《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》7: Silver lining.


Silver Lining.

John walked into the room to find the orc already on the floor, beaten with chairs till it had simply died.

John walked over and made sure by piking it through the skull.

"Come with me and get everyone else on this floor, we're going down to the second floor and then the first so that we can reclaim the building."

The students in the room complied and went from room to room, getting out everyone that they could and carefully moving the injured.

John walked back to the classroom and opened to find everyone he had woken up resting and waiting to head downstairs.

John patted cameron on the shoulder as alex ran into the room.

"You guys were ok? I thought you were dead when you got put on the ground john."

John smiled as he looked at the chipper kid and more students flooded in, once everyone had been moved to the room cameron began to speak.

"We should try to move downstairs to the second floor as soon as possible, that way around 2/3 of the people in this building are able to evacuate at the same time and fight if necessary."

Cameron gave the students a few minutes to get ready before opening the door and making the journey down.

As they reached the second floor they were greeted by a group of teachers that had grown from 3 to 7.

"You are all extremely irresponsible!"

"You could have gotten killed!"

"Are those weapons?!"

John and the others were led to a seperate room whilst the injured and the people from the 3rd floor were moved into various rooms.

John had his weapons confiscated, as did alex and cameron, they were confined in the room and locked in.


John decided that a break from fighting was good and that itd give him chance to investigate.

John went to the windows and looked over the forrest with a slightly different angle under the late evening sun, he noticed far more shacks as well as small, green figures moving between the shacks with suprising speed.

John stared, transfixed, he wanted to go outside and see what the creatures were but as he was locked in he couldn't leave.

John layed down and rested, what was supposed to be a few minutes of rest turned into an hour, and eventually he fell asleep.

John awoke to a knock at the door and the turning of keys.

Two teachers walked in and gave the three of them food from a vending machine on the first floor.

John walked straight out of the door, the teachers staring in shock.

They were about to shout before he spoke up.

"This is well beyond your authority, and locking us up isnt exactly safeguarding, you've just made it harder for people we could have helped elsewhere."

The teachers backed off and walked away as the trio walked around, the three of them eventually found their weapons, unfortunately confiscated by the P.E teacher.

"You kids stole my keys to get these? It was a smart idea but the adults should have done it, not you."

John walked by after, lacking a weapon seemed to make him feel vulnerable and he hated it.

"The teachers are treating this light the students are at fault, without help saving people is the best idea."

Cameron spoke up and clenched his fist.

John walked over to where the P.E teacher was and took back the bat and javelin.

"Hey! Put those back!"

John ignored the teacher as he walked off and went straight downstairs.


"Cameron, even if it was mostly luck and stealth i can kill them, i can coordinate a rescue for the people downstairs faster than those bumbling teachers can coordinate one. I just need you two to stay here, more people will just drag us into a head on fight that we can't win."

Cameron shrugged and nodded

"i dont think trying to stop you will help the situation, come straight back if there are more than you feel you can handle."

John nodded and went to the stairwell, walking down the stairs he was careful not to make a sound.

He reached the first floor and could smell orcs.

Heading down the hallway instead of through the exit he saw orcs strewn about everywhere, bloodied corpses that were viciously beaten and brutally dismembered.

There were also plenty of human corpses around too.

"Tried something similar to us and it went sideways...'

John moved from room to room gathering a few students and sending them up, most had either died or ran straight through the exit.

A tall figure approached john from behind and he heard loud footsteps. He turned, javelin in hand and was about to strike when he realised it was a human.

"You're... thomas? Right?"

The tall and muscular kid nodded, his hands were bloodied and his face was clearly irritated but he helped john go from door to door gathering students and taking them upstairs.

As the last batch were sent up john breathed a sigh of relief before heading up himself, followed by thomas.

The sound of chattering and conversations sounded as teachers waited at the top of the stairs for john.

"You are completely irresponsible! You are putting everyone in danger!"

John shook with anger as a teacher berated him.

"At least im doing something! Yeah, we have injured students, yeah, you guys dont think we can fight them off. But there's no reason not to do low risk things like just investigating and helping people out. You people dont have authority in this situation, we're not on school grounds, fuck i dont think we're even on earth, your degrees and training mean nothing now. Think practically to save the most people."

The students seemed to appreciate what he said but the teachers were prepared to rebuff him.

"We're making sure the people who are here right now are safe, once we've done that we will rescue everyone we can."

John walked past the teachers, thomas followed and stayed close.

"Do you need something?"

Thomas looked at john before speaking.

"You were about to stab me right? I figure if i stick with you and your friends things will be easier given how eager you were to pike an orc, plus i can fight."

John thought that the kid sounded cocky but he was well built and looked tough, so he was a commodity.

John headed to another room as a question that he had been pushing back finally became the most important.

"What exactly did levelling up do?"

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