《Beyond》Chapter 21



After we left Marineford, I let Ace out of the space dimension. He looked around and at us ready for battle, I didn’t ask nor explain myself I just threw him the newspaper. I signed for him to read it, after reading just the headline he fell on his knees with the newspaper before him and started to cry.

He kept on reading learning of his death and Luffy disappearance, he looked at me with both hate and confusion visible in his eyes. I didn’t explain my self to him and just threw him a face mask and told him

Amon: if you want to live longer or see Luffy again, you must wear this mask and live undercover for now.

I said nothing else till we got to Wano and introduced him as someone am taking care of,I gave I’m one last warning not to interfere if the Oden’s were to come seek help.


The Strawhats set sail for Fishman Island and their journey will go even better than before, they defeated Hody and his new fishman pirates. We on the other hand did do much, all we did is spread a rumor to the Blackbeard Pirates, the world government and the inner cycle of the celestial dragons.

I created five samurais and made them go into the world, they spread this story like a virus

Samurai: in my country, they say a devil tree appeared.

Random person: what’s a Devil tree?

Samurai: the people who has never gone out side of the country call it the god tree, the devil tree is a tree that grows a key devil fruit. This devil fruit has appeared two time before and was eating the second time by the Kozuki clan’s head Oden Kozuki, but a while back Oden was killed by a very powerful pirate wo was after the fruit, the name of this pirate is Kaido.

With his name the person got shocked.

Samurai: as you know Kaido has no devil fruit ability, if you think about why he’s called a beast it’s mostly because of his unequal vitality. Now the reason why the devil is call a key devil fruit is because it grants the one who eats it an ability that pass them, this is proven by the first and second people who at it. The first a swordsmen and second a stones men, for the rest information you’ll have to go to Wano. The fruit will appear in two months time in Wano and this is the reason for me escaping the country.

The random guy looked amazed and the new spread like this to the marines and pirates.

Blackbeard: it must be fake, but wano is a little interesting so will go. If it does turn out to be true, we steal it just Kaido will be the problem. Giagagagaga


The world government thought it was a trap, so they kept their eyes on Wano but did not interfere. I guess I’ll have to take the war to the holy land, i wrote to them that on the day of the Reverie, I’ll start the war. But they thought I’ll attack the new marine headcount, silly old guys.

So the Promis day arrived and the Strawhats came to Wano, they came separately. They first fought with a few of Kaido’s men and one of the worst generation Basil and rescued Killer,kid and Apoo.

When dey finally met up after causing so much trouble Kaido arrived on Wano, men is he huge, shortly after Big mom came to Wano too. I don’t really know why, but this two seem to be allies. Anyway’s before The war between 4 of the worst generation and Yonko started we made our way to holy land, when the elders heard of this,their assemble the Marine main powers and prepared for an all at war.

We reached the Red line and left the ship in the docks and continued on the motorcycle, the top 30 marine officials are no jock. The opponents were Akainu,Kong,Sengoku,Kizaru,Fujitora, green bull,Garp,Tsuru, the seven new vice Admirals and the former vice Admirals, in all they are 37 of the marines top powers.

I continued driving and left them to my crew mates

Jack: this new faces are in no way weaker than the Admirals

Iris: does it really matter?

Jack: nope

Dave: alright, everyone pick your opponents

Keren: seems we don’t have to

Sam: they’re already changing

Emily: it’s going be my first all out fight

Hana: that’s for all of ours

Dave: move out

They are spread out in all directions and took their opponents with them.

Dave: we meet again Sengoku san and Garp san.

Female vice Admiral: don’t look down on us, less you regret it

Dave: I’m not looking down on you three, it’s just I don’t know your names.

2 female Admiral: a dead man doesn’t need to know

Sora POV

This guys are not so bright, two giants, Akainu and a vice Admiral the level of an Admiral.

Sora: it’s been a while fleet Admiral and new faces

Akainu: you dear to attack here, huh you pirates will not leave here alive.

He threw a lava fist at me,I dodged to the side and it hit my ride.

Sora: now you’ve done it

I spread my wings and my tail appeared as well, I attacked him with extreme speed and almost got hit to the ground by one of the giants.

Red giant: raging wave

He cut at me with his axe, I got annoyed from his interference and transformed into a white dragon the size of dorry. I attacked them with my breath attack which is the wind and fire elements, the fire was so strong that it melted the whole stone surface they were standing.


Akainu merged with the lava and became just as huge as a giant, since the others couldn’t stand on the ground, they used geppo and attacked me from the sky while Akainu attacked from the ground.

Akainu: it not like it was 2 years ago, justice shall win. GIANT MAGMA FIST


Vice Admiral: Mountain Croucher

Sora: annoying pests, AWAKING FORM

I got angry from their nonstop annoying attacks and took my awaken form. My awaking form is truly devastating, it’s a white dragon the size of Marineford and the height of 10 dorry. With 8 golden sky piercing horns, 2 huge diamond horn like crystal on each shoulders and a bigger one in the middle of the chest. There is a huge magic cycle like thing above it’s head and devastating wind everywhere, compared to me the huge Akainu and giants looked like ants(the vice admiral can’t be seen.

Sora: go to hell, DRAGON BREATH

With that a HUGE tornado sent flying and the part of the red line they where disappeared. The aftermath is a devastating typhoon, I hope the ship is okay. The civilians on my part of the red line all died and 1/4 of the island on the south blue See disappeared. Akainu and the others are seriously injured, since the captain ordered not to kill them i just injured badly and paralyzed them for now.

Sora: i Wonder how the others are doing, should I go help?. Nah, they’ll be fine.

Keren POV

Fujitora: seems fate is not on our side

Momonga: what are you talking about admiral?

Fujitora: never mind, let’s just do all we can.

Fujitora for an opponent is fine, but the others are too weak. If we were to have a strength ranking system in our crew, I’d be the third strongest. The captain’s strength is a mystery and Dave using his Awaken form will be a bit too much for me, behind me are Jack and Sora. Then come Iris, Sam, Hana and Emily, the reason Hana is weak is cause she focuses more on cooking and Emily is just too lazy to train.

Now then, my opponents are Fujitora, Momonga,Gion and Comil. See why I said they are weak, the marines have gotten stronger, but they are still not our match.

I drew my sword and instantly moved beside Comil

Keren: The Art of killing first technique, night

Comil: SHAVE

I guess it was to fast for him to see, his lower body disappeared and reappeared behind Fujitora. We were ordered not to kill Akainu,Fujitora, Garp and the like, but if they were too weak we should kill them. That idiot plans to die in this assault, we couldn’t convince him otherwise. He says the king of the pirates means the strongest and free, so he wishes we can leave a good life after his death.

Keren: sigh......

Fujitora: don’t let your guard down

Keren: brace yourselves, nightmare

20 sword slash attacked them, Gion and Momonga used shave to appear at my sides and Fujitora attacked with a meteoroid shower

Keren: too bad, windless night

With that technique, everything was over. I cut them with 50% of my strength, Momonga and Gion were instantly knocked unconscious while Fujitora was laying on the ground seriously wounded and unable to move. I did damage a thing in the area and just walked away to the ship.

The others fight ended as well and dey came back to the ship, all that’s remaining is the announcement of the captain’s death.

Amon POV

I didn’t want to waste my time and went straight into the building and The five Elders appeared before me

Amon: well let’s begin gentle men

I drew my sword and attacked the sword wielding elder, we exchanged a few blows before the other four joined in. We fought for 3 hours straight before knocked them unconscious, it’s hard to pretend you are weak. Even in my seal state i can kill god much less these people, I walked into the room where the aura of the son of heaven was coming from and I met him yes, the man called Im. I pretend to attack with all my power, the attack was at most admiral level. He deflected it with ease, if I compeer him with my crew mates, he will be at most Sora and Jack level at full power.

He sent a bright attack at me, knowing the attack will do nothing to my real body, I made a clone with a normal human physic and it evaporated in the attack.

My crew seeing the light from outside set sail immediately and the world government put bounties higher than the Yonkos and their crew added together on their heads. Lucky I made that appearance changing machine with Sora for them, they changed their appearance and the outer appearance of the ship and continued to sail the world. Luffy and the others have new challenges ahead of them with my crew around.

I left the one piece world after seeing my crew doing so well.

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