《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 2: Chapter 5: Curse vs. Charm
Author's Corner: Finally the crazy chapter everyone is waiting for. Smut level is over 9000, that is your only warning.
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 2: Chapter 5: Curse vs. Charm
After much contemplation, as well as staring at the rising sun(s) for an hour, Nick finally decided it was time to see what the Demon King had to offer. He knew he had work to do before the last 25 days are up, like making a new costume or reaching the peak level in his Aura, but those could wait as he still needed to see how strong this foe is that he must vanquish.
It would really be embarrassing if the Demon King wasn’t actually evil, of course that wouldn’t stop Nick, but it may stop the other heroes if they were not brainwashed properly. This is one of the reasons Nick must seek out the Demon King in a non hostile fashion first! It should be very clear from the start how evil the Demon King really is.
With these thoughts Nick flew East towards the Demon Continent and a little north towards their capital. Using his leaky 6.3 Aura, it only took a few minutes to reach the capital and fly to the very front of the most impressive castle yet!
It became instantly clear why no one has even attempted to kill him in over 15 years. This castle is floating high in the sky, only an immortal would be strong enough to reach these heights! A single bridge connects the main castle to a huge tower that sits in the middle of the capital. This bridge is only 5 meters wide! Barely wide enough for any army to get across, especially since it clearly retracts or breaks apart at will, making any venture across very dangerous.
The castle itself had 7 tower peaks, probably one for each sin or something cliché like that. Eerily the castle was made from a red brick which somehow seemed fitting for the location. Not wanting to waste too much time, Nick eventually flew to the entrance where two hulking Demons were standing out front guarding.
“Hello there, my name is Nick and I’m a hero, would you please take me to your King so I can have a friendly chat with him?” –Nick
“Oh I’m sorry, I forgot that one needed to be able to move in order to talk, my bad.” –Nick
With that Nick let go of part of the telekinesis he was using on them to keep them still and show his power at the same time.
“S s sir, please come dis way, de King is in his throne rum.” –Scared Guard
“Excellent! Lead the way.” –Nick
The two guards then started to whisper to each other while they led Nick deeper into the castle. Of course Nick with his enhanced senses could easily hear them.
“Idiot, what are you doing? He’s clearly strong, no reason to bring him to the King!” –Second Guard
“You da idiot! King kill him guud, we no guud.” –Scared and stupid Guard
With a smile on his face Nick walked down the corridor that was leading to the throne room. If only he knew what was coming next he may not have a smile right now. No, he would probably be running far away, far far away.
“We here.” –Scared Guard
“King we brought hero for you to deal with.” –Second Guard
And with that the two guards ran away back to their post. Nick then takes a few steps into the throne room and looks towards the throne. What he sees is something straight out of a nightmare! 8 feet tall monster that to call a demon would be an insult! If his reading has taught him anything, when a demon looks like this, they generally call themselves Archdemons! Huge horns, leathery wings and triangle tipped tail, but none of these things are what scared Nick. No the thing that frightened him was the amount of power from his core that was leaking. If he was to compare his mana core to an Aura core then the Demon King’s Aura would be around a 20.0 and with a larger body for strengthening magic, his power should even transcend that!
“Fuck…” –Nick
“Buahahahahahaha look at this weakling, he calls himself a hero at level 12 and even comes straight to me? Preposterous!!!! He surely wishes to die!” –Demon King
“Daddy daddy, can I keep him? He looks delicious!” –Demon Princess?
It was at this point that Nick realized they were not alone. Glancing to the side of the room where he heard the voice of the supposed Princess, he was greeted with the most dangerous creature he has seen to date! Only two words could be used to describe this creature… NOT FAIR! Everything about her was a cheat! No way a woman should look like this!
To start we have the standard Archdemon look with leathery wings and triangle tipped tail, but the similarities end there. Her horns could only be described as sexy and her face perfection. Hair so dark that it makes the abyss look bright and eyes so red that the color red filed a lawsuit, and that’s just the top of the surface!
Not wanting to get lost in her eyes as at this point he already knew he was lost and screwed beyond all recognition. He forced his gaze to look at the ground and move its way up. Legs… there currently are not words in the English dictionary to describe them. Her legs were so juicy and ripe that they would make even a vegetarian drool! But they were just a stepping stone for DAT ASS! Her ass was so pert and round that it would even make the gayest of men have an erection. But Nick isn’t the least bit gay, no he didn’t just get an erection, he actually jizzed in his pants!
“Delicious lust! I want more! Daddy I’m taking him and I’m not taking no for an answer!” –Demon Princess
“Fine Lily! But if he survives then make him useful at least!” –Demon King
This woke Nick up from his daze and made him continue admiring the pure embodiment of lust in front of him. Looking up he finally realized that this beauty is only 5”9’ yet somehow he has to look up at her! Of course he is already on his knees with a worshipful gaze in his eyes. It was at this point that he finally decided to look at her twin peaks to gauge how big they were. With the help of his analyze skill he realized that those mammoths were not F cup or even H cup, no they are fucking J cup!!!
These were his last thoughts before fainting as the pure splendor of such a creature not only should not exist, but its mere existence is enough to make even the hottest supermodel from back home commit suicide while writing a note saying she did it because she is ugly.
Some undetermined amount of time later, Nick wakes up to find himself chained to a wall and getting the slowest and most erotic blow job of his life.
“Arrrrrg!” –Nick
This caused him to cum buckets all over the place. Seeing as the Demon Princess Lily is both an Archdemon and a female, and the only female Archdemon that Nick could remember in his reading is a Succubus, it is safe to say he is stuck in a charm loop.
Now normally a Succubus would drain the life essence of a mortal causing them to wither up and die while giving power to the Succubus. But that only works on mortals, if it worked on immortals then their race would be extinct since other Demons would kill them on sight! No, for immortals the same life essence is drained in the same normal fashions still using lust and charm, the only difference is the when the life essence is infinite then the energy transfer just forms a link until the deed is done. Basically normal vanilla sex just against ones will or whatever, or rather, not so vanilla sex and basically rape, but since Nick’s curse does the same thing in the other direction one might just call it fair play or just desserts. But the real question here is, which will win? Nick’s curse will lock the woman in a love loop once he plants his seed in her and completes it, but before that it just gives him a huge attraction and lust which is basically what Lily is doing now to Nick!
Somehow these thoughts went through Nick’s head causing his curse to awaken and assess the situation. The curse has one goal and that is to plant Nick’s seed into Lily’s womb. Nothing else matters at this point and though the curse is feeling tons of lust and charm it is also giving out lust and charm in large amounts. But since the curse is already full of self-lust it has some immunities towards it, well so long as it isn’t going towards its primary goal which at this time seems to be the case, as being chained to a wall will not let it do what it wants and needs.
The cursed version of Nick takes one look at the shackles on his arms and laughs as they are puny magic inhibiting cuffs. Using telekinesis he easily breaks them and frees himself. This didn’t disturb Lily at all as she was still too busy milking her new essence cow. Nick waited for Lily to let her guard down, this happened when Nick nutted again in her mouth and all over her face.
“Moar!” –Lily
“NOOOOO!” –Nick
With a yell Nick tosses Lily across the room and uses telekinesis to ‘chain’ her up on the bed with her legs in the air in a V formation. Still in her ecstasy, Lily doesn’t fully comprehend what is happening yet. Nick uses this moment of confusion to ram his rod deep into Lily.
“Ahhhhhnnnnn” –Lily
Cursed Nick barely spared a glance to the fact that Lily was a virgin, it was just too inconceivable for a Succubus to be such so his brain could not compute it. Though one with a clear head might come to that conclusion seeing how Lily was using her hands and mouth to gain life essence instead of her body.
After a few thrusts Lily notices her magic stop working and realizes that a new magic is in the room and causing her to feel things that were completely foreign to her. What does a Demon of Lust have to do with feelings like Love?
After she finally climaxes for the first time she looks at Nick in the eyes with wonderment.
“More?” –Lily
Nick ignores her query and gives her what she is asking for anyways, as now that he is in control his uncontrollable lust isn’t allowing him to finish yet. Fortunately, the curses primary goal is not satisfied and he must cum!
“Arrrrg!” –Nick
With a large amount of light, the curse finally finishes its duty and slowly starts to leave Nick.
“Y yes husband.” –Lily
“Why did I call you husband? What did you do to me? Why is my charm not working on you?” –Lily
“I just told you, you are mine! And the ritual is complete, you are my 6th wife!” –Nick
“NOOOOOOO! This isn’t my fate! I was supposed to slowly rank up by stealing life essence from an immortal over the next 100 years then finally overthrow my father and become the next Demon Queen! –Lily
“Who said you cannot still do that? Well at least becoming Queen part, no time to wait 100 years as I only have 25… 22? Days before he has to die. Wow how did I lose 3 days so fast? Damn Charm!” –Nick
Somehow this statement caused Lily to blush. It seems Love suits her well as her features look much more dangerous when she smiles versus the normal evil look. If before on a 1-10 scale her beauty was 10 + x, after she smiled her beauty became x + infinity. Nick knew at this moment that no matter how long he lives, he will never find one more beautiful than his newest wife. And though his time is short and his chance of beating the Demon King is still near zero, he doesn’t feel like it’s been a bad day at all.
“So oh great hero, what is your plan to kill my father? You are a hero so you are forced to do it or die right?” –Lily
“Yes, I have to kill him within 22 days or bad things are going to happen. I do have backup but they won’t arrive until at least 21 days have passed as they are the last ditch effort to end things here. I actually just planned to come here and see how powerful he was while I trained to become stronger.” –Nick
“Well you are a hero, what else do you need to become strong enough?” –Lily
“Time and some crafting skills, hopefully one that encompasses all types of crafting so I can do better enchants, not sure how my old world crafting will work here without the system.” –Nick
“Hah! I have a great idea, I’ll tell my father that you are completely obedient and under my control (not a lie) and are going to start crafting things for us since as a hero it should be easy!” –Lily
Before Nick could protest, Lily already ran away leaving him alone in a room filled with the smells of lust with a hint of love? Nick took this time to clean the room with his cheat like powers and then created a work area in the corner so he could actually make things. He also looked at the most recent notification he got.
Title Unlocked: Harem King
I’m going to ignore this title as it has no value to me at this time. –Nick
“I got all the stuff you need here! Wow I like what you did to our room, now you will never have to leave huehuehuehuehue! –Lily
“Oh nice books, leatherworking, metalworking, woodworking and runecrafting. I assume these are the advanced forms of the usual blacksmithing, tailoring and sculpting classes?” –Nick
“Yes, if you learn these four it will merge to the highest rank crafting skill. Here are some materials as well to practice with until you get the skills.” –Lily
With that Lily went to the bed and started pleasuring herself while watching Nick work. Everything is a turn on to a Succubus after all…
Four hours later Nick finally got the notification he was looking for.
Skill Unlocked: Runecrafting
Skill Merge: Leatherworking, Metalworking, Woodworking, and Runecrafting
Skill Unlocked: All Crafting
“Finally! It only took 3 and a half hours but I finally learned runecrafting and gained the all crafting skill!” –Nick
“*MOAN* That’s great news husband. Now you can train while giving me life energy so I can also train at the same time!” –Lily
After putting 9 points into the all crafting skill, Nick realized he could many more things than before. Before he could make items that used Aura to create effects, the effects could be Aura based or Magic based, but now he could make the items be activated by both Aura and Magic at the same time and the effects could also use Aura and Magic at the same time. This gave him much more flexibility and even made upgrading his suit extremely easy.
Before his suit had a limit of 10.0 Aura and could only add 5.0 to the Aura. Now the suit has no limit and truly doubles his Aura regardless of what his Aura is at. This basically jumps him an entire evolution! Now he just needs to stabilize his Aura and he will be able to push a 20.0 Aura with his suit, so he spent the next few hours making the new suit, keeping the same black and green theme because that theme is totally badass and anyone who says otherwise is lame.
He also used his new enchanting skills to enchant the armor with auto-repair, perfect fit, as well as force defense and a double body enhancement that makes all his body stats double when worn. This should alleviate the stress of having 10.0 more Aura when he finishes training.
It must be noted that it is his body that allows him to instantly use level 10 magic and abilities right from the start. So essentially the hero summoning isn’t a total cheat, it is just a cheat in the hands of Nick. The real heroes still have to train their cores or else they will not be able to cast the spells they already learned, also their bodies won’t be able to adjust to level 10 physical abilities either without the entranced status and mana, this means they must reach the level cap AND have 100,000 mana before they will become useful.
Fortunately for them, this gives them time to actually learn how to fight and use complex abilities. Something Nick will never learn due to his lazy attitude and too strong base stats.
“Okay I’m done crafting now, just need to stabilize my core before the next step.” –Nick
“I in that case, does it matter what position you are in while you train?” –Lily
“No, my skills in cultivation are very high, I can do it in any position or even while fighting if I have to!” –Nick
“*LICKS HER LIPS* Then just lie down on the bed and cultivate while I milk you like the essence cow you are! I should be able to break through to the 200,000 mana limit by the end of a fortnight!” –Lily
(Note for comparison sakes: A 100,000 mana core is equivalent to 3.0-50 Aura, 200,000 to 6.0-10.0, and 400,000 to 16.0-20.0 which is where the Demon King is)
With those thoughts out of the way, one went to stabilize his core while the other went to attempt a break through, neither would be seen for the next week.
Meanwhile back at the human’s capital the two Princesses were in a heated discussion about Nick.
“I don’t see why he had to send you here, you coulda just stayed in your forest and rotted *HMPF*.” –Tiffany
“Good question, I guess he just wanted me to know the full story and was too lazy to tell me. He also sent a real mission to Voarag the dragon that is now guarding the heroes. We also have to make sure they are at peak condition with the best equipment in time to attack the Demon King in 21 days!” –Valerie
“Girls calm down, we have work to do if we don’t want Tiffany to end up with someone else. The quests are absolute!” –Queen DeMonte
“Alright mother, we will work together to insure all goes well. The heroes are on board with giving Nick the final blow, they just need to be strong enough to get to that point!” –Tiffany
“I agree, what do you have planned? Their progress is pretty good for the few days I have been here, they finally reached the 50,000 mana point and should be ready to fight strong foes right?” –Valerie
“Yes, it is time to send them to the labyrinth which has 100 floors and at the 100th floor is a level 100 magical beast boss which is equivalent to the 50,000 mana core stage. With Voarag watching they should be fine, also the rewards are always specific to the hero when they finish the dungeon, too bad it’s a maze and hard to navigate, and Voarag is not allowed to help! Make sure you tell him that!” –Tiffany
“You can tell him, he knows you are his mistress, something about the marriage bond we have, your orders are more absolute than even Nick’s according to the bond.” –Valerie
“Buahahahaha what did that boy get himself involved in! Giving his power to the wife, that is actually wise. I’m much stronger than my husband so it makes sense.” –Queen DeMonte
“Well it’s time to send the heroes off to the labyrinth. I hope they are quick, 100 floors and each one a different maze, it could take them a month to complete it if they don’t have the necessary skills.” –Tiffany
“Who knows maybe one of the heroes is not what he/she seems.” –Valerie
With that the three girls went to the training grounds where the heroes were training their skills with Joseph who for some reason looked different than usual, as if he himself had attained an extremely large amount of power recently, oh well that’s a story for a different time and right now no one really cares.
“Princess! Good to see you are back, these heroes are finally ready for the next stage!” –Joseph
“Great news! Send them to the Labyrinth with just Voarag to help, even you are not allowed to go Joseph as something tells me that would be unfair. Also Voarag you are not allowed to help them in any way shape or form, you are only there to get them out if the time runs out, you should know what I mean by that.” –Tiffany
“Yes Mistress, your will is my command.” –Voarag
With a bow the little dragon gave his consent and the three of them went off to the labyrinth. Luckily the dragon knew the way and flew them to it to start their adventure!
“Finally done training, time to see my new stats! Show status and skills to Lily.” –Nick
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Nick CageAge:32Race:Evolved HumanAlignment:GoodLevel:12Aura:10.0Titles:Superhero, Hero, Harem KingStrength:4000Vitality:4000Dexterity:4000Concentration:4000Intelligence:4000Wisdom:4000Unlocked Affinities:Light, Dark, Fire, HellfireStat Points:12
Active Skills:Analyze (level 10)
Cultivation (level 10)
Taming (level 10)
Passive Skills:Light Spell Mastery (Level 10)
Dark Spell Mastery (level 10)
Fire Spell Mastery (level 10)
Hellfire Spell Mastery (level 10)
Aura Mastery (Level 10)
Aura Manipulation (level 10)
Aura Control (level 10)
All Weapon Mastery (Level 10)
All Crafting Mastery (Level 10)
“Not bad not bad, but I’m better! You also better show me what your harem title means next. Show status to Nick!” –Lily
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Lily CageAge:24Race:Archdemon SuccubusAlignment:Chaotic GoodLevel:500Mana:250,000Titles:PrincessStrength:5000Vitality:5000Dexterity:5000Concentration:5000Intelligence:5000Wisdom:5000Unlocked Affinities:Dark, Fire, Lust
“*SIGH* show details title harem king to Lily.” –Nick
Title: Harem KingDescription: After Marrying three Princesses of the largest neighboring Kingdoms this title was unlocked. You are the one that is destined to be King over all!
Effects: Bonus to seducing women in power in order to take over their Kingdom.
“I’m not letting you out of my sight by the way, I’m definitely the last Princess on this planet that you will marry, mark my words!” –Lily
Somehow, Nick didn’t even doubt that she would stop his curse if it came up again. He agreed he had too many wives anyways and called it a day.
Next 1.5 chapters will probably be boring for those who only want to read about Nick, but they are necessary. Well the next is just a side chapter but the next big chapter will be about the Labyrinth mainly which imo is badass but others may not care so sorry in advance.
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