《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 2: Chapter 4: A New Spaceship!
Author's Corner: Things are heating up... literally! Side characters are coming soon as they won the vote by 1! They will most likely come with or after the next regular chapter so no more delays hopefully!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 2: Chapter 4: A New Spaceship!
“Fucking Dragons! How are we supposed to fight that?” –Nick
“Well he is being corrupted via his darkness attribute, so you need to Tame him first and then cure the corruption with top tier light magic.” –Valerie
“That sounds difficult, he’s also much higher level than I am. Also you said he, that means he is a male right? Things may not go well otherwise.” –Nick
“Yes he is a male and Dragons have a level cap of 1000, and he is fully grown so is max level. He’s also at the Saint Rank which means his magic resistance and reinforcement magic is top tier. You have to figure out your taming chance based on his level and do what it says.” –Valerie
Hum… Taming chance? I only learned how to tame, I guess I need to read the details and see what my actual chance is. –Nick
“Show details taming.” –Nick
Skill: Taming (level 10)Description: Able to Tame any monster or magical beast.
Taming chance base = to 500% minus 1% for each level difference to cap at 5%.
Taming chance if target asleep = 50% minimum chance.
Taming chance if target is defeated = 90% minimum chance.
“Well it seems because of our level difference that my chance is 5% as he is now, 50% if he is asleep and 90% if I beat his fucking ass!” –Nick
“And it appears that he isn’t going to sleep any time so our only chance is to fight!” –Valerie
“Looks like it’s time to kick ass or chew bubble gum… and I’m all out of gum!” –Nick
“Wait-“ –Valerie
Before Valerie could finish her protest, Nick already flew at breakneck speed towards the dragon. Who needs strategies and other things when you are the all powerful Nick!
Needless to say, before he could even get close enough to attack, Nick was sent flying with a tail swipe.
“AHHHHHHHhhhhhhh….” –Nick
Not wanting to die, Valerie stayed way back out of range where they first saw the dragon. Unlike some people, she was smart enough to not be seen by the big ass dragon with the 1 mile long tail. Unfortunately, Nick was not blasted in her direction so she just stood still to see if a miracle would happen.
Eventually Nick wakes up and sees that he is uninjured. Thankfully when he was charging forward his Aura was in full display leaving a nice little shield around his body in case of things like pesky tail swipes of doom.
I was too careless, I guess my new power has gotten to me. Also I’m used to being faster than this so the tail caught me off guard! Ahh I see, I was not using my suits power to double my Aura! –Nick
At this time Nick activates his suit and then flies towards the dragon again. This time the tail was being in slow motion compared to before allowing Nick to dodge it and land a punch in the dragon’s fat ugly face! Well it was neither fat nor ugly but Nick was still holding a grudge from getting knocked the fuck out by the tail swipe.
Expecting big things with his punch but not seeing them, Nick finally realized that his punch seemed the same as before. Then he looked at his suit and realized that it could not use its full effect with his new power level causing it to only boost him to 10.0 Aura instead of the 12.0 I thought it would do.
Looks like I need to tweak my suit and finish cultivating as even though I’m stronger, my fighting strength hasn’t gone up at all! Time to use my 10.0 Aura, that should be enough, I just have to keep up the attack! –Nick
With new resolve, Nick kept attacking the dragon in the face with little to no effect. It was at this moment that Nick recalled the Lord of the Rings book and how the fire drake in that story had a weak spot on his chest near his heart. Sure this isn’t a fire drake but a real full on dragon, but the concept should be the same!
“Hah you silly dragon! You can’t even hurt me. I’m sure you got weak scales on your chest too!” –Nick
Not the best at taunting, but since the dragon wasn’t acting like himself, it seemed to actually work as the dragon stopped flying and landed on the ground to stand like Godzilla.
“Filthy pest! You think I have such a puny weakness as weak scales?” –Dragon
At this time Nick looks at the chest and realizes that the scales on the dragon’s chest are just as strong as the ones on his face and everywhere else. Not feeling the least bit scared, Nick then started to attack it anyways using various martial arts that he mastered with his new skill.
As if to taunt him further, the dragon just stands there and waits. Nick sees this as an invitation and just goes through every bare fisted technique he has to see if any have an effect. Eventually he finds one that sends vibrations that supposedly destroys armor very good. Feeling lazy he names the ability.
“*ROAR*” –Dragon
“Hah seems that one hurt you!” –Nick
“Maybe a little, but it wasn’t enough to even cause an injury as my healing factor is too strong!” –Dragon
Fuck! Doesn’t look like this method is going to work either! –Nick
“Now it’s time for me to get serious!” –Dragon
With that he takes a breath and sends out black fire in a large arc towards Nick.
“!” –Nick
Before he could finish his thought he was blasted by the fire and send flying.
“*COUGH* Looks like you have black fire too, that is a good thing! You will make the perfect pet!” –Nick
Looks like 10.0 Aura is enough, his fire didn’t burn me meaning it is weaker than Solaria’s. Finally a break! Now I just need a way to beat his ass! Well punching doesn’t seem to work so time to use a weapon! –Nick
It was at this moment that Nick realized he was just in a castle full of magic weapons (two if them if he counted the Elves) and never once asked for or acquired a weapon. Looking in his ring he noticed the only useful weapon as his good ol trusty Silver Lightsaber.
“Maybe this will work. Analyze!” –Nick
Silver Lightsaber (special)Description: This weapon is powered by Aura and emits a high powered plasma blade made out of silver. Temperature and power is based on Aura infused.
Special: This silver attribute makes this blade special in that it will target the weakness of any that have a weakness towards silver.
Hum… Looks like items here do not have damage stats and just general ideas of what they can do, so rpg world is not a true video game. That’s good to know as that means vital spots and other critical areas is all that counts. Well let’s see if his skin can stop a lightsaber! –Nick
With new vigor Nick started the battle anew. Seeing that Nick was unscathed even while being blasted by black flame, the dragon started to get nervous as that is his strongest move! But not too nervous as he didn’t believe the shiny silver thing could hurt him.
“Pathetic creature thinks he can hurt me with a silver object! I have no weakness and my magic immunities are at max level!” –Dragon
“Well good thing this isn’t magic then!” –Nick
With that Nick went and slashed the dragon in the face and then again in the chest near the heart. He then flies back a little to see his work.
“Fuck! Not even a scratch! What is your skin made out of? Even diamond should be cut by that!” –Nick
“My scales are inlaid with Orichalcum, which disrupts magic, it also has many others materials that are really strong then it is reinforced with my mana.” –Dragon
“But the blade isn’t magic! And your reinforcement magic is weaker than me, else your fire would have burnt me!” –Nick
Now he is really pissed and starts attacking every part of the dragon to no avail. Finally tired of the bug that is tickling him, the dragon swats the fly with his right hand sending him flying off into the distance. Fortunately, this time he was blasted towards Valerie and was even caught by her via wind magic.
“Finally you are back! Now will you listen for a plan?” –Valerie
“But… never mind. Does he have a weakness?” –Nick
“Idiot! You are a hero, just analyze him for a weakness. Either way we need a plan to stop him, not just blind attacking. You are lucky that you appear to be stronger than him or you would be a roasted pile of ashes at this time!” –Valerie
“This is true, also my suit is broken and needs to be upgraded so my power can double in the future!” –Nick
“What? Never mind. This time analyze his weak spot and aim to knock him out or there will be no taming if he is dead! Also don’t you have skills you can use? Sure magic won’t work but you have some weird power that isn’t magic but is just as strong or even stronger!” –Valerie
“Hah that’s right, I forgot about some of the abilities I learned for my Aura mastery! Yes, now I can make a plan! But first let’s find his weak spot. Analyze weak spot!” –Nick
Wow this analyze is cool, I see red areas for fatal weak spots, yellow for soft spots and black for not a weak spot at all. Unfortunately the entire dragon is black except for one fucking spot on his neck just under the back of his head where the head plate and the scales meet. It must be because the spinal cord is there or something, it’s only a yellow spot too! My lightsaber will be useless and I don’t have a hammer, so this means I have to use a really strong 10.0 punch. I got the perfect one from my ability list! –Nick
With that Nick made a hasty plan and flew the few miles back towards the dragon.
“I’m back you pathetic dragon, and this time I will destroy you! In fact, I will let you get a full attack on me first before I retaliate and beat your ass!” –Nick
“Stupid creature! My black flame breath isn’t even my strongest fire! When my Fire and Dark attributes fused I got Hellfire mastery and the max level breath attack destroys every little thing in its path!” –Dragon
What type of idiot yells out his breath attack like a Chuunibyou *SMH*. –Nick
Then right before the blast hit Nick he casted the one Aura move that he finally mastered.
And like Goku, he teleported right behind the Dragon’s head in his blind spot. Then with all his Aura and might he flew towards the one weak spot and yelled.
Yes, this lame fucker used the strongest punch ever to defeat this dragon.
Then the loudest sound ever came not from the dragon or the yelling idiot in the green/black costume, but by the ground itself as it shook from the impact crater created by the Dragon’s body being bitch slapped into the ground.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! I did it! I beat the fucking dragon!” –Nick
Valerie seeing the crater and the laughing madman hovering in the air, flew to her husband to congratulate him. Which of course included a little cuddling and kissing.
“Wait! You must first tame and cure him to save our forest!” –Valerie
“Sure thing love!” –Nick
Taming Successful![tr]
[tr]Soulbeast Acquired: Voarag the Black Dragon
Affinities Unlocked: Fire, Dark, Hellfire
Skills Unlocked: Fire Spell Mastery, Dark Spell Mastery, Hellfire Spell Mastery
“Woot finally got what I came for! Okay time to heal this bitch!” –Nick
Demon’s Corruption successfully purged!
“Hahaha he’s mine and successfully cleansed!” –Nick
“Great! But why is he still hurt, can’t you heal him with your magic?” –Valerie
“Huh? I don’t understand what you are talking about. Fine! Don’t give me that look!” –Nick
With that the overly large black dragon was healed fully and woken up. He then instantly understands the situation and shrinks himself to the normal 50 meter size that makes life easier even though that isn’t his natural size.
“Thank you master for freeing me from the darkness! I will serve you hero faithfully from this day on!” –Voarag
“Wait, how do you know I am a hero?” –Nick
“Only a hero could beat me, and even then most can’t but since we are forbidden to leave this forest due to the Guardian’s pact we are unable to destroy the Demon King. Also this one is twice as strong as our broodmother so maybe it is best that we do not fight.” –Voarag
“Wait wait wait! How strong are you compared to your broodmother?” –Nick
“I’d say half as strong.” –Voarag
“Fuck that means I’m no match for the Demon King without both a new suit and maxed Aura. I guess now is a good time to see exactly how strong this guy is. Show Voarag’s status” –Nick
STATUS WINDOW!Name:VoaragAge:1037Race:Ancient DragonAlignment:GoodLevel:1000Rank:SaintTitles:Royal DragonStrength:5000Vitality:5000Dexterity:5000Concentration:5000Intelligence:5000Wisdom:5000Unlocked Affinities:Dark, Fire, Hellfire
“Wait wait wait! It says here you are an ancient dragon and if lore from my world has taught me anything it’s that you guys can travel freely between planets, as you can use hyperspace travel or something so similar it doesn’t matter.” –Nick
“This is true, we can all travel in such a way, we can even take anything or anyone we want with us as we do so. But this galaxy doesn’t have any planets worth visiting so we just stay here where the mana is good.” –Voarag
“So what you are saying is, not only did I gain black fire which is what I wanted all along but I also gained a spaceship? This is the best day ever!” –Nick
“Yes it is! Not only did I find the perfect husband but he also completed the quest to make it legal!” –Valerie
“Wait, what are you talking about?” –Nick
“Didn’t you check your quest update? When you accepted the quest it didn’t have a reward but after we got married in the night I was forced to change the details a little bit.” –Valerie
“Wait what? Show details taming the guardian!” –Nick
Taming the GuardianYou have been tasked by the Dark Elf Princess Valerie to tame and cure the Guardian beast terrorizing their forest.Rewards:
Right to Marry the PrincessFailure: You will be hunted down by the King of the Dark Elves to the end of time!
“Well it could be worse. I could have failed the quest!” –Nick
“Yay! Let’s go meet my father then! Voarag would you please shrink to normal pet size so we can be on our way?” –Valerie
“Yes Mistress.” –Voarag
“Wait! Why are you calling her mistress?” –Nick
“She is your wife which means her orders supersede your own, this is the law of the universe is it not?” –Voarag
“Ugh… I can’t really argue with that as somehow it makes sense. I guess my perfect day just went down just a tiny bit.” –Nick
“Today is great! Now that the quest is done my father will surely only try to kill you three times instead of actually kill you!” –Valerie
“Wait what? Ruined I say! My day is ruined!” –Nick
With that, a happy Dark Elf, a contented Dragon the size of a cat, and our poor Nick flew to the Dark Elven capital and arrived at the front gates of the palace.
“Princess you have returned! And the guardian is free of his curse. This is a cause for celebration! Is the man who stopped the guardian?” –Dark Elven Guard
“Yes and my husband!” –Valerie
With that the whole crowd made a loud gasp then shouts of joy since even though the princess is married, their lives were spared.
“My master is the best, he beat me in combat by himself fair and square!” –Voarag
“Voarag must speak wisdom, I will escort you all to your father.” –Dark Elven Guard
A few moments later Nick finds himself walking through the most elaborate hallway he has seen yet. The halls were a dark blue tinted with the feeling of darkness and splendor. The paintings were all of great beings slaying other great beings, displayed in their full graphic detail! Finally the most ominous door ever led them straight to the throne room!
Once inside Nick finally saw his new father-in-law. His looks were unimportant as like high elves, male dark elves might as well just be futas and call it a day. But his aura was amazing, he was much stronger than Valerie and seeing as they are both immortal that is saying something. Not seeing a Queen he figured she is either not around or dead, people seem to die in crazy worlds like this.
“Daughter of mine, what is this I hear about a new husband?” –King
“Well when you sent me for aid you said I could offer anything for aid including myself. So I found this summoned hero and gave him the quest, he finished the quest and we are married. This is my husband Nick Cage!” –Valerie
Somehow Valerie managed to say all that without saying anything. Clearly the quest wouldn’t get them married, but anyone could observe her and see her name change.
Standing up as if to use his first of three attempts at Nick’s life a very peculiar thing happened. The little dragon following the duo walked to the king and started talking.
“I wouldn’t even attempt it, he defeated me without any help whatsoever. He is clearly as strong as the broodmother and since he is a hero his potential is unlimited. Also, he is only level 12! What happens when he maxes his level?” –Voarag
“You speak wisdom young guardian! Welcome to the family son!” –King
Like father like daughter one might say as the King managed to say lots while saying nothing.
“Sounds great! But we need to get going, the Demon King won’t kill himself and I have other things I need Valerie to do.” –Nick
“Nonsense! We must have a banquet, you at the very least must stay the night!” –King
Not taking no for an answer, the King already set up a banquet for his daughter and her new husband. As banquets go it was pretty good, but since they are boring to describe and nothing eventful happened we will skip it.
“Finally that is over and I have you all to myself!” –Valerie
Once back in their room Valerie made this declaration then went and got some whips and rope and used magic to tie herself up in a very elaborate fashion, not even caring that Voarag was in the room as well.
“Uh, what about Voarag love?” –Nick
“Who cares, just fuck me!” –Valerie
“Don’t worry master I will guard the door outside as I don’t wish to interfere with the mating ritual.” –Voarag
So with Voarag out of the way Nick used all of his BDSM knowledge to spend the next five hours satisfying his wife. Once done he finally called Voarag back in the room.
“The sun will be up soon and I have a mission for you two to complete as well as my own. First you must know the similar situation I have with the princess of the human kingdom…” –Nick
Nick then went on to explain both his quests as well as how he has to get home within the month to ensure his other wives are safe and his world is safe. Finally Voarag interrupts.
“Sorry to interrupt your mating habits master but what exactly is my mission? I’m personally no match for the Demon King and my mother cannot leave meaning it is up to you or the other three heroes to defeat him.” –Voarag
“You are right, that is why I have a mission for you. Your mission is to go with Valerie to the human kingdom and follow the heroes at a distance to make sure they don’t die. You are not allowed to interfere in their fights however, they must become strong, you are just there to stop calamities!” –Nick
“What about me Nick? What am I going to do in the human kingdom?” –Valerie
“Find the Princess and the Queen and explain everything that is happened as well as my plan which at the moment is to find the Demon King and find out how strong he is then somehow end him within a month. The princess knows the rest of the story and how to accomplish it if I can’t within a month so work together to get this done.” –Nick
“Okay we will obey. I just have one question, why don’t you go level up some?” –Valerie
“There is no need at this time, my race doesn’t allow me to gain stat points upon level and even with the new skills gained from Voarag I still have skill points left over! Here, before we go our separate ways I will show you my full status. Show status and skills to Voarag and Valerie!” –Nick
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Nick CageAge:32Race:Evolved HumanAlignment:GoodLevel:12Aura:6.3Titles:Superhero, HeroStrength:4000Vitality:4000Dexterity:4000Concentration:4000Intelligence:4000Wisdom:4000Unlocked Affinities:Light, Dark, Fire, HellfireStat Points:21
Active Skills:Analyze (level 10)
Cultivation (level 10)
Taming (level 10)
Passive Skills:Light Spell Mastery (Level 10)
Dark Spell Mastery (level 10)
Fire Spell Mastery (level 10)
Hellfire Spell Mastery (level 10)
Aura Mastery (Level 10)
Aura Manipulation (level 10)
Aura Control (level 10)
All Weapon Mastery (Level 10)
“Wait what? How did my Aura go up?” –Nick
“Is that your core? Maybe it was unstable and started to stabilize with your fight just now.” –Valerie
“That actually makes sense, it is still very unstable but I do feel it stabilized a very small amount. Maybe the cultivation skill has something to do with it. Show details cultivation.” –Nick
Skill: Cultivation (level 10)Description: Though fighting strong opponents will help your core grow stronger, nothing beats the slow and steady method of cultivation! However, you have the insight of a True God making cultivation many times faster than even fighting to the death 5 times a day!
“You should definitely train harder master, even though breakthroughs take years, getting to the peak can be done very quickly!” –Voarag
“You two make good sense, I will figure it out when I get to the Demon Continent later today however!” –Nick
“Be safe husband!” –Valerie
“Be safe master, I will keep the mistress and the youngling heroes safe.” –Voarag
Finally the Demon King arc will start and more cliché stuff will happen! If I miss any obvious stereotypes from light novels or web novels please let me know in comments below as I think I have most of them! KAHKAHKAHKAHKAHKAH!
p.s. Yes Nick is a moron for not picking up any magical weapons, fortunately the main hero isn't an idiot so expect some badassery at a later date. Also next main chapter won't be til tomorrow, but expect 1-2 side chapters to go with it to make up for it. These chapters are not longer a little longer, they are harder to write with all the status windows and things to memorize so sorry for delays.
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