《Rise (A superhero serial)》Chapter 9


I hobbled back into my room at 4:30 am and took of my mask, chucking it onto my desk I shuffled slowly toward the bathroom.

I took a shower and felt a hundred times better after washing off the blood and sweat, I stepped out and basked in the residual heat that the steam provided. I wiped of the fog from the mirror and looked over myself.

I was covered from near head to toe in ping-pong ball sized bruises from the gun shots. I guess it could be a lot worse, I could be you know. Dead. I dried my hair and returned to my room, chucking the hood and jeans I was wearing into the trash. I was going to have to get a proper costume soon because I was very quickly running out of expendable clothes.

I took another ten minutes to check my mask and wash the blood off it. Fuck, I thought as I saw a hole through the forehead and touched my hand to the corresponding bruise. That took me so long to fucking make and it is already fucked, god I hate guns.

I flopped into bed and regretted my decision immediately as pain began to radiate from my bruises, tomorrow I was going to take out their main slave base. Tomorrow night I would do it, and tomorrow night I would be in far more pain.

I woke with a start and checked the time, 11:00am I panicked briefly lamenting at the fact I would have to walk to school again before remembering. It was Saturday.

I took my time getting out of bed, getting dressed and preparing for a long day, I packed a first aid kit, some food and my mask into a bag, put on a hoodie and walked out.


I got about halfway through the living room before my mother accosted me.

“And where are you going?” She asked with a coy smile on her face.

“… Out.” I said sheepishly.

“Out where?”

“Out with friends.” Ha, good idea, mum had always blamed the divorce for my reluctance to make friends but in truth I was just really bad at talking to people. She raised an eyebrow, really mum come on I’m not that bad with people. Okay I guess I am but still.

“That’s good Jethro, I’m happy you’re finally trying to talk to people, you know what I always said, people will like you if you give them a chance” She said as I left for the door. “Ah, you’re forgetting something.” I hobbled up and gave her a hug. “Alright, go have fun.” She said as I shut the door and walked down the stairs and onto the street.

I arrived at the docks about 40 minutes later and looked at “Jimmies Cannery,” even to the untrained eye you could tell this was not just any cannery. What with the two armed guards at the entrance and more patrolling the roof. All carrying assault rifles.

I could see shapes moving through some of its dimly lit windows along its three story sides.

Even with just the guards on the outside this would be a hard nut to crack but I would bet my ass there were more guards on the inside. Coupled with the foot traffic right now meant I wouldn’t be able to storm this thing by day.

I pulled out my regular smart phone, the one I used in civilian guise and texted my mother telling her I would be out late tonight. A reply came shortly after with confirmation and I settled in for what was to be a long night.


Night fell and the number of guards stayed the same, I was waiting for an opening when I saw him.

A smaller man looking to be aged around twenty, covered in tattoos and leanly muscled, his name was Maximillian Garcea, but most people knew him better as La Pequena Sangre or The Little Blood.

He was one of the powered lieutenants of the Sangrientos and from what I remember was a Geokinetic, a super with the ability to control mineral elements up to a point. He said something in Spanish to the guards and walked into the building.

The two guards lingered for a little while longer before saying “You heard the boss, said he wanted to sample the produce before shipping tomorrow, so common that’s go pick out a few choice cuts for him.” The said laughing before walking into the building.

Okay, if there was any time to do this it was now, no guards at the gates and the girls being moved tomorrow meant it was do or die. And I had no intention of dying tonight.

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