《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》8: Experimentation



John walked into a room and sat down, he focused as hard as he could on the voice for 5 whole minutes.


He tried waving his hands around to open a menu.


He tried saying keywords that'd make sense given the context.



"View status"

"Open status..."

Still nothing.

John decided that instead of trying to make something appear that he would instead try to recall the image of the progress bar he saw when he killed or levelled up.

He closed his eyes and focused until he could see it clearly, he slowly opened his eyes and there it was.

A blue bar sat in the centre of his vision, half full.

Next john tried to imagine a typical video game window in the style of the bar he, he pictured something as simple as he could whilst focusing hard.

A pure white window popped up with a silhouette of his body inside a window, showing various minor injuries, the window wasn't 1:1 how he imagined but he realised that this system might be based off of the perception of the person using it.

It had felt strange to him that the system began reffering to the green creatures as orcs after he had picked up on it, perhaps a coincidence but john doubted it.

He swiped the first window to reveal a new tab, a screen displaying various numbers and words.

John Maxwell Level 2 Strength 10 Agility 10 Dexterity 10 Perception 10 Vitality 10 Intelligence 10 Fortitude 10 Unspent status points. 2 Unspent skill points. 2

John was shocked at the screen before him but above all confused, if he was to estimate how much stronger he'd gotten in one level he'd say he had doubled in most aspects, putting his original stats around 5.


John looked at the screen before trying something.

"Spend status points, one agility, one strength."

{Strength increased by 1}

{Agility increased by 1}

John had already been considering it but this had proven that where he was operated under the rules of a game.

He checked his status once more to reveal the changes had been reflected.

John Maxwell Level 2 Strength 11 Agility 11 Dexterity 10 Perception 10 Vitality 10 Intelligence 10 Fortitude 10 Unspent status points. 0 Unspent skill points. 2

The reality made john both anxious and excited, but he still had things he wanted to check up including skills which he only had a few guesses about, he had to put that on hold as the door recieved a short, sharp set of knocks.

He went to the door and saw two teachers staring at him, they were carrying all of the food with them as well as the first aid kit and were clearly angry at him.

"We've made the decision that everyone who is able to move is to follow us and evacuate, we'll be searching for a police station and reporting the situation to the authorities. We are going to prepare and then leave once everyone is ready"

John stared at them in disbelief.

"So now we have to leave? You get that this might not even be earth right?"

The teachers looked back, Slightly smug.

"Don't act so childish, there were just some tremors, well be fine if we get to the police."

John rolled his eyes before walking away from the teachers, he walked to cameron, chloe and alex as thomas followed behind.

Chloe smiled and patted john on the back as she saw him again.

Cameron was secretely talking to a group of students, he turned to john.


"We're gonna get out of here with anyone who wants to come with, the injured people are staying here anyway and the teachers are gonna march us straight to death if we dont run."

John nodded and gathered everyone he could and explained, students deciding to leave immediately and running through to the stairwell before the teachers could figure out what happened.

The teachers angrily walked over to the classroom.

"John you cant just walk away from us like that!"

As they came in they found no students inside and hurried to check the other classrooms.

The rest of the teachers helped search as the students hurried down the stairs and out through the exit into the parking lot.

Orcs seemed to be wandering through the lot and weaved between the cars, they turned to face the huge group of students and all howled.

John stared in horror as cameron spoke up.

"There's... dozens... we're gonna have to run to another building."

The group began to run as a small green blur approched, then another, then another.

Dozens of small green objects were approaching quickly, running towards the group, tiny bodies with extremely muscular and powerful legs, pointed ears and noses and a similar green pignent to their skin.

John shouted for everyone to keep running as he threw a spear that hit one of the creatures through the chest.

{Earned 25 exp during battle with Lv. 1 goblin}

He swung his bat and hit another as the bar grew to around 3/4ths filled.

{Earned 25 exp during battle with Lv. 1 goblin}

He grabbed his javelin and continued to run after the others as they reached the other side and went up the stairs, he looked behind him and saw at least a hundred tiny goblins moving towards him faster than he could run. As he ran up the stairs as fast as he could he could hear dozens of them running up the stairs after him.

Chairs were strewn about the stairs and people above were panicking, all the doors he tried were locked as he reached the top floor, dozens of them running up the stairs behind him, he started to panic.

Swinging wildly john hit two of the creatures and knocked them down the stairs as two tackled him and held him down, he couldn't swing as they kicked and punched him aggressively and a third held his bat.

John fought as hard as he could and tried to shake them off, kicking two of the goblins down the stairs he saw the bar fill to completion as his body was hit by the blue light and strange sensation.

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