《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 1: Chapter 4: Wedding Rush
Author's Corner:
The mature content in this one is less than before but still there. It's more for the plot than anything else, some things need to be said! This chapter is slightly longer than others since it has a little info dump at the start and also about 6 days are in this one chapter so it had to be a little longer. This chapter starts where the last one ended and ends right as the wedding ends which unfortunately makes it a cliffhanger, sorry in advance!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 1: Chapter 4: Wedding Rush
Before everyone splits up and does whatever it is heroes do in those few hours left of afternoon preceding dinner an announcement is made over the PA system.
“Huh, I wonder who that is.” –Nick
“It better not be an old flame coming to steal you away from me as I won’t let that stand!” –Solaria
“Don’t worry love, no such thing exists.” –Nick
Before Nick can console her further, the elevator door opens and out comes a gorgeous woman standing just under 5”8’ with a wide smile on her face.
“Nick!” –Unknown woman
With that yell this woman runs and jumps into Nicks arm before he has a chance to escape, meaning she is faster than even him with his muted 4.0 Aura.
“WAIT! It’s not what you think. This is my mother!” –Nick
“”””WHAT!”””” –Everyone else
“Yes, I saw that my son was getting married and came as fast as I could.” –Andrea
“That sounds all good and all, but how did you get in here?” –Mr. Absolute
“Oh that’s easy, it’s because I’m an undercover superhero that goes by Scarlet Queen. See my card here.” –Scarlet Queen
Name: Scarlet Queen
Type: Super
Build: Superman
Aura: 4.4
Power: Blood/water manipulation
Status: Combatant
Affiliation: Secret
At this time no one notices the ambiguous look on Mr. Absolute’s face. He clearly was asking something else with his question but was completely thrown off balance at the answer nonetheless. Ignoring his current thoughts his face goes back to normal, business as usual.
“Okay, so you see I am getting married, but I feel there is more to that. Why are you coming now? I haven’t seen you since I was like 14!” –Nick
“Well there is a good reason for that, and it is related to the fact that you are getting married so soon after meeting someone.” –Scarlet Queen
“What are you trying to say bitch?” –Solaria
“It has to do with his father. At birth he put a sort of mind control at a genetic level to help him find the perfect mate and imprint on her making it impossible to separate them.” –Scarlet Queen
“Wait, what do you mean mind control at a genetic level. If it affected my brain I would know about this considering my powers. What exactly is my father’s power?” –Nick
“He controls Pheromones to an extremely high level. Not a very common power since it only works on those weaker than him. Of course as a baby you had no Aura so even if you ended up stronger than him it would be too late. He called it making you at man. Basically he made it so you can’t fall in love with anyone who isn’t long living and powerful in their own right and also that you would only find your DNA match once per species which is one of the reasons you never saw me or your brother for that matter once you got to a certain age. It would be highly embarrassing if you imprinted on your own mother, especially since I’m one of the strongest women in the world. Though I find it funny that you did imprint on Thee strongest woman…” –Scarlet Queen
“Wait, that is very confusing… but what does that have to do with Johnny?” –Nick
“Well your imprint doesn’t take the other person into much consideration. They just have to like you and give you an inch, then your power will take the whole mile and seal the deal. Once you have sex with that person you are already imprinted and soul mates, meaning nothing can tear you apart. Since the process did not take into consideration if you were gay or not we just played it safe and stayed away. Now that you are imprinted with a super we can come visit again yay!” –Scarlet Queen
“Wait, so what would have happened if I was gay? Scratch that, I don’t really care since it definitely does not apply to me” –Nick
“I knew you were a hussie trying to steal my man! And this imprint crap is fake! I was in love with him the moment I saw him! His seducing me was very easy at that point.” –Solaria
“Hum… that does somewhat explain the whole seducing part. I mean I love women, but I am never as forward as I was with you. And the whole time I thought you were the one seducing me!” –Nick
“Oh I assure you that the imprint is real and that not only does it require you to get married as quickly as possible, it also requires you to make sure everyone knows about it too!” –Scarlet Queen
“We don’t believe you, prove it wench!” –Solaria
“Easy. How about I propose that we push the wedding off down the line to a later date so that you two can get to know each other better and have a spectacular wedding. Hell if you don’t like each other after that period of time, you can even break it off.” –Scarlet Queen
“No need.” –Nick
“No, that won’t be necessary.” –Solaria
“*LAUGH* it gets better. How about I propose we just cancel the whole thing now since it is clearly fake and you can get engaged much later if you still chose. After all, you have only known each other for a few days!” –Scarlet Queen
“No, absolutely not!” –Nick
“I rest my case.” –Scarlet Queen
With that said silence reigned in the room as everyone digested what was just said and demonstrated. Eventually logic prevailed and the silence was broken.
“Okay before we got any further I just have two questions for you mother.”
I’ll get her this time, surface thoughts are my domain, no one can stop me from gaining knowledge! –Nick
“Can you tell us who my father is?” –Nick
“No.” –Scarlet Queen
Because you already know my son.
“Second question! What are the full extent of his powers” –Nick
“That’s a state secret my dear, I can’t spill that information.” –Scarlet Queen
After all, it’s not known that his true powers are the control of pheromones, he is said to just have high Charisma which makes those near him do what he wants naturally. And with a 4.8 Aura no one can stop that anyways, no need to complicate things.
FUCK! It was obviously right in front of me the whole time. Clearly my subconscious knew the answer and I just ignored it. There is only one person in the world with powers like that, and he is my namesake! The Actor and Super Nicholas Cage! NOOOOOOOO. –Nick
“Fuck!” –Nick
“What’s wrong honey?” –Solaria
“It’s my father… I’d rather not talk about it.” –Nick
“Anyways no time for that, we have a wedding to plan! Don’t you have some work to do son?” –Scarlet Queen
“As a matter of fact I do, I’ll be in my room until I finish, don’t wait up for me to eat or anything! Oh and you can talk to my computer to find out where the bad guys are during your breaks or whatever.” –Nick
“By the way, when will the wedding be? Saying a week is very vague, and that was Monday but since you met on Saturday Night/Sunday Morning, when does the week start?” –Barb
“Don’t worry dear, you will be part of the planning process, come with us and we will make sure everything is perfect!” –Scarlet Queen
And with that Nick went into a hole and the 3 super chicks went and did stuff that men have no business ever being a part of.
“Fuck, next time pass me some popcorn. I always wondered why you kept so much but now I want some too! And a spare lawn chair! How come you get to chill and have all the fun?” –Porter
“It’s because I have everything I need for absolutely every occasion.” –Mr. Absolute
3 days! It took me 3 days to make another suit like mine to suit Solaria! And like mine I made it so parts could extend or retract. In full mode mine comes with gloves and boots but in casual or underneath my clothes mode it ends at the shoulders and above the knees so no one can see that I am wearing it. They are also very easy to clean with just a little use of Aura meaning they never have to be taken off. And with the love patches all the important parts come off at will, allowing for the sex to happen! I’m so glad supers don’t have to shit and piss. *SHUDDERS* Unlike mine I made Solaria’s compact mode a leotard with a huge ass cutoff in the back and a medium sized one in the front to make sure her assets are shown nicely. It’s main color scheme is red with flames in all the colors she can manage as the other color schemes. My greatest master piece is finally done. With this mai waifu will be able to produce flames with an Aura rating of 9.0. Surely now she can use the legendary black flame! Now time to check on the girls to make sure to didn’t miss anything. –Nick
‘Hey girls did I miss any updates?’ –Nick
‘No daddy, it seems Ted has gone deep underground and Vlad never stays anywhere long enough to capture. But we are sure we will have him soon. Oh and tell mom and grandma that we all agree that the dress and location is a good choice!’ –Sally
‘Wait, they only used you for wedding advice? I thought I told them to use you to find the bad guys!’ –Nick
‘Don’t worry daddy, we gave great wedding advice, right girls?’ –Emily
‘Pfft, only shotgun or chainsaw weddings appeal to me. I wasn’t involved.’ –Gabriela
‘I watched, but was bored quick so kept quiet mostly.’ –Sarah
‘I made sure the positions were sound in case of attack. No one shall hurt our family!’ –Yasmine
‘Daddy doesn’t love me. I hate you daddy!’ –Yuki
‘Daddy doesn’t love you? No one loves me, I’m going to just go into a hole and die... or wait for everyone else to die.’ –Jade
‘Okay, where are the girls now? I need to present Solaria her new outfit.’ –Nick
‘I informed them of your “awake” status so they should be arriving very soon.’ –Sally
“Honey, I’m back!” –Solaria
“Hey love… and mother. Where is Barb?” –Nick
“We are done so she is off doing whatever she does in her free time. Probably swinging that big axe of hers.” –Scarlet Queen
“Okay I got great news. Here is your new suit Solaria. With it your flames will be the hottest and not even pesky water users will be able to stop you!” –Nick
“Yay!!!!” –Solaria
“Hey no need to call us pesky!” –Scarlet Queen
With that Solaria grabs the new suit and quickly puts it on. Of course putting on a show for her beloved at the same time, much to the chagrin of a certain scarlet haired mother.
“Son, close your mouth when you drool, it is disgusting!” –Scarlet Queen
“So sexy… *DROOLS*” –Nick
“Hey, what are these internal controls for? I see one near my chest and one near my crotch.” –Solaria
Of course without waiting she activated the hidden controls meant to allow her beauties free. Cause Nick to lose all sanity and reason.
“Mother, we are going to need a few… hours or so. Please leave us.” –Nick
And faster than someone with an Aura stat of 4.0 could possibly move. Nick rushed in, grabbed Solaria like a caveman to his woman and rushed to their shared room where he used his own internal control on his own suit to even the odds so to speak. Solaria sees this and the shock on her face turns into awe and then come hither. Since it has been awhile since they were intimate they both were willing and ready and neither cared about foreplay.
Seeing the look in her eyes, Nick tosses the partially nude goddess on to the bed and mounts her. With a giggle Solaria grabs him by the neck and forces him to kiss her. The kiss is hungry and wild with tongues and lips going all over the place. Neither one can contain themselves in their own debauchery. Seeing that Solaria wants more than just a kiss and is seemingly ready for more as well noted by her hands grabbing his engorged member and moving it to the promised land, he obliges and shoves all 12 inches of his monstrosity inside of her without giving any quarter!
Eventually every position was used dozens of times and with a satisfied look on Nick’s face and a still blushing one on Solaria’s they finally exit their room to see the Scarlet Queen with a cup of coffee and a tablet sitting on the couch clearly waiting for them to finish.
“Oh and before I forget. When exactly is the wedding? It has to be close to the weekend by now. I only remember 3 days of work but that doesn’t mean only 3 days passed by.” –Nick
“Well it was Thursday when you finished Solaria’s suit. But now it is Sunday morning at 7:00am and the wedding is at noon today.” –Scarlet Queen
“”WHAT!”” –Nick, Solaria
“And now that I am traumatized for life, it is time to grab Solaria and get ready. You and the guys will have to meet up at Times Square no later than 11:30am.” -Scarlet Queen
“How did you… never mind, of course you would choose Times Square for the wedding, it has to be public after all *SIGH*.” –Nick
After an extremely large breakfast, being it nearly a week since Nick has eaten anything and even then only a normal sized breakfast, Nick gathered Porter and Mr. Absolute and told them the plan. They were going to wait until exactly 11:30am and teleport right to Times Square in their superhero suits like the motherfucking bosses that they are.
Sure they could have worn tuxes like at normal weddings but this was a superhero wedding meaning the only people in attendance will be supers and all of them will be in costume with the exception of the women as part of the wedding. No one knows/cares what they will be wearing. Eventually 11:30am came around.
“It’s time, gather around.” –Porter
Landing on Times Square and at perfect time they all got into positions and waited for the boring parts to finish and finally get to the “I do”. Since weddings are extremely boring and no guy would ever narrate one, let’s just say eventually they said “I do” and were pronounced husband and wife. But it wasn’t until shortly after the wedding that things got interesting.
Nick being oblivious to the world and only having eyes for Solaria started to get worried when he noticed her tense up and start to produce the bare minimal amount of flames.
“Love, what’s going on? Why the tenseness and fire?” –Nick
Not waiting for a response he looked at where she was focused and saw someone he did not expect to see. And though he could not figure out why Solaria was tense around this person he still stood up for him.
“Johnny! So glad you could make it. Hey Solaria this is just my brother Johnny, no need for you to be so hostile.” –Nick
It took Solaria a second but eventually she snapped out of it. It took her a second since her body was screaming enemy, but since things are always weird around Nick she ignored it and then started to smile prettily.
“Nick! So good to finally see you again. Mother said I could finally visit and not have to stay away. I was getting worried that you would never find a mate seeing how long it took! Hell I already have 4 kids myself!” –Johnny
At this announcement the nearby patrons started paying attention to the tall handsome guy not wearing a costume. After all, he is the only person in the vicinity wearing a tux which is very weird since he is clearly a super, maybe he is just unknown? Only time will tell.
“So what brings you here alone? Surely you married a super too and where are the kids?” –Nick
“I felt it wasn’t safe for them since none of them are 18 yet and thus have no Aura to protect themselves. I came to protect my baby brother. I hear you got some impressive baddies after you. And what is with your pathetic Aura? It feels like it barely reaches a 4.0, surely you aren’t this weak!” –Johnny
“That’s not important right now. But how are you going to protect me? My whole team is here you know. Also what is your power?” –Nick
“My power isn’t important, but I got dads insane Aura so I’m pretty invincible at a 4.9.” –Johnny
As if Johnny’s appearance was a catalyst, all hell soon broke lose as Nick found himself plastered in a nearby skyscraper as someone small and white came at him too fast to react… Well too fast for him to react at his current speed which he was not going to exceed no matter what!
“HAHAHAHAHA, I just love crashing weddings. Curious though, I thought Techie’s replacement would also be weak, that attack should have killed him yet he isn’t even the slightest injured. Oh well, no one here is strong enough to beat me so I’ll just be taking the wifey hostage!” –Vlad
With that Vlad reached out and grabbed Solaria by the arm with a vicious smile on his face. Now had this been a week ago he could have ran away or teleported or whatever he does to get away and life would be good. Unfortunately the new Solaria is slightly different than before.
In a fit of rage Solaria lights up a brilliant blue flame causing everything near her to roast quickly. Fortunately she is on the stage and the only one near her was Nick and since his face is currently plastered in a wall, the only person near her is Vlad. Too bad for Vlad, as his arm just got burnt to a crisp right before his eyes.
“How is this possible? Even turning your flames blue should not make them hot enough to burn me! What is going on?” –Vlad
Being too pissed off to say anything she just starts shooting random and not even concentrated blasts in Vlad’s direction. Fortunately for Vlad else he may have lost his life instantly otherwise.
“Either way, your flames may be hotter but you are still not fast enough to kill me. Look, my arm is already back! I guess I will just have to kill your guests to get my revenge!” –Vlad
Like a typical villain Vlad spouts his whole plan out loud for the whole world to see. Literally, since this wedding is being broadcasted to the whole world as it’s not every day the strongest woman alive gets married.
Not caring about Solaria, or rather, being too scared of her to do or say anything, Johnny ran to his brother to get his head out of the wall so he could wake up and get useful. Fortunately he was just playing possum since it wouldn’t make sense if he stood up instantly after all. And he knew his wife was more than enough to take care of Vlad since he is the weaker of the two. He was simply waiting to see if Ted would show up as it was inevitable after all.
Eventually while everyone is focused on Vlad dancing around Solaria Ted shows up and rushes Nick and Johnny. Seeing what he was waiting for Nick acts.
“Finally it’s my turn!” –Nick
‘Ted has shown himself, attack now as planned. And don’t get distracted this time Mr. Absolute, you absolutely can’t let him out of your Absolute zone!’ –Nick
Fortunately Nick left Johnny out of the link so as not to confuse him. Unfortunately he freaked out when he was Ted and ended up swatted away like a fly confirming Nick’s fears that Ted was indeed gaining power from all the werewolves in the entire world as the only one who should be able to swat his brother away like that is Mr. Absolute and he is currently busy keeping Vlad together, which by the way he is doing a good job as Vlad is already in his zone. Unfortunately Solaria is still too pissed off to follow the plan and can’t focus her fire long enough to kill him.
But this time Nick is prepared for Ted and as he gets close Barb jumps in front of him with her huge axe looking pretty in her bridesmaid outfit which somehow seemed to distract Ted more than anything else ironically. Nick fortunately is immune to her charms and acts.
‘Porter I’m going to lock his movements with telekinesis, get him to the confinement chamber on my mark.’ –Nick
‘Roger that.’ –Porter
‘NOW!’ –Nick
And with the drool still on his face he doesn’t even notice Porter come near or the fact that he couldn’t move even if he wanted to. Barb really just looks that good. In a flash of light Porter disappears and a second later reappears.
‘The room Techie made will put him to sleep as well but with what you are saying about his powers, he will only be restrained for an hour so that is how long we have to kill him.’ –Porter
Nick hears Porter and notices Vlad still evading Solaria. Shaking his head he comes up with a plan
‘Okay then, we need to wrap this up. SOLARIA WAKE UP!’ –Nick
‘Huh?’ –Solaria
Dazed Solaria sees Vlad in front of her taunting her weakness while Mr. Absolute does his job and keeps him in place.
‘Solaria love, it’s time for you to end Vlad like you promised, no more playing around.’ –Nick
‘Okay, I have been saving up this move just for the job, oh and Mr. Absolute you may want to back up just a teensy weensy.’ –Solaria
With that said an ominous feeling came around the area causing Mr. Absolute to instinctively flee to the max distance and still maintain his zone. Fortunately he was warned ahead of time because what happened next might have caused him serious harm if he didn’t actively use his zone to ward it off. For the ground under Vlad opened up and started to spew out black flame. Yes the legendary black flame which can only be summoned from the abyss! Using the full might of her 9.0 Aura she fully controlled this black flame to attack Vlad. Not being a slouch, Vlad felt the same aura as Mr. Absolute and instantly turned into mist hoping to flee the moment Mr. Absolute got too far away, as with this feeling it was an inevitability. Too bad for him, black flame does not extinguish and the moment it hits its target, it consumes it. As soon as Mr. Absolute saw the fire touch the mist known as Vlad, he ran the fuck away so fast that you might have thought he was scared. That is if he didn’t run towards Nick to *cough* make sure he was okay. Having been touched by the flame, Vlad feel immense pain even in mist form which shouldn’t feel pain. With a ray of hope in his invisible eyes he noticed he was no longer constrained and started to fly up to get away from the fire. Too bad for him black flame doesn’t relent and the full might of it slowly crept throughout his whole body turning his mist into ash. Now this took a long time to explain but with Vlad moving at Aura 5.0 speed along with Mr. Absolute and the flame moving at 9.0, this all happened in less time than it takes for a stick of incense to burn.
Seeing they are still on the clock Nick runs towards Solaria motioning for his teammates to do the same. Oddly enough he noticed something shiny where the ashes of Vlad were, so he picked it up and put it in his pocket to review later. It must be noted that black flames only burn living things thus the object was left untouched.
“Great job Solaria, you finally killed that son of a bitch!” –Nick
Hearing this Solaria beams and jumps in Nicks arm to start making out with him.
“No time, we must get to the containment unit as time is running out on our hour limit and I have some tools I want to test on the mangy mutt.” –Nick
“Gather up!” –Porter
Meanwhile the guests including Johnny and his mother as well as the rest of the world watching on tv all have wtf looks on their faces. This broadcast went viral and was dubbed the wedding from hell since the bride summoned fires straight from the abyss to kill a vampire of all things!
Oh and in case any grammar nazi's are out there wondering about the use of the word axe instead of ax. In this universe the word ax never got any ground since it is stupid and the English were right all along!
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