《Rise (A superhero serial)》Chapter 1


Fuck no! No, no, no. Not again

I feel my skin begin to heat up as I run to the bathroom. People rush past me through the halls checking their lockers, talking, having fun. God how he envied them, I had always wished to be different, to be special. But now that it had happened I really wasn’t sure what all the fuss was about.

45 years ago the first powered individual appeared in warzone in Sudan, a child soldier who could call up the waters to attack his enemies.

Three days later the next one appeared, than the next, then the next.

People with extraordinary powers have become part of our world now, there are those who try to hide their power, those who try to use it for their own gain, and then, then there are the heroes. Within a few years heroes became superstars, people who could slam through buildings and fight a hundred men without tire. They were simply put, amazing.

And recently I had gained powers as well. Fuck.

I had never stood out of the crowd, was never good at talking to people and never a star athlete. A bit of a loser. Most people like me would jump at the chance to gain a superpower. But personally? I was terrified.

I attended Garden Tower Secondary School, in Brisbane, Australia. It was a large school but not a very prestigious one. It was a high school of the middle class if ever there was one. And it was though that schools very halls I was now rushing

I ran into the senior boy’s toilets and went to the mirror. My usually dark brown eyes had been replaced with a plume of white hot flame and my bronze skin was beginning to burn up.

Calm down. Calm down. I took in several deep breaths to calm my nerves and just like yesterday the fires died down.


I had gained ability to both control particle vibrations and have an extremely durable body, this meant that I could create shock waves, which was surprisingly easy or as my ability was beginning to manifest itself as, ignite particles in the air. The force and range of the vibrations could be altered consciously and not have to worry about any of the damage hurting myself, but doing that would come after I could manage to do it on call. Last night it took me hours to calm down enough to put out the fire inside, I nearly burned down my building! Right now it was brought on by stress triggers. And it was just my luck that the cause of most of my stress was right here at school.

That was right when the door to the cubicle I was in was kicked open.

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