《Rise (A superhero serial)》Chapter 10


I took out my burner phone and called the police, I had a feeling I was going to need some backup on this one.

“Hello, this is 000 what’s your emergency?” Came the reply from a distinctly feminine voice.

“I’m going to need both the police and ambulances down at Jimmies Cannery, it is a suspected front for the Bandidos Sangrientos gang and powered gang member La Pequena Sangre, is on the scene.” I reported to the woman on the other side and, after a brief pause she responded.

“The emergency departments have been contacted, please stay where you are and wait for them to arrive.” She said, ha wait, fat fucking chance of that I thought while hanging up and walking around to one of the back windows.

I pressed my mask up close to the glass and peered through.

The interior of the first floor was a dimly lit massive 30 meter by 20 meter chamber, in which stood rows and rows of cages, and in each of these cages sat a girl aged around 18 – 20 years old.

Well not all of the cages were occupied, as when I looked through I could see the guards dragging of 5 girls toward the stairwell up which The Little Blood had just disappeared.

Fuck, I had to get to those girls before he did something to them, I began to see red and was seething with rage having to physically calm myself down. Deep breaths, think rationally. Good. Now, time to plan.

From what I know of The Little Blood’s power he has a range of about 5 meters so if he is on the third floor he can’t effect the fighting on any of the others unless he exposes himself, and since his power doesn’t reinforce his body like mine does, doing that would put him at a disadvantage. So, my plan was to secure the first floor quietly if possible, quickly if not, the purpose of this was to avoid any of the prisoners being caught in a drawn out fight between supers. Then I would eliminate anyone on the second floor while keeping them away from the staircase until the police can evacuate everyone, while also trying to draw out The Little Blood, if not than I would proceed to sweep the third floor for him. The plan may have a few holes but I was never a strategist, I just hoped it didn’t fuck up to bad and get him and everyone else killed.


I waited until no one was in my part of the building before quietly shattering part of the window I was crouched at, I walked in and the first thing that hit me was then smell. It smelt like sweat, blood and despair and the visuals I was getting conveyed pretty much the same thing. The concrete on the ground was cracked and the inside of the cages had a couple newspapers on the bottoms of them. It made me want to simultaneously puke, and kill the guy who was doing this to these people. I would have to settle for his employees.

The first man didn’t even see me coming before I rendered him unconscious with a burst of shockwaves to the head, not enough to break bones, but enough to put someone to sleep and make them wake up with the worst hangover of their lives. The second didn’t see me either, or the third. I had taken out about half of the twenty guards in the room before the captives started realise something was happening, they didn’t speak for fear it would fuck up their chance at escape, but they watched me out of the corner of their eyes with a new expression, one of hope.

The last five guards were sitting at a table watching some Spanish sit com with their backs to me, I hit them with a ranged burst knocking all five out before this is way too fucking easy it thought as I addressed the people still in cages.

“Don’t worry.” I said, trying to be reassuring. “The police will be here soon and get you out of this place and back to your families, I have to keep going, I’m going to make them pay for this.” I growled out the last few words as I walked toward the stairway and into the second floor.

I poked my head out of the stair case and immediately regretted it when about 10 pairs of eyes focused on me in about 2 seconds. That’s when they started drawing their guns and yelling alarms.


I got the first guy before he could draw his pistol and punched him square in the chest, breaking all his ribs and smashing him into the guy behind him fast enough to break even more bones on both of them.

I made it to my third target just before he fired by incorperating a lunge with a controlled explosion, literally rocketing myself forward, using the momentum to punch him in the temple, putting him down for the fight. That was when the shooting started.

I got hit in the chest by a fucking storm of gun fire and, unlike most who would shy away from this I charged into it finishing of the shooters one by one as they slowly realised just who pitiful their bullets were to me.

The Little Blood still hadn’t shown himself I thought, as I moved over the bodies toward the entrance to the third floor. This either meant that he had jumped out the window and ran, which was bad. Or was preparing something for me, which was worse.

When I stepped into the third floor I nearly fainted, it had the same appearance as the first floor, this being of a large open room but unlike the first floor this room had no cages, but what it did have made me wish it did.

In each corner of the room was a massive spike about 4m long reaching near to the room’s ceiling, and on each spike was one of the girls. Stripped naked, their makeup long since washed away by both tears and blood. They had a spike entering them just above the tail bone and coming out of their mouths. And sitting in the centre of it all in a throne made of stone was The Little Blood, with the fifth and final girls sitting on his lap sobbing quietly.

He was short and currently devoid of any clothing save his boxer shorts, with tanned skin and piercing green eyes. But his most distinctive feature was the mad smile currently plastered on his face.

“If it isn’t the infamous masked man finally coming out to play.” He said mockingly. “I must apologise though as you can see I already started the game a little early.” He said gesturing to the girls impaled around him.

I took an unconscious step closer as flame began to billow around me, the concrete I was walking on stared to glow red.

“Ah ah ah”, he said as he pointed a newly made stone dagger to the girls throat. “You see my masked friend, you obviously don’t know the rules of the game what with you going around and fucking things up like you own the place. There are repercussions for you actions and I intend to show you, intimately. What these repercussions are, starting with this” he said as he pierced the underside of the girl’s jaw and into her skull.

I exploded in a storm of hellfire.

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