《Rise (A superhero serial)》Chapter 3


The door swung open to reveal a tiled interior. I didn’t pay it much mind as I powered through to my room. It was small enough room for my bed and desk but not much else.

I quickly changed out of my school clothes and walk over to my desk I sit down and start meditating. I had taken to doing this a couple of days ago to help and control my power, and it was actually working a lot. I’d recently been able to control when I use my flames and I have a moniker of control over how hot they burn and with how much force they explode outward.

I open my eyes and to my surprise a few hours have passed. I check the time on my phone and it is 5’o clock, my mother would be home in a couple of hours so I had a shower and started cooking.

Dad had left us when I was five. That was 11 years ago, so for 11 years it had just been me and mum. She worked late so that we had enough money to stay here and to keep me in school. I still feel like a massive burden but ever since I started cooking and doing all the housework about 5 years ago it isn’t as bad.

I put the food on a simmer and head back to my room and check on my most recent project. An iron mask lays in front of me. I had been crafting it for a couple of weeks now to get it just right. It looked like a gas mask. I had painted it red, and it was finally done and looking equal parts terrifying and badass.

Tonight would be the night I thought. Tonight would be the night I tested my power properly.


You may ask yourself, why would I a kid who is afraid of his own power would want to go out and be a hero? Well, I couldn’t tell you. Maybe it was because I had a good heart, or maybe I just needed to relive the stress of the day. It was probably a bit of both. But ever since powers first surfaced crime had skyrocketed. And I wasn’t going to kid myself into thinking I could stop it alone. But I could help.

I put the mask away for tonight and went back to dinner it was nearly ready and I didn’t want to burn anything.

Tonight. After everyone was asleep I would do it. I would become a hero.

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