《Faceless Phantom》Chapter 16 - Vallas the Arena Champion


Dome City

It was located at the outskirt of Ghaldaran Kingdom. A lone town in the middle of green field.

The building design was just like what medieval building look like. Despite being a normal looking town, it was really crowded during the day.

Almost five thousand people were present. It was because of a famous building which was built at the very center of town.

There was a dome which looked like half blossomed flower bud. Its size was equivalent to two football stadium.

At each north, south, east and west side, there was a pair of massive entrances. The exterior part of every entrance had a pair of ten-meter-tall statues of warrior with sword and shield on their hands.

It was a coliseum.

An arena, a stage, a place where warriors battle. Its very existence was the core of the city.

Inside the Coliseum, noises and shouts could be heard louder than usual. It was because today was one of the most important day in history of Heallance. It was a final match of a tournament.







People in spectator seat were encouraging their own idols. Some were talking within their community circle.

However, some were ridiculed the other fans. Some even bad mouthed their opponent's champion. And sometimes, a quarrel was started between both fans.

"It's already time for Vallas to give his throne."

"Yeah, Burdy will knock him out and make him fall on his ass."

"Say that after Vallas kicked Burdy's ass, mofo!"

"Oh look! Someone who falls in love with an ass. Hahahahaha..."

"Who wouldn't? He has a sexy ass."

"Tsk! What a degenerate. Don't talk to them, they will only lower your IQ."

"Says the one who faboying over a Gigant. They have low INT."

"You wanna fight, you piece of shit?"

"Hey calm down. They're just kids. Let's deal with them as proper educated adults."

"Right. Let's make a deal with them then. Hey kids... For me, Burdy will absolutely win. Let's bet all of our gold and the most valuable item you have. Deal?"


"Hey! Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Of course! Are you doubting Lord Vallas?"

"It's not that I doubt him, but what if he lose this time?"

"There is no way he'll lose!"

"Hahahaha look at them doubting their own champion."

"We take the deal!"

"Alright kids, don't cry if your Vallas kisses the ground. Hahahaha!"

That was almost what some of the spectators always did before every single match in Coliseum. Fanatic fans always be fanatic fans. They worship their idols as if they were their gods.

It wasn't bad for certain circumstances, but mostly was just a terrible habit to be developed.

A gamble for example.

There was even an official betting community in the coliseum. Every day, people flocked there to make a bet before the match started.


Not only fanatics, but greedy people and gambling addicts also present. There were also the ones who would bet their own life to make money.

"I damn sure Burdy is strong. If not, I'm gonna kill him for stealing my money! I'm betting everything for his win."

"Vallas better keep his position as Arena Champion. I already bet all my savings for him."

The two warriors finally entered the ring of duel. The audience began to root for their champion. The cheering slowly becoming louder and louder.








His height was about two and half meters. Of course, it was because he was a Gigant. He was wearing heavy armor with sword and shield on his hands. It seemed he was a Giant Knight.

He was the famous underdog. A newcomer who successfully climbed from the very bottom to the top in one tournament.

He defeated several warriors who were known to be strong and unbeatable in the history of Coliseum.

On the other side, his opponent, Vallas was a human. Despite being a human, he was almost two meters tall. He was wearing silver plated black leather clothes that similar to martial artist.

On his hands, he was wearing unique black gloves with big silver scales up to the elbows.

He was known as eternal champion who won countless battles at the Coliseum.

The two faced each other. The loud cheers then slowly faded as the bell was rung. It was a sign that the match had already started.

A few minutes passed just by staring at each other. Then Burdy impatiently charged and swung his sword sideways. Vallas already foresighted his attack, he leisurely evaded.

Seeing Vallas moved to his left, he swung his shield towards him, hoping for landing a shield bash. However, Vallas body fell backwards.

Before his body touched the ground, Vallas put his hands on the ground behind his shoulders. He folded his legs on his body and stayed still for a second.

As Burdy's shield passed, he had an opening. Vallas immediately pushed the ground with his hands and made a kick with his feet.


His kick landed on Burdy's gut. Burdy was wearing heavy armor so the impact was reduced.

Still, the kick was strong, it made his body flying backwards for a brief moment. But Burdy was experienced, his feet landed safely to the ground and then he immediately fixed his stance.

In front of him, Vallas was standing as if already waiting long enough for him to make another attack.


Burdy clicked his tongue and charged. He kept attacking for almost five minutes. However, no matter how he tried. Vallas always easily evaded. It was the first time he was against this kind of opponent.

Then suddenly, Vallas charged and throw a punch. Burdy reflexively raised his shield and successfully blocked the punch. Then Burdy instantly swung his sword horizontally.


Seeing that, Vallas kicked the ground and made a jump. Then he jumped again and rolled in the air. Burdy's eyes widened.

'How's that possible!?'

In other's perspective, it was something like a simple double jump. However, Burdy had keen eyes, he thought something really impossible just happened.

It was in a split of a second. Vallas lowered his legs and landed on Burdy's sword, and then he kicked it to make another jump.

It was a really light kick, Burdy almost didn't feel it. But what's amazing was Vallas did it in a half second.

Burdy was in a daze as Vallas landed behind Burdy. Then Vallas turned around while throwing another punch. Burdy immediately raised his shield again.


Thunderous sound could be heard. Burdy was thrown backwards. But he was no ordinary player, he kept his stance and his feet stayed still on the ground to lessen the drawback impact. He eventually stopped and looked at Vallas.

'As expected of a champion.'

For a brief moment, they were just staring at each other. Cheering was getting louder and louder.

Then suddenly, Vallas made a stance and screaming. The audience instantly became silent. Vallas kept screaming and it was getting louder.

Everyone's eyes widened. Some of them had obvious smile and sparkling eyes on their face, as if they knew what would happen next.

The ground shook and the rubbles around him were slowly floating upwards. This very scene was, of course, known to many people. Burdy made a dry laugh.

'You gotta be kidding me...'

Vallas aura was more intense and bright. However, most people who were present couldn't see it. Still, there was only a few people could. And their eyes were sparkled in awe.

Burdy's sweat dripping down on his face. Even though he didn't have a scouter, he had a feeling something bad could happen at any moment if he let Vallas kept raising his power level.

"I won't let you do what you wanna do!"

Burdy charged towards Vallas. However, Vallas already stopped screaming. And then he immediately disappeared from vision.

Burdy was startled and instantly looked around. By the time he found him, Vallas was already five meters on his right charging at amazing speed towards him.


Burdy stomped the ground with his left foot and stopped. He raised his shield and chanted.

"Giant's Defense!"

Anxiously, he was waiting for the attack. When Vallas got near, he stretched his left arm forwards and put his right arm backwards while making a fist. Then he chanted.

"Raging Dragon Punch"

In a split second, Vallas throw his punch on the shield. It was really fast it made the crowd went silent and some of them gasped.

However, Vallas fist was stopped by the shield. A second passed as all the audience hold their breath.

When they almost made a disbelief expression, suddenly a blast of wind was blowing from the attack. Thunderous sound which way louder than before was heard.


The wind cleared the dust on the ground. Even the spectators who were sitting on the very end of the row could feel the gust of wind which blowing from the arena.

The steel shield cracked and broke. The user, Burdy, was thrown backwards at the speed of sound. His body crashed the wall.

Boom! Rattle Rattle...

The wall broke and debris were thrown away. Cloud of dust arose and the audience became anxious. But, of course, the ones who were cheering for Vallas began to smile. But that smile was lasted only for a second.

Within the cloud of dust, a giant shadow appeared. Burdy was still be able to stand and walk outside the cloud of dust.

He was smiling. Not even a scratch of wound could be seen on his body. The amazing punch didn't hurt him at all. Burdy was looking at Vallas with excited expression.

'He's strong.'

But Burdy was more surprised when he saw Vallas face. Vallas was smiling. It was the first time he was smiling. Even the audience was surprised.

"It seems you're stronger than I thought."

After hearing those words from Vallas, Burdy's laugh was bursting out.

"Hahahahahaha! You broke my shield..."

"You don't need that shield anyway. You're a Berserker, right? Act like one."

Burdy, once again, was laughing louder than before. He didn't realize Vallas already knew that his real job was Berserker.

'As expected from the champion. He's really interesting.'

"Then you don't mind if I use my main weapon, right?"

"Please do..."

Burdy put his hand inside his waist bag. The moment he took his hand out, his hand was gripping a gigantic two-handed sword.

It's almost as long as the user height. Burdy swung it around three times and made a stance.

"Shall we start the real match?"

Burdy Immediately charged towards Vallas. And then he swung his sword downwards.

Vallas who was waiting for his attack raised his left arm. The sword then clashed with the steel glove.


With that sound, the real final match finally started.



In the middle of the town, a shorty female with two long white ears on her head was standing in a daze.

Pink eyes, pink hair with bangs and shoulder-length twintails behind the bunny ears. She was wearing one piece shorts leather clothes and holding a wooden staff.

However, because of her size, the staff she was holding looked like a small stick.


Her eyes shone as she was watching the scenery after her. The building arose higher than she expected.

And the street was filled with people larger than her. It made her figure looked like a walking doll. Nonetheless, it excited her to the point she could scream at any moment.


Scream of joy leaked from her mouth. It was a cue for a beginning of her virtual adventure.

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