《Rise (A superhero serial)》Interlude 1 - Ultra


“John! Wake up you lazy bastard we got a call!” A shrill voice sounded from somewhere nearby I rolled over, desperate for a few more minutes of sleep.

“Oh no you don’t.” Small hands grabbed me and began to shake me awake. “Some new vigilante tried taking down a new Bandidos Sangrientos slave ring and ended up in a super fight with The Little Blood, so we’re being called out.” I was awake before she could say anymore, sitting up so suddenly I almost head-butted the mousy face looming over me.

Her name was Sarah, but she was better known as Glitch, and her along with me and Harold, (the holder of the before mentioned whiny voice) made up the main part of the BCH, or the Brisbane City Heroes.

I put on my costume and walked into the main headquarters of the BCH and was met with a cacophony of noise. It was like an anthill that had been kicked over, clerks and police frantically running all over the place trying to get this form or that signed and made ready before the fight was done, none of that was my concern however, my job was getting on scene and kicking ass.

I walked up to the closest officer, a young name by the name of Bernard. He was new and always eager to please.

I looked down on him, you tend to do that often when you tower over 6 feet.

“Briefing.” I grunted out. Every hero was required to be briefed on the situation before going into it, it had saved my life many times.

“Current version is that a vigilante with unknown powers runs in trying to play hero and starts duking it out with the big boys. Fight hasn’t spilt over onto the street, yet but we think it is only a matter of time. So your job is to get in there, stop the fight, apprehend The Little Blood. In that order.”


Good The Little Blood was no pushover and I was itching to get another go at him after last time.

I soared through the air, arms to my sides and feet together I was akin to a missile. The people new me best as the hero Ultra, a man with flight, super strength and durability. A pretty generic hero all said and done but I could still kick some ass, and that was all that mattered.

“Dispatch, Ultra is approaching the scene now please standby.”

“Roger that Ultra, dispatch is standing by.”

I flew into the area and was met by a veritable hoard of scantily clad young women. Well this wasn’t how I expected my day to go. I flew done and they practically swarmed me, it was now I realised they weren’t just the average super fight spectator, but the girls the Bandidos Sangrientos had kidnapped.

“Please, I wanna go home.”

“Help us!”

They cried various things at me as I searched the scene, the building we were in front of was three stories, grimy and the kind of place you don’t want to go to after dark, much like the rest of this part of the city.

“Calm down please, the police are on the way they will take you home to your families and get your statements, but for now please, is heir anything you could tell me about what is going on here?” It was the best I could do, I was never one for speeches and I really did need more information before I ran in there blind.

In the next few seconds the girls blasted me with all their knowledge of the situation even the fact that the masked vigilante had tracked an engaged The Little Blood on the top floor.


“Thank you, the police will be here soon and they will take you all home.” And with that I flew off, could I have done more for them? Probably but my job wasn’t to talk people down or be nice, I was a bruiser. My job was to hurt people.

I flew up to the third floor smashing through a window.

The scene i was met with was beyond gruesome, severla people impaled on spikes in each corner of the room, it was another thing that would haunt my dreams at night, but that was for later. Right now, right now i had a job to do.

“Dispatch, we have the kidnapped girls on the outside of the building opposite of the front entrance. And several dead bodies on the top floor” The electronic female voice sounded nigh immediately after.

“Roger that Ultra, first responders are already on the scene.” Good first responders already there, that meant cops and ambulances, what those girls really needed.

I looked around the room and slapped myself after noticing the giant fucking hole in the wall. How did I not notice this earlier! I flew up to it and then looked down on the street and saw to battered bloody bodies.

“Dispatch, this is Ultra. I’ve found them, send ambulances immediately.”

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