《Addiction》Day 4: Day 1 but exams


-=-----------------------6:36 AM-----------------------=-

I was pretty early, not because I want to review a bit more. I woke up at 5am because it was cold as hell in my room.

Couldn't sleep because the room felt too cold so I stayed downstairs and sat on my PC chair. I didn't turn on my PC since I really wasn't planning to do anything, plus if my parents saw me turn on the PC this early in the morning. They're going to yell at me again, and I don't feel like having that today.

So I just stared at my PC and started thinking of a title for my new apocalypse work. Couldn't really think of a title and so I just stared at my PC for another thirty minutes.

-=-----------------------7:13 AM-----------------------=-

I decided to start cooking rice and prepare for breakfast. Nothing too noteworthy other than my parents asking me how I'll do on my exams. I just said nodded. I wasn't planning to ace it nor do I plan to fail. I just want to barely pass with mediocre results like I usually do.

So I turned on my PC, checked my message history, there was not much, I don't really talk in pms so the only notifications I got were from my group of friends and my school group.

So there, my first and second exams are going to start almost simultaneously after each other, so I might not be available until then.

-=-----------------------10:39 AM-----------------------=-

And I knew it, as soon as my first exam was finished, I only had 10 minutes of breaktime remaining and had to prepare for the second exam.

The first exam was difficult but I expected it to be, I didn't even need to try to lower my grade. That's the sad part actually-

As for the second exam, it was Values Education, basically it's about human morality. I'm not one with great morals so acting as if I was an angel in this exam was making my stomache go on reverse. It was relatively easy but there was an essay about explaining it. The question itself was easy to answer. So the way I screwed it up was by basically passive aggressively attacking the question and flaws itself how it is hypocritical and stuff. It was a great way to vent out my stress.

It's up to the teacher whether they agree or disagree, it's a class about morality. Controversy is normal when it comes to this, such as there being only two genders or if parents should abort their children because they can't support them.

The first one, I agree-- there's technically only two genders, male and female. The LGBTQ is what I call a sexuality, not gender. Pretty obvious, no? I don't really care about that topic, just don't mix those them up. Messing with the LGBTQ is like messing with a FIFA football stadium.

As for the latter-


I am free to not give out an opinion.


So there, the next exam happens after lunch. This is the only subject I actually studied hard on yesterday so I think I can at least get 90% of it right, the way I don't get yelled at my parents too bady is by getting good results on STEM subjects and get English, the only subject I technically pay attention to, decent results as well. The rest will be mediocre results. That's why I chose to study Science a bit yesterday, it was hectic.

I'm gonna have lunch, it's pretty early but the earlier I eat, the more time I can do nothing.

-=-----------------------11:48 AM-----------------------=-

Finished eating lunch and I feel like having ice cream.

What's your favorite ice cream? Mine is vanilla. Not because it's plain and boring, but because I can mix it in with anything and it will still taste great. Coffee, chocolate, maple syrup. You can even put it on pancakes and waffles if you'd like.

But I don't think I can eat ice cream right now, I need to ask for permission from my parents who aren't home. I guess apple juice is fine.

Speaking of apple juice, you guys had fruit wine? I am not a guy who likes alcohol so if ever I choose a beverage, it would be something sweet like fruit wine. Tried vodka and beer once--

It was horrible

It tasted like alcohol. Well it is- but still. I didn't like it.

I don't understand people who drink alcohol, I can understand grown-ups since it's some form of relief, better than smoking at least. But not my friends who are underaged, they're like 15 and 16. I just turned 17 and I still don't like alcohol. It tastes weird. I was forcefully made drunk once, being sober was hilarious and fun. But if I had to drink a couple glasses of alcohol, hell nah. Just give me my fruit wine and I'll be happy.

I think I'll just continue sleeping until the final exam of the day begins.

-=-----------------------12:54 PM-----------------------=-

Finally done, I can relax for now.

As for my results? I answered everything, I doubt I'd get perfect but I expect a high result. Then it showed me that my score is literally half. I then asked myself-


I asked myself what the actual fuck did I mess up on. I memorized the formulas perfectly, well most of them perfectly, there was this one question that I actually just gave up on. You can't really just get back to it since once you go over to the next question, there was no going back.

And so I kept thinking what was my mistake. Then I went back to the meeting, and I saw a couple other students asking about the results. I guess it's not just me, huh? The teacher said he will recheck the test sheets as it is very case sensitive and it wasn't actually mentioned before hand. So I guess I can still pass?


Well, no need to dwaddle in that. Same thing happened last quarter, almost failed one of the STEM subjects but immediately got booted up by 20 points.

I'll just study for math, the other subjects are freebies for me at this point, which is Physical Education and English.

Don't get me wrong, not saying English is an easy subject, well it kind of is--

The thing is, in my school, English is more or less about either memorizing or common sense. I do not think like a normal person yes, but I can act like one! Maybe?

Well, whatever it's called, I can use that power to steamroll through English. As for Physical Education, it's more or less just events and hand signals which I can study after English exams which, as previously stated, I'm steamrolling.

Math is the only challenge for day 2.

Time to study.

-=-----------------------3:46 PM-----------------------=-


I found a manga that was chill and hilarious and so I decided to read it. It's called "The Strongest Florist", technically it's called manhwa but eh-

Anyways, it's about a really buff dude who wants to build a flower shop! It's adorable and hilarious so I got immensely distracted and decided to read through all of it. Sad that it just ended in chapter 22 though. Maybe it was for the best considering it was the reason I didn't study for math--

I'll try study again this time!

-=-----------------------5:23 PM-----------------------=-

Guess what? I didn't study again. Why? Okay, There was a game I used to play for less than a week called Dragon Raja*.

Note: Dragon Raja is a mobile MMORPG game that was released fairly recently. It's cyberpunk if that's a genre you're into, don't get intimidated if I said it's whale-y. It only is if you joined PvP which is not an important feature. It's a game where you can relax and have fun with friends with so give it a shot.

It's a mobile game, and a pretty neat one graphics-wise. Too bad it's a whale MMORPG game, technically it's Pay to Progress faster but, in my opinion, that's just sugarcoating yourself as a P2W.

Well, anyways, I didn't play Dragon Raja because the gameplay was awesome. Well it actually is, you can do facial expressions and poses and stuff, it was hilarious. I played it for the lore.

I then realized something, it was based on a light novel!

And so I looked for the light novel, took hours to find it, and boom!

I had something to read for a week. Pretty satisfied with the story- not really. I still want more but I can see where the game was heading basically. They were a bit abrupt with the way they portayed the main characters, but it's an overall decent adapted story, game-wise.

Anyways, that's not what I was talking about. The reason I actually didn't study wasn't because of the light novel nor the game.


It was decent at most critique wise. Nothing too great but I am liking it so far because it's giving me fun memories of the light novel a few months ago. I hope they choose to portray this story much like how they portrayed them in the light novel.

The game adaption was great, but if I had to choose between the two. It would be the light novel. It was more relatable and it doesn't feel like you're missing any information.

Well anyways, that's my update on this. I think I'll actually study now. I was studying before I found the manga and I'm still halfway through the topics.

-=-----------------------9:18 PM-----------------------=-


Granted one of those hours was used on eating dinner and washing my face.

But other than that! I studied nothing but circles and how there are triangles and squares in one.

Math is a scary tool. It is a mystery on how it was capable of making the essence of pizzas. Served in boxes, shaped as a circle and eaten as triangles.

Truly fascinating.

Anyways, other than circles, I studied graphs and shit. That was the boring bit. Reason I was able to withstand the circles was because I keep making terrible- I mean funny jokes about them like--

Wheel get this for sure!

I'll circle around in case I forgot important information.

Circular Potatoes.

Yes, I know, I'm hilarious. Feel free to burst out in laughter.

Anyways, triangles on circles aside. My friend is trying out RLCraft, he was flexing the diamond tools he got from his lootpack. That poor fool wipes tear.

In RLCraft, diamonds are practically ornamental early game and have almost no use. I didn't tell him that until he made diamond armor. It was hysterical. I told him to just get used to how RLCraft works because it's going to get much more crazy once we start playing for reals.

Not going to lie, I wasn't expecting this diary thingy to be talked about RLCraft mostly. Then again, that's the only thing I'm looking forward to for now.

As for examinations--


Well, we'll see how things go. I swear if I screw up in English even after boasting how easy it is. I'd just be sad.

Oh-- and about Genshin Impact, the game I'm supposed to be avoiding. Since I can't really avoid my friends, I always get told of news about the new update. Basically, so much free shit is coming and I can't experience any of it. My friends are grinding my account for me but still-- I want to grind myself damn it.

Well, no biggie so I guess I'll just go to sleep.

Good night!

-=-----------------------9:41 PM-----------------------=-



Independency on Addiction(DOA): 4/10

Productivity Results(PR): 5/10

Enjoyment Rate(ER): 2/10

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