《Rise (A superhero serial)》Rise Lore - 1


Infamous Villains

Henry Conwirth aka Dogma:

Henry was born to a heavily Christian family in Texas he went to church every Sunday always sat in the front pews went to bible camp and all that jazz.

When Henry was 12 years old his school took him on a field trip to Houston while their Henry, who was always easily distracted wandered off from the rest of the party and was ambushed by a group of serial paedophiles. They kidnapped him and over the next few years he was subjected to torture both psychological and physical. Three years after his kidnapping Henry Conwirth manifested the ability to make anyone who hears a direct command from him obey. We know now that the first act that Henry did was force all of his captors to sodomise and then kill themselves.

Over the next twenty years Dogma would go on to create a cult like nation spanning the entirety of the state of Texas, many invasions have been made to free the people he keeps under his thumb, all have failed.

To this day the only reason that the Holy Theocracy of Texas doesn’t rule all of North America is because of their monarch and deity has no wish to expand his territory and is content to stay with his play things.

Henry Conwirth is most well-known for his cruel tyrannical behaviour and a fondness for cowboy hats.

The Collective:

The Collective was a villain with the ability to overthrow the consciousness of and possess any individual within its line of sight.

It first appeared in Cairo, Egypt and quickly subsumed the entirety of the city and some of the surrounding areas.

The situation was finally resolved after the UN nuked the shit out Cairo

The Butcher aka Johannes Van Beerban:

Johannes Van Beerban was a butcher who resided in Amsterdam, he manifested after the death of his daughter and that very same day the men who were suspected of her murder were found partially eaten.


The next day they found the judge who acquitted them with both his legs and one of his arms gnawed off.

Then it was the lawyers, then the jury.

Within a week anyone with anything to do with the crime was dead and eaten. That was when Johannes moved on to normal people. His power was the ability to gain permanent physical enhancements from consuming organic matter.

By the time the police and heroes of Holland tracked him down he was already too powerful for them to stop. He still to this day travels around Europe eating a few people at a time.

He may look fat and jolly but looks can deceive for this Santa won’t eat your milk and cookies, he’ll eat you.

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