《True Identity》Chapter 4 - Did You Just See That?!


Author’s Note:

In this chapter I put a little surprise in for you guys. Please answer the poll AFTER you read the chapter because this will give me an accurate conclusion on what I need to work on. Again if you have any suggestions, criticism, ideas, etc. please leave a comment. Ill try my best to address them. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

True Identity

Chapter 4 - Did You Just See That?!

Two weeks later

You would think since it’s summer time that I would have more free time. Well, I don’t, everyday is an exhausting one. I decided to get another part-time job, that makes it 3 part-time jobs a day. I have a part-time at the grocery store from 7 am to 11 am, a part-time job at a family restaurant from 12 pm to 3 pm, and then I have a part-time job as a construction worker from 4 pm to 8 pm. Although my days are exhausting, it’s well worth it! I’m making a lot more money and I can almost already afford Haley’s stuff.

Every time I get home for work my sister always complains that I’m working too hard and that I should take a break. And every time she complains I respond with, “were you studying hard?” That’s always gets her to walk away from the subject.

I've been so excited about AA coming out that whenever I eat dinner I look on the internet to see if there’s any new information about the game that would help me when I start playing. Unfortunately Emperor Studios, the creators of AA, is being stingy with the game information. They only have given out basic info to know about the game and nothing else. I guess they want the players to find out the information for themselves… Everything else on the internet is just speculations that might or might not be true since nobody knows anything. So the rumor that know real life combat might help you in game might not even be true….

This is the basic information that Emperor Studios let us know: There are 5 races, Elf, Barbarian, Undead, Halfling ,and of course Human. Elfs had wings so they naturally have high agility but they lack strength. Barbarians naturally have high strength but they lack intelligence. Undead naturally have high defense but they lack agility. Halflings naturally have high intelligence but the lack defense. Humans are just a balance between all of them, no natural strengths and no natural weakness.

There are 4 starting kingdoms. The names of the kingdoms are Zarevia, Salia, Prilian,and Edilath. Zarevia is in the east, Salia is in the west, Prilian is in the south ,and Edilath is in the north. They don’t tell us if there are any other benefits to each city other than the location.

Author’s Note: Don’t make fun of the names of my kingdoms. I couldn't think of names so I literally went to a website that generated random kingdom names and these are the first four that generated. lol :P


Emperor Studios also said something about there being many different class and professions in the game. You had to choose an class in the beginning of the game but you could change classes if you decided to do so in the future. Some examples of classes are mage, monk, and knight.

Concerning professions, you can obtain as many professions as you want but the more professions you have, the harder it will be to obtain the next profession you want. Some examples of professions are cooking, carpentry, and tailoring.

You are allowed to get a pet but after you've gotten your first pet you aren't allowed to get rid of it or get a new one. After you get your pet, you will have to train and grow closer to that pet so your compatibility increases, So basically once you get a pet you’re stuck with it no matter what, so make sure you actually want that pet. But Emperor Studios doesn't actually tell us how to obtain a pet….

The last piece of information they give you is that if you die you lose a level and the stats you got with that level. But they can be obtained again when you level back up. So if you die too many times you can go back to level 1… God I would hate if I got killed back to level one.

So basically Emperor Studios has only told us the basics and nothing special… FUCK....

I can’t wait for Absolute Authority to come out but there’s still 2 more weeks. I still have to work hard.

2 weeks later

I have currently been waiting for 12 hours in this god forsaken line in front of the gaming store in order to buy Haley’s merchandise. Nick and I got here at 8 pm last night and now it is 8 am in the morning. But it’s all worth it because we’re first in line! So we should get out of here the fastest.

I have contemplated going to sleep many times while Nick keeps watch and vise verse. But after hearing someone screaming that they got pick pocketed and then start crying because they wouldn't be able to buy the merchandise anymore, I decided against it... Thanks for the warning pick pocketed person :P.

Getting here early doesn't really mean anything because the Absolute Authority server doesn't start until 12 pm. Well, whatever at least I’ll be able to take a nap before I start playing.

1 hour later

After waiting the longest hour of my life the store is finally opened. We walked up to the cashier.

Way too excited, I told the cashier

“I would like to buy a VR Headset and a copy of AA!”

In a depressed voice the cashier said

“Alright that will cost you $1500.”

Damn, someone seems a little depressed. I guess working on the day AA comes out is pretty depressing… Luckily for me I took the day off from my part-time job at the grocery store and I also quit my two other part-time jobs. I’m going to fully devote my time to AA! I’m not afraid of no addiction!


After Nick and I bought our merchandise we left the store and started to walk towards Nick’s car. While we were walking all of a sudden 3 guys came out of the alley way blocking our path. The 3 gangsters looked intimidating but gangster 1 looked by far the most intimidating because he had a pipe in his hands. Shit, why does this have to happened to me. I swear I have the worse luck.

In an aggressive voice

“Put down the merchandise and nobody has to get hurt” gangster 1 said while waving his pipe in the air.

What is this, some kind of TV show?! Who actually says that in real life when they have the intention of robbing you. Why would you give the person you’re robbing a warning before robbing them? If you’re going to rob someone, just rob them without giving them a warning… They must not have much confidence in their fighting… Probably….

HAHA, I’ll show you the power of hard work! There’s no way that someone who feeds off others will win against someone like me. But I still have to be careful since it’s 3 verse 2 and Nick I’m guessing is more of a handicap rather than of any assistance...

I gave Nick my merchandise stepped forward. I guess it’s time to test out my self taught martial arts!

In a surprised tone


Without saying another word gangster 1 and gangster 2 came running at me. Gangster 1 attacked me first swinging his pipe wildly. Catching the pipe mid-strike God FUCKING dammit, that hurt my hand so bad. Without a moment to lose, I kicked gangster 1 in the chest knocking him onto the ground. Realizing that gangster 2 was about to hit me from behind, I quickly turned around with the pipe still in my hand. Smash! I hit gangster 2 in the head with the pipe.

Holy shit, I just knocked him out… While I was in shock from knocking out gangster 2, gangster 1 came running at me. Unfortunately my reaction time was too slow and I got punched in the gut knocking the wind out of me. I dropped the pipe gripping my stomach. Gangster 1 grabbed the piped from the ground and started to swing at me wildly again.

Quickly recovering from the last hit, I dodged the pipe and started running in the other direction. Honestly that pipe scares me, considering that I just knocked out gangster 2 with it, I have the right to be afraid… Gangster 1 started running after me and was swiftly catching up. Knowing that gangster 1 was closing the distance between us, I quickly turned around to face him head on. At that moment I decided to perform a move that I've only dreamed about performing. Wham!

Holy SHIT, I just roundhouse kicked his ass and knocked gangster 1 out! Impressed with myself, I looked at Nick to see if he saw what I just did. But to my surprise Nick was on the ground gripping his stomach. I started looking for gangster 3, I saw him running 20 yards away with the merchandise. I sprinted after gangster 3 and was quickly catching up to him. Fortunately gangster 3 wasn't that fast and was already tired from his fight with Nick.

Good job Nick, I was wrong about you. You are good for something… Slowing him down!

About 3 yards away from gangster 3, I tackled him to the ground. Gangster 3 frantically started to scream but that quickly ended when I put him in a headlock and started choking him. After a couple of seconds gangster 3 became unconscious on the ground. I quickly picked up the merchandise and ran back to Nick. I helped him back to his feet and we sprinted our hardest to Nick’s car, afraid that the 3 gangsters would come to their senses….

Full of pride When we got to the car I started telling Nick how I beat the crap out of them. Nick was surprised to hear that I roundhouse kicked gangster 1 or more like he didn't believe me… Whatever he can believe what he wants but I know what I did! It must be due to my self taught martial arts training and my work as a construction worker that I've become so strong, I've basically been born a new man with this muscle. HAHA gangsters, I have taught you the most important lesson of your sad lives, HARD WORK!

When Nick dropped me off at my house it was 10 am. Haley saw me walk through the door and instantly started to worry about me. My clothes were dirty and I had bruises all over my body. While she was patching me up with the first aid kit I told her about the fight. In the end, she didn't believe me either…

COME ON! Why don’t you guys believe me. Is it because I said I roundhouse kicked someone? Is it really that unbelievable?

After eating a big lunch because I decided not to eat dinner today and devote the rest of today to Absolute Authority, I took a nap.


Hearing my alarm clock go off, I woke up at 11:50 am. I quickly went to the bathroom just to make sure that there would be no distractions while I play. After I was done I went back to my room and put on the VR Headset. After waiting 5 minutes the VR Headset finally started to count down.




Do You Want To Connect To Absolute Authority?YESNO

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. This is where I'm going to post the chapters some time in the near future.


Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks.

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