wish I wasn’t so mean to James before because I know he is such a caring person. He gave me the incentive to really work hard in school and now I get the highest grades in my grade. James is definitely the person I look up to the most.

In school, I’m very popular. Many guys ask me out, but in the end I always deny them because I don’t want to cause James any trouble and they just don’t compare to my brother. Maybe I’m just setting my standards too high. I haven’t told James but I have promised myself that I will repay James for what he has done for me. He has basically changed his whole life just to take care of me and hasn’t complained about it once. He even changed what college he wanted to go to in order to stay close to home. I never want to be not able to atone for my wrongs ever again, but I just wish that it didn’t have to take such a terrible event in order to change me….

Recently many of my friends have been talking about a new game called Absolute Authority. I wasn’t planning to get it because I didn’t want to burden James anymore than I already am. But then I heard on the radio that James won a free VR Headset and a copy of AA. At that moment I decided I wanted to play with James and support him in AA.

James worked really hard in order to get me a VR Headset and a copy of AA, which I was totally against. He even got into a fight. I was so worried about him because all I could think about were all the possibilities of losing the most important person in my life at that moment. But James was only laughing about it and even told me that he roundhouse kicked someone. Of course I believe that he actually roundhouse kicked someone, he never lies to me. But I decided not to show it in order to make him a little frustrated. I got a good laugh out of it.

When I entered AA, I made myself the elf race and chose the class assassin. My appearance looks exactly like I do in real life and I decided to name myself Hazel. I selected Zarevia as my starting kingdom, which is the east starting kingdom. Now it’s time to work hard and become strong so when I meet James in-game, I’ll be able to support him.


Author's Note:

Make sure you answer the poll at the top of the page. Also, please comment why you do or don't want to continue Haley/Hazel's story.

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. This is where I'm going to post the chapters some time in the near future. https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com

Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks.


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