《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 1: Chapter 9: Escape?
Author's Corner: Last full chapter of his arc then the story takes a turn for better or worse!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 1: Chapter 9: Escape?
“Who are you and why are you bothering us?” –Solaria
“How rude! First you call my name then you ask who I am! Someone needs to teach you manners.” –Ruby
“Sorry Ruby you just missed him. Nick apparently got kidnapped.” –Scarlet Queen
“Tsk. This wasn’t part of the plan Andrea! You said you could keep him here long enough for him to imprint on me!” –Ruby
“Sorry, I did not calculate a third party!” –Scarlet Queen
With that fire could be seen emitting off of Solaria as her anger was about to boil.
“What do you mean oh dear mother of mine?” –Solaria
“Well um… err…. Teehee?” –Scarlet Queen
“It seems you have not been as forthcoming about your involvement in all of this. Spill now!” –Solaria
“Well Ruby just so happens to be my best friend and I have been trying to get her set up with Nick for years! And it seems my plans will be postponed for a little longer…” –Scarlet Queen
“None of this is important right now. We need to get back to base and wait to see if Nick tries to contact us. He is in a coma now so we will need to wait for him to wake up for an update…” –Mr. Absolute
Solaria used this moment to wake up from her anger and made sure to get the shiny ring off of Teds finger. With Teds death the binding on the ring was released allowing her to take it and bind it to herself if needed. With that the team went back to their base to see if Nick will try to make contact.
Of course Nick is only in a partial coma. As he was faking his own unconsciousness he felt both his arms being taken and with a flash of light him being teleported to a different area. Not wanting to blow his cover he kept his eyes closed while he felt himself being dragged to a room where he was unceremoniously deposited on what could be a coach or just a collection of pillows. Still refusing to open his eyes, Nick tried to find out who captured him by spreading out his Aura and seeing if he recognizes any of the feedback. Not having any sensory abilities his efforts were in vain, but he did notice he was still on Earth as one of his fears was being taken by aliens. Thankfully his link to Maya and Solaria made sure he could tell he was still on the same planet as them even if he was a few thousand miles away. Unfortunately Nick was near those who had high sensory abilities and they could tell that he was awake due to his irregular breathing.
“Stop trying to pretend you are asleep, even in this form I can tell you are awake!” –Unknown Woman
Too scared to open his eyes knowing what that could mean with the sound of a females voice, Nick decided to simply talk with his eyes closed. Unfortunately his helm blew up during the last mission or he could use it to tell what was near him.
“Okay, I’m awake. What do you want? And before you answer that, are you perchance Ruby?” –Nick
“Hahahahahaha, you’re so funny! But why won’t you look at me? And to answer your question, No I’m not Ruby, but after the death of Ted I was finally able to make my move and steal you from her!” –Unknown Woman
“I fear what my eyes will see so it’s best to keep them closed. Can I have a name at least since you are not Ruby?” –Nick
“I can give more than that. As I am Lea the new leader and true Matriarch of the werewolves of Earth and you are at our main compound up in the Yukon.” –Lea
“Ahh that would explain things about having multiple forms. I was afraid I was taken by aliens again…” –Nick
“Ooh, it seems you live an eventful life. But no, I took you from Ruby as I heard from her who you saved Maya and hoping for an opportunity I hoped you would kill Ted for us and do the same for me.” –Lea
“What do you mean? Maya was just asleep and killing Vlad freed her. What curse do you have? You seem to be awake so that must not be it. Let me guess, you can’t change forms?” –Nick
“How astute! Yes I am cursed to look like a human until the curse is broken. Fortunately, since you killed Ted, you are qualified to make me yours and break the curse.” –Lea
Fuck, it always comes down to this stupid curse doesn’t it? And can I really leave her alone? What if she isn’t even pretty? Ted was pretty ugly being all wolfee and stuff, maybe the curse won’t activate and I can find another way to break her curse. Yes let’s go with that hope. –Nick
And with that Nick finally opens his eyes to see a girl with long brown hair standing around 5”4’ and also having a deep dark chocolate skin color to go with her eyes. She only had a C cup which is still big for most places but all the women he has ran into thus far were much bigger, but the thing that makes her stand out are her hips and thighs! She has the nicest ass that has ever graced the eyes of poor Nick. Fuck the curse, Nick had to have this woman!
“MINE!” –Nick
As if his yell was a magical command, Lea felt herself get wet and started to shudder. Nick, finally being in control for once used his thought to move his body in the only way he ever truly wanted to. That is to pounce on Lea and with a bit of telekinesis, destroy all her clothes while then throwing her to the cushions he was previously on.
“Yes! Dominate me! I’ve been a bad girl!” –Lea
“*GROWL*” –Nick
Yes Nick growled. Makes one wonder who the true wolf is.
Nick took this time to flip Lea over so her ass was in full view causing him to salivate like a raving wolf! Being as eager as he was, he wasn’t able to do anymore foreplay and instead simply took here from behind like the bitch she is. He started to pump into her over and over while smacking her ass leaving large red welts on her dark brown skin.
“That’s it! I’m coming! AHHHHHHHHnnnnnnnnha!” –Lea
And with that Nick felt two things happening. One was the link starting to form with Lea and the other was his own seed rushing up to meet her screams. So focused on his nut he didn’t notice the second glow on Lea’s body signifying the end of her werewolf curse. Finally Nick was spent and started to pass out, forming a link and breaking a curse is hard work. Lea sees this and snuggles up to him as they both go into dreamland.
Meanwhile back in Solaria’s room an argument was going on between Solaria, Maya, the Scarlet Queen and Ruby. Though at this time no one is even sure how Ruby was allowed in the room since she was not on the approved list. But no one is to underestimate the Scarlet Queen.
“”WHAT?!?”” –Solaria, Maya
This exclamation caused everyone to pause and listen to the voice in their head.
‘Yes, Nick just added a third mommy to the harem.’ –Sally
“Ugh, so that is this feeling I’m having. And why is my ring shining?” –Solaria
“Shit, it’s like my ring; that means the one who he imprinted on is Lea. What did you do Ruby?” –Maya
“I may have told Lea what happened with you after I sent you here… I didn’t think she would betray me and steal him away from me!” –Ruby
“Well that isn’t important since Ruby is here Nick won’t be able to escape again. Also can’t those rings be used to teleport to the opposite ring with the talismans that Ruby makes?” –Scarlet Queen
“That’s right! I forgot all about that, this is how Nick found me in the first place!” –Maya
“Then what are we waiting for, let’s leave!” –Solaria
After coming back to her room, Solaria put on the shiny ring and put her Aura into it and noticed it was an interspatial ring with a bunch of talismans and other things in it causing her to be very happy. And with a flash of light both Solaria and Maya disappeared.
“You fool, now how are they going to get back quickly? Do you even know how far away Lea is? Her base is thousands of miles away!” –Ruby
“That’s not important just stay here and eventually he will come back.” –Scarlet Queen
Though one should never underestimate Nick’s ability to run away from something, especially if it is orchestrated by his mother. He still never fully trusted her after his childhood!
After awhile Nick finally wakes up, but instead of seeing Lea like he expected he instead saw an angry Solaria yelling at Lea with Maya trying to calm her down.
“What is going on. And how did you get here?” –Nick
“NICK!” –Solaria
Ignoring her anger Solaria instead ran to Nick and started hugging and snuggling into him. Seeing the sudden change of emotions Lea didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maya on the other hand just started smiling wildly.
“Nick you are finally awake, and I see you freed Lea from her curse too. Now we are all sisters! But Nick, you must not go home at all costs! Ruby is waiting in our room for you.” –Maya
“What do you mean? How did Ruby even get through the security?” –Nick
“It was your traitorous mother! It was all a set up from the very beginning since she and Ruby are best friends!” –Solaria
“Hah! I knew I couldn’t trust my mother! So how do I escape her?” –Nick
“You can’t, Ruby always gets what she wants in the end. But we are very far away in the Yukon so you at least have many places you can run to.” –Lea
This caused Nick to stop and think for a bit since the idea of running away from his problems made him realize that his real problem isn’t his mother or Ruby but instead that stupid clock counting down from 358 signifying the end of Earth! First he needed a few answers though before he could make an informed decision.
“First of all, how did you two get here?” –Nick
“The rings, I took the one off Ted like you said and Maya already had hers so we just used the talismans to go to your ring since all four of them are linked.” –Solaria
“Hah, that is how I got away from those stupid aliens so I all too well understand this situation. But how did you plan on getting back? All four rings are right here, there isn’t really a way to use them now is there?” –Nick
“Sorry Nick, in our rush we didn’t think about that…” –Maya
“It’s okay, but I have a start of a plan. First off besides Ruby the most important thing right now is finding a way to save the world from that countdown. So I will go into seclusion to try to beat it. Please don’t try to contact me while this is happening as it may break my concentration and set me back too far.” –Nick
“Ugh you too? That is what Mr. Absolute said before he locked himself in his room not planning to return until he succeeds or the timer runs out.” –Solaria
“Good then we are in agreement. Solaria you will need to fly Maya and Lea home and wait for me there. I will return as soon as I can!” –Nick
And with that Nick flies to the air and shoots off into the distance as he felt that Ruby was way too close to finding him.
“So why didn’t you show yourself to him?” –Lea
“It is not time, we have to save our world first, he just needed the right push is all.” –Ruby
Of course being the one who made the rings and teleportation talismans, Ruby can come and go as she pleases. Nick may think he is running away but he can never truly escape Ruby or his mother for that matter.
Not knowing where to start his search he realizes he needs to find a computer terminal and talk to the girls again. Up ahead he seems some islands to the west recognizing them as Japan. Flying to the biggest one he goes to one of the large cities known as Kyoto. Knowing the language as well as most of them since he was bored in school, he goes to the first internet café he finds and plugs into a terminal.
‘Okay girls, I really truly need your help this time. Yuki this is your home so maybe you have some ideas for me.’ –Nick
‘What do you need? Not like I want to help you or anything, it’s just that I’m here so I can lend a hand just once.’ –Yuki
‘Of course daddy hates me like the rest of the world. Why did I get stuck in this barren desolate land!’ –Jade
‘Sorry Jade, no time for emo time, this is a life and death matter. If I don’t figure out how to evolve further to the next stage then in 358 days the world will be destroyed. That means we will most likely die!’ –Nick
‘That’s terrible news! We will help you find a way. But what are you looking for?’ –Emily
‘Mr. Absolute is doing closed door training like some ancient martial artist but I’m super lazy and don’t want to train so I need ideas on a fast way to power. Any ideas Yuki? Your countrymen all seem to be super overpowered in their light novels and manga, surely one of them has a clue on how I can become powerful to stop sure death?’ –Nick
‘Okay, I will go through all the knowledge this country has and see if any of it has any grains of truth to it. This will probably take a full day so come back tomorrow.’ –Yuki
‘Have fun daddy, I hear there is an underground market here for supers and others to buy very high class gadgets. I know you will love it!’ –Sally
‘Okay I’ll head there and talk to you girls tomorrow.’ –Nick
With that Nick went to find the underground black market that of course would have its nearest entrance in Akibahara.
After a quick Aura search Nick was able to find a large concentration of supers and an entrance that was guarded by two supers. He walks up to them and gets ready for what lays ahead not knowing if he needed to fight or what. Fortunately these guards are only there to stop regulars and since Nick had his costume on and was leaking his Aura it was clear that not only he was a super but was also the up and coming superhero Nick Cage.
“Youkoso Nikku Keiji (Welcome Nick Cage)” –Guard 1
With that, both guards bowed and let him in.
Once inside Nick noticed lots of gadgets that only supers could make. But remembering how useless anything that uses electricity is, he skips over that whole section and only looks for stuff made from Aura or could have Aura infused into it. Finding a lot of materials that he did not have but might need in the future, he was able to buy a sizable amount of things he could turn into whatever he wanted with Aura. Fortunately he keeps everything of value in his interspatial ring so he had all his money and even many sets of clothes waiting for him.
It wasn’t until he purchased everything he wanted and was about to leave that he realized there was an auction area in the Aura section that he currently resided in. He saw it was getting very lively there so he went to see what was up for sale. Oddly enough the announcer was speaking in English, which kind of makes sense since all supers are smart enough to learn any language they want with just a week of trying so by this time everyone speaks English.
“Last but not least is the greatest item of the day. This mysterious item is powered by Aura so that only supers can use it!” –Announcer
With that he pulled out a device that even made Nick drool as it was so intricately made that he knew he must have it regardless of what it does!
“But what does it do?” –Random noob
“Hah! If you cannot even tell what it does, then you don’t deserve to have it!” –Announcer
Of course that is a simple bluff that announcers often make to cause an items value to go up, but these were super smart supers thus no one was buying that.
“It’s clearly an item that uses Aura to detect another type of energy and… magnify it? But what is this other energy and what is the purpose!” –Smart noob
Nick being smarter than most didn’t want its value to raise so he definitely didn’t want the announcer to say what it did.
“$100,000!” –Nick
“What? Why would someone bid so much money for an item they don’t even know what it does?” –Random noob
“Fuck this, you can’t take this from me! $150,000!” –Smart noob
“$500,000!” –Nick
More money than he can spend coupled with an item he must have caused Nick to simply overbid by large amounts.
“Pfft! You think you can bully me just because you have a little cash? No way! $1 million!” –Smart noob
“Eat shit and die! This item is mine! $5 million!” –Nick
With that the crowd went into an uproar and even the smart noob got quiet and started to sulk.
“Going once! Going twice! Sold to... Hey is that Nick Cage? Hah! Sold to Nick Cage!” –Announcer
This made the crowd get really loud. Not caring Nick wires the money and grabs the item throwing it into his ring. He then growled at all the people near him and quickly flew out of Akibahara. With a smile on his face Nick flew to the Kyoto Brighton Hotel to rent the penthouse suite so he would have some peace and quiet while he goes over his spoils and waits the new day to start his plan!
Thanks for all the support given to my super rough draft project. In case anyone wandering this story is written this way on purpose as this is the fastest way to write a story and push it out. If I were to show instead of tell the chapter lengths would almost double and if the people had full personalities instead of cliché light novel ones then each chapter would be 10k words without any extra story being told! But please tell me everything I am doing wrong so I can improve on my later ventures.
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